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  1. Clearly you don't know that the reason that the trial didn't take place much earlier is that Trump's legal team kept on filing frivolous motions which were repeatedly denied but were time consuming. And the ridiculous to delay the trial for 3 years is of a piece with that.
  2. I'm pretty sure Clark Kent and Lois Lane were two members of the grand jury in Washington.
  3. Effectively state control? Buriisma had the prosecutor in its pocket. The Chinese company had a government contract? Didn't that company go bankrupt? That's your reasoning? Wasn't the CEO of this company ultimately jailed on corruption charges?
  4. Not at all. You vilified almost 4 million people based on the actions of a few. I just pointed out at the same kind of reasoning could have applied to the Irish back when.
  5. It wasn't the spending it was the tax cuts. Big tax breaks for the wealthy
  6. Just to show you how links work. In this case a link to the landing page of the World Forum where you'll find the rule I quoted. Apparently, you are either unfamiliar with that rule or don't understand it. To put it in a nutshell it means "Put up or..." Share a link that leads to a credible source that backs up your claim that "There are recordings (and public appearances) of Biden committing crimes and confessing to crimes! "
  7. Somebody else needs a reminder that this is not the Fiction Forum: Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source. https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/
  8. So, were Trump to die suddenly, then he's fair game? An interesting reversal on the old saying which yields De mortis nihil nisi malum ([Speak} nothing but ill of the dead)
  9. And what percentage of the almost 4 million Muslims in the UK is that? And wasn't there was a time not long when the same thing could be said of the Irish? Did you make similar generalizations about them?
  10. Do you need me to use words of no more than 2 syllables? Here it goes A person who knows nothing about being an old person doctor tells us what he thinks is wrong with Joe Biden's health.
  11. Are you a penguin whisperer? Maybe you should give these Emperor Penguins advice and tell them be like the Adelies. Tell them to disregard their instincts and start breeding on land instead.
  12. ECU's Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Azhar led the project which identified the advantages of zinc-air batteries, including their environmental friendliness, low cost, and safety. The university's breakthrough involved using new materials like carbon and cheaper minerals to enhance the zinc-air battery's efficiency, power density, and lifespan. The redesigned zinc-air batteries, utilizing abundant resources like zinc and air, offer a reliable energy storage solution, bringing Australia closer to its sustainability goals. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Zinc-Air-Surpasses-Lithium-In-Major-Breakthrough-In-Battery-Tech.html
  13. Sleeper cell society? Maybe you should ask yourself how paranoia works. There are almost 4 million Muslims in the UK. If they were anything like what you believe, the bombs would be going off by now en masse.
  14. Your comments have no answer for the fact that the predictions have been remarkably accurate. Nor, that no one has come up with an explanation that actually predicts as well as does the current theory.
  15. Once again, when you have no specific rebuttal, you resort to unsubstantiated allegations. You previously made a silly comment comparing scientific research to widely shared erroneous beliefs. It doesn't matter what the scientists allegedly believe. If the research rests on earlier research and comes up with results that correspond to reality, that's enough. Let the critics come up with a theory that has better predictive power. So far, they've failed.
  16. The fact is that the models have predicted the outcome remarkably well. So all this other stuff is just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. Even 50-year-old climate models correctly predicted global warming "How much warming we are having today is pretty much right on where models have predicted," says the study's lead author, Zeke Hausfather, a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley... Most of the models accurately predicted recent global surface temperatures, which have risen approximately 0.9°C since 1970. For 10 forecasts, there was no statistically significant difference between their output and historic observations, the team reports today in Geophysical Research Letters. https://www.science.org/content/article/even-50-year-old-climate-models-correctly-predicted-global-warming
  17. Well, that wasn't an issue in France. None of the students had their faces covered. Simples.
  18. Really? In scientific research. Tens of thousands of studies that depend on the findings of previous studies are somehow going to work if those previous studies are false? The only way that works is if there is a deliberate conspiracy. Which is not to be confused with an erroneous belief.
  19. Here's one point from the landing page of The World Forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/ This keeps the World Forum from turning into the Fiction Forum.
  20. Generally the same people who decry that there's any valid case to be made against Trump despite all the evidence. believe that somehow, somewhere, sometime there will be incriminating evidence produces against Biden.
  21. A huge international conspiracy involving tens of thousands of researchers. I wish I could say that who in the world could believe such nonsense? Now I know.
  22. More paranoia from the people who brought us the Stolen Election of 2020.
  23. Well, the thing is there actually is evidence to prove that Middle Aged Grouch's contention is baseless. Biden Is Much More Popular Than Trump Around the World Biden Is Much More Popular Than Trump Around the World https://pro.morningconsult.com/instant-intel/biden-more-popular-than-trump-abroad Biden Scores Higher Approval Abroad Than at Home Majorities in all but one country included in a recent survey have a favorable opinion of the United States, according to the Pew Research Center. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2023-06-27/survey-finds-positive-international-opinion-of-the-u-s-biden
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