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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I think some of us are being unfair to Trump. He has always taken a great interest in security issues. Like the time that it was recommended that Jared Kushner not be given a top level security clearance and Trump overruled that.
  2. Several Trump supporters offer imaginary scenarios and somehow imagine that these qualify as rational arguments. You and your fellow practitioners got nothing.
  3. Did you actually read his comment? Here it is for your edification: “Does anybody really believe that the COCAINE found in the West Wing of the White House, very close to the Oval Office, is for the use of anyone other than Hunter & Joe Biden,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “But watch, the Fake News Media will soon start saying that the amount found was ‘very small,’ & it wasn’t really COCAINE, but rather common ground up Aspirin, & the story will vanish,” Trump claimed. https://thehill.com/homenews/4082399-trump-lashes-out-biden-family-smith-media-cocaine-white-house/
  4. In a way, you're right. It doesn't matter because whatever the cocaine was found in was checked in at the storage area. So, it's far from established that it was the property of any resident of the White House or relative. I imagine lots of people access the White House every day. Is Joe Biden or the Biden Administration responsible for the contents of their bags?
  5. As has repeatedly been pointed out, this 'discovery" was basically an invention the Fox News. As Fox News itself acknowledged in the body of the article, the White House publicly published policy has been to exempt all family members from the White House log unless they are engaged in official business. Hunter Biden was not given unique treatment. Maybe Fox was counting on the poor reading skills of its news consumers so that they would confine themselves to the headline only and not venture into the daunting task of reading the body of the text.
  6. Another poster who claims is cocaine was the property of people and not just the property of one person. You know this how?
  7. Trump should have a little more sympathy for alleged cocaine users. Few possess his ability to rant and rave unassisted by the consumption of powerful and illicit drugs.
  8. Are you equating marijuana users to crack heads? Or are you claiming that crack heads have some special interest in defending the use of marijuana? If someone criticizes this article is that proof that they are crack heads? You've certainly raised some fascinating issues with your well thought out reasoning.
  9. Plural, huh? Can you share with us the evidence that this cocaine found in a storage area was was the property of or was meant to by used by more than one resident of the White House? Or, for that matter, by any resident of the White House?
  10. In the past I've severely criticized the honesty and rationality of James Comer But this changes everything! James Comer Now Wildly Ropes Zelensky Into Alleged Biden Bribery Scheme House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) is once again tossing out wild allegations about President Joe Biden’s so-called “bribery scheme” with Ukrainian oligarchs, this time insinuating that President Volodymyr Zelensky himself “knows” about these alleged kickbacks. On top of that, Comer also suggested that Biden’s support for Ukraine in its war with Russia is due to his son Hunter’s previous work with Ukrainian energy company Burisma, adding that there’s “no real oversight” nor “good accounting” of the military aid given to the Ukrainian president. As proof that the president received millions of dollars in foreign bribes, Comer pointed to a 2020 FBI interview with an informant—despite the fact that House Democrats recently unveiled a document that severely undercuts the informant’s assertions. https://www.thedailybeast.com/james-comer-now-wildly-ropes-zelensky-into-alleged-biden-bribery-scheme
  11. I'm sure American voters will be inspired when Trump repeatedly indulges in his harangues about the stolen 2020 election.
  12. This is like asking what does 2 plus 2 equal and don't tell me the answer is 4.
  13. Because in the case of men with a higher education the evidence that there is a drastic decline in cognitive function is not at all apparent. At least not according the evidence you linked to.
  14. Who? Well, for one, a hard core right winger who lets their rationality be overruled by wishful thinking.
  15. "Littered"? Really? Were they wading through packets of cocaine? Such nonsense.
  16. Your evidence was a generality and as I quoted from the evidence you provided, if you're male and have had higher education the decline is, on average, lower. And "deteriorate very quickly" is not even a scientific judgement. Quickly in relation to what?. Total cognitive ability? And, as the further evidence I provided shows, there are other factors that can compensate. Like wisdom acquired through experience. Remember that person claimed that the decline would be so severe as to disqualify him from holding office. As a generality, that's not true.
  17. The right wingers went judge shopping. Judge Doughty is a proven ignoramus: "In 2021, Doughty issued a nationwide injunction against a federal mandate that health care workers be vaccinated against COVID-19.[14] His opinion includes many false and misleading claims about COVID-19 vaccines, including an incorrect suggestion that vaccines are not useful because booster shots are recommended after six months, a misleading statement that vaccines "do not prevent transmission of the disease", and the falsehood that "the virus has achieved an immune escape from COVID-19 vaccines". Doughty's opinion uncritically cited the views of a doctor known for making false claims about the vaccine.[15][16]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_A._Doughty
  18. No. Rather it's you who take a limited view of what is important mentally for Biden to be an able President. Biden has amply demonstrated his wisdom acquired from years of experience first in the Senate then as VP. He understand how to negotiate and how to deal with opponents. Despite having narrow majorities in the House and Senate during his first 2 years, he managed to get major bills passed. "Our findings indicate that most of the variance in wisdom (>95%) is unaccounted for by Gf. The independence of wisdom from cognitive functions that reliably show age-associated declines suggests that it may hold unique potential to bolster decision-making, interpersonal functioning, and other everyday activities in older adults." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8578582/
  19. The post claimed that Biden wasn't fit to be President. Cognitive decline is normal and does not mean that a person is unable to function well. As for being wrong, I guess you don't recognize when you are hoist by your own petard. You linked to evidence that would seem to suggest that Biden would experience less cognitive decline the average. Also, the evidence in that article is about average rates. It's not a diagnosis of Joe Biden.
  20. I guess with the decline of stamp-collecting as a hobby, people are now turning to gerontology and psychology as pastimes.
  21. I found this in what you linked to: "Women, senior and elders without education have a higher risk of cognitive impairment." And cognitive decline is not the same thing as dementia. "The brain's capacity for memory, reasoning and comprehension skills (cognitive function) can start to deteriorate from age 45, finds research published on bmj.com today. Previous research suggests that cognitive decline does not begin before the age of 60, but this view is not universally accepted." https://www.bmj.com/press-releases/2012/01/05/cognitive-decline-can-begin-early-age-45-warn-experts#:~:text=The brain's capacity for memory,view is not universally accepted.
  22. It's a kind of mind reading if what you claim is in the text. If not, it tells us a lot about what you believe but nothing about those who wrote it.
  23. First you post as a remote amateur gerontologist and now as a remote amateur psychologist.
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