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  1. I forgot to ask you...what kind of government cheese was she eating? Given that her child support payments were $20,000 per month, I imagine her mother could afford to feed her genuine French Roquefort. How could the government compete with that?
  2. Really? You don't see how that could affect him? Willful blindness. And please, stop playing the violin. You think this 4 year old girl is pining for attention from Granma and Grampa?
  3. Ya think maybe he's adopted this course because of the stress it might put on his son, who, as a recovering addict, is susceptible to relapse?
  4. Hunter Biden was paying $20,000 per month in child support and now had the payments lowered to $5,000 per month. "The Post was first to report the settlement last week, with a source close to the first son saying Roberts had agreed to a reduced monthly payment of $5,000 from $20,000. Roberts lawyer Clint Lancaster declined to confirm financial details of the settlement, which were not disclosed in the court documents filed Thursday — though Hunter did agree to pay Roberts’ attorney fees and court costs as part of the deal. https://nypost.com/2023/06/29/hunter-biden-reaches-settlement-in-child-support-case-will-provide-art/ The government was providing cheese to a child who was getting monthly support payments of $20,000? Now that is a scandalous waste of government resources.
  5. You're correct. You didn't say that they are increasing their spending. My mistake. But what you did say is only slightly less absurd. "And Americans are spending now, while they still can afford it, because they realize what is on the way" You're claiming that Americans know that hard economic times are ahead so they are spending while they can? Really? When people believe that hard economic times are coming, they won't cut back on their spending? Is that what they teach in the University of Oppositeland?
  6. "And Americans are spending now, while they still can afford it, because they realize what is on the way" Huh? Where did you study economics? At the University of Oppositeland? Did they teach youi there that if people expect hard times ahead, they're going to increase their spending rather than cut back on it? This is laughable.
  7. That's an interesting point you made there. The Republicans should impeach the Biden family? What impeachable offense have they committed? I'm curious to learn more about your very special understanding of the U.S. Constitution.
  8. They're close to having the evidence they need and Jesus is coming any day now.
  9. Here's a video that the desantis people are running on Twitter. When I first saw it, I couldn't believe it since it was so repugnant and looked like an attack on Desantis as much on Trump, though for opposing reasons. But the NY Times ran an article about it and it really does come from Desantis' people. I hope that if Desantis gains the Republican nomination, the Democrats will be legally able to run this.
  10. U.S. attorney defends Hunter Biden probe amid GOP accusations Washington — David Weiss, the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney in Delaware who recently brought criminal charges against Hunter Biden, has spoken out for the first time since reaching a plea deal with the president's son. In a letter sent Friday to House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan, Weiss pushed back against claims that the investigation was impeded. Weiss' letter was written in response to a June 22 correspondence from House Republicans in which they asked for material related to accusations made by IRS agents on the Hunter Biden case who alleged in Congressional testimony that there were irregularities in the investigation and certain retaliatory measures were taken against them. "As the U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware, my charging authority is geographically limited to my home district... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/david-weiss-u-s-attorney-defends-hunter-biden-probe-amid-gop-accusations/ ...If venue for a case lies elsewhere, common Departmental practice is to contact the United States Attorney’s Office for the district in question and determine whether it wants to partner on the case. If not, I may request Special Attorney status from the Attorney General pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 515. Here, I have been assured that, if necessary after the above process, I would be granted § 515 Authority in the District of Columbia, the Central District of California, or any other district where charges could be brought in this matter. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/us-attorney-leading-hunter-biden-probe-breaks-silence-claims-investigation-influenced-by-politics
  11. There's an excellent and thorough article in the New Yorker that explains the many, many issues that made the Titan a potential deathtrap. Makes for horrific reading. I thought the negligence was bad enough before I read the article, but it's far more damning than I imagined. https://www.newyorker.com/news/a-reporter-at-large/the-titan-submersible-was-an-accident-waiting-to-happen If you get blocked by a paywall, use incognito or inPrivate mode to get past it.
  12. Have you considered the issue of density? "density, mass of a unit volume of a material substance." https://www.britannica.com/science/density
  13. Actually, exactly opposite to a banana republic where government is unrestrained by an independent judiciary. The judiciary in such states is only there to ratify whatever decisions a government makes no matter how illegitimate they are.
  14. What better way to show the Democrats have nothing than for Shapley to appear before the Senate finance Committee? Unless of course his testimony is so weak that it needs coddling by the Republicans in the House.
  15. Another shocker! Trump ‘Standing Order’ to Declassify Not Found by DOJ, Intelligence Agency A “standing order” that former President Donald Trump has claimed authorized him to instantly declassify documents removed from the Oval Office could not be found by either the Justice Department or Office of Director of National Intelligence. The disclosure by the agencies was made in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed last August by Bloomberg News, which sued ODNI and the Justice Department’s national security division for a copy of Trump’s so-called standing order — if one existed. Trump insisted that he had such a declassification order after the FBI found top secret materials at his Mar-a-Lago home last year. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-06-29/doj-odni-have-no-record-of-trump-standing-order-to-declassify https://alternative link
  16. Are you claiming that this email is evidence of that? If not, it's irrelevant.
  17. Here's what you wrote originally: "I wish them all the best in integrating into society as a normal citizens. Once they reach the status of acceptance, I would advise them not to hold annual pride marches, not to assault people who misgender them, not to demand special treatment and to be celebrated. Originally, you said that when the day comes that the no longer experience bigotry they should stop protesting, but now you're saying that they should cease immediately." So between the interval that you wrote that first post and the second, did gay people "reach the status of acceptance"? Wow and Halleluiah too! That was fast.
  18. As far as criminality goes,it doesn't matter even if it could be proved that Joe Biden was present and acquiesced in the threat. The fact is he wasn't a government official when the threat was made, so what would be the charge?
  19. Even if he and his father were not just in the same house, but in the same room, so what? If Hunter is sending emails via his computer, that's hardly proof that his father was aware of them.
  20. First off, I've got news for you: Joe Biden was just a private citizen when Hunter Biden made his threat. So what charges could Joseph Biden be prosecuted for? In addition, even if Biden could be charged for something, Hunter Biden was an active addict. You think that's a reason that he would be careful not to implicate anyone else?
  21. It's actually more bizarre than that. They implicitly concede that LGBQT people are discriminated against, but then prospectively offers a preview of what a scolding would look like for what LGBQT folks might do after discrimination is eliminated.
  22. Right. Tony Bobulinski. This the same Tony Bobulinski who claimed that he had incriminating evidence against Joe Biden on his cell phones. Reporters from the Wall St. Journal, owned by Rupert Murdoch, examined the contents of his phones and found nothing that incriminated Joe Biden. Nothing. WSJ Newsroom Found No Joe Biden Role in Hunter Deals After Reviewing Bobulinski's Records The Wall Street Journal newsroom has found that texts and emails recently given to the publication by Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, provide no evidence that Joe ever used his political standing as a former vice president to aid Hunter's business dealings in China. https://www.newsweek.com/wsj-newsroom-found-no-joe-biden-role-hunter-deals-after-reviewing-bobulinskis-records-1541553 Ex-Hunter Biden associate's records don't show proof of Biden business relationship amid unanswered questions Tony Bobulinski had claimed the former VP was involved in discussions about his son's dealings overseas Ex-Hunter Biden associate's records don't show proof of Biden business relationship amid unanswered questions | Fox News
  23. To tell a lie, one has to knowingly tell a falsehood. Do you have proof that Biden had any knowledge of his son's business dealings in China?
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