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  1. Right wingers are really not happy about how the Biden campaign has jujitsued the Let's Go Brandon meme. "Congratulations. In eight seconds flat you turned ‘cup of joe’ from a cute bit of 20th Century slang into the stuff of nightmares," PJMedia's Stephen Green wrote. https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-roasted-dark-brandon-coffee-mug-campaign-video-max-cringe Apparently this commentator thinks that Let's Go Brandon phrase, which is a euphemistic way of saying "F### Y## Biden, is cute. Anyway, the Fox News article shows how the right is upset that the original phrase, which they rejoiced in, has been weaponized against them.
  2. Given the large contribution of New Zealand's massive dairy industry to greenhouse gas emissions, it will require slashing it's emissions to make a significant difference. Agriculture contributes 50 per cent of our emissions The agriculture sector contributes 50 per cent of Aotearoa New Zealand’s gross emissions. Approximately 94 per cent of our nitrous oxide emissions and around 91 per cent of our biogenic methane emissions are from agriculture. About three-quarters of agricultural emissions are biogenic methane emitted from livestock, followed by nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide emissions from nitrogen fertiliser use make up about 3.9 per cent of agricultural emissions. https://environment.govt.nz/publications/aotearoa-new-zealands-first-emissions-reduction-plan/agriculture/?itid=lk_inline_enhanced-template#:~:text=The agriculture sector contributes 50,methane emissions are from agriculture. Apparently, they are working on that problem: https://archive.ph/Fq2L8 https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-solutions/interactive/2023/new-zealand-cows-burps-methane-tax/
  3. Thaibeachlovers said "for decades". Clearly, he wasn't referring to recent times.
  4. For what it's worth, your silly analogy would more exactly apply to supporters of Trump. This is someone running to be the chief executive of the United States who is running an a platform advocating vengeance.
  5. Given this quote from you... "BTW, given the use of rare minerals in your dream cars, the chance of them replacing simple tech ICEs is IMO a pipe dream." your enlightenment must be of extremely recent date. In my post I noted that reserves of rare earth have been found in the USA and Sweden and the hunt goes on. Also, Tesla says it's next generation of vehicles won't be needing rare earths elements. “As the world transitions to clean energy, the demand for rare earths is really increasing dramatically,” Mr Campbell told the investor day audience. “Not only is going to be hard to meet that demand, but mining rare earths has environmental and health risks.” “We have designed our next drive unit, which uses a permanent magnet motor, to not use any rare earth materials at all.” https://smallcaps.com.au/tesla-eliminate-rare-earths-next-generation-electric-vehicles/
  6. Trump isn’t happy about Biden’s ‘Dark Brandon’ social media post Despite Donald Trump’s penchant for attacking his political rivals on social media, the former president has taken issue with a tweet where Joe Biden is seen sipping coffee from a “Dark Brandon” themed mug. In a court document filed in Washington DC on Monday, Mr Trump’s attorneys complained that Mr Biden is capitalising on the former president’s legal troubles with the meme post. “President Biden has likewise capitalized on the indictment, posting a thinly veiled reference to his administration’s prosecution of President Trump just hours before arraignment,” his attorneys wrote in the filing. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-biden-dark-brandon-protective-order-b2389431.html And here's a link to the offendng meme: https://img.ifunny.co/videos/7ae3de635d9f5453a074e70b11f8630bae66f339886c17acfcfc093216350cb1_1.mp4 The paranoid mind of Donald Trump is a thing and a half to behold. I guess we're not going to get an explanation of how this tiny video relates to the indictments.
  7. Had you read the article you would know that it already is happening. Florida has had to set up a state fund to insure people who can't get private insurance for their homes are turning to a government run insurance scheme. Can lawmakers save the collapsing Florida home insurance market? Florida residents being dropped by private insurance companies turn to state-backed insurer https://www.wuft.org/news/2023/03/07/florida-residents-being-dropped-by-private-insurance-companies-turn-to-state-backed-insurer/
  8. The only reason the Justice Dept was searching at all was that Biden's lawyers immediately notified the Justice Dept when they found documents in his University office. And they notified the jusitce dept again when they found documents at his home. And in both cases they invited the Justice Dept to do its own searches. Do I need to spell out how that compares to the way Trump and his attorneys accommodated the Justice Dept? Another right winger who doesn't understand that it's only willful possession of the unapproved documents that's a crime.
  9. here's a list compiled by Philip Bump of the washington post on August 20, 2019. He confined himself to the top 32 insults Trump uses. Only to the top 32. The expansive, repetitive universe of Trump’s Twitter insults That’s 32 insults applied 1,693 times to 245 different targets. You can see how the targets (colored circles) are categorized; the width of the lines between circles indicates how many times a particular target was the subject of a particular insult. The most common insult-target pairing? “Fake” applied to the media, which Trump has done more than 300 times. https://archive.ph/SeYR1 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/08/20/expansive-repetitive-universe-trumps-twitter-insults/ So from Aug 21, 2019 you don't think he's come up with another308? What makes your stance on this issue particularly funny is this recent claim of yours: "Strawman. I am not a Trump supporter. I have even stated on this very thread that I think he and Pelosi are as bad as each other." It is to laugh. EDIT: And i should have noted that this data comes only from Twitter. Not his speeches.
  10. Cherry-picking much? It only goes to show how far Trump has lowered the level of discourse that you think that repeating such phrases as Fake News over and over again isn't engaging in making childish insults..
  11. Here you go: Five Years, Thousands of Insults: Tracking Trump’s Invective https://archive.ph/ZJX46 https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/26/insider/Trump-twitter-insults-list.html
  12. Previously you claimed that Trump's attorneys would have grounds for appeal on the basis that only Trump was being prosecuted for the offense of willful possession. That falsehood has been conclusively disproved by examples cited. You've got nothing.
  13. You are really unable to differentiate between the fact that willfully withholding such documents is a crime whereas merely being in possession of them is not? That returning the documents to the National Archives upon request by the National Archives is not a crime whereas refusing to return them on request is?
  14. Have you tried Butter is Better. Excellent cinnamon buns and sticky buns. It's very close to Bella Goose.
  15. My mother-in-law has a sure and humane way to make bees go away. She says lots of Buddhist prayers, waves burning joss sticks around, and then applies lots of smoke. And it works! The bees go away. For about 15 minutes
  16. Wasps (vespas) don't make honey.
  17. What you said was most of the rest of the Eurozone. And whle a few bad performances downgrade the performance of the Eurozone on the whole, are most of the remaining members of the Eurozone in a technical recession This is from July of this year No technical recession in euro zone as Eurostat revises up Q1 GDP https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/no-technical-recession-euro-zone-eurostat-revises-up-q1-gdp-2023-07-20/ Euro zone pulls out of dip with higher growth than expected https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/euro-zone-pulls-out-dip-with-higher-growth-than-expected-2023-07-31/
  18. I agree. But that said, given the conspiratorial turn of mind of most Trump supporters, do her comments really make a significant difference?
  19. Just to make the evidence absolutely clear to you: Five Years, Thousands of Insults: Tracking Trump’s Invective https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/26/insider/Trump-twitter-insults-list.html And this list only runs into January of 2021.
  20. Because there's nothing as unconvincing as catching someone in the act?
  21. Trump is trying to temper the distaste the the majority of women and younger people feel for him by claiming that he doesn't support extreme abortion laws but just wants it to be a states rights issue. Good luck with that.
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