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  1. Wow. So you're saying he sat for a twenty minute interview that was totally scripted. That means he remembered all his lines? If I were you, I'd retire from your career as a gerontologist before you get sued for malpractice.
  2. I'm sure you think that this has some bearing on expertise. I would greatly enjoy reading your explanation of how that works.
  3. The difference is that the consensus of the legal community is that Trump is in deep $H1T. Even his most ardent legal defenders concede he's got serious problems in the documents case. Whereas it's hard to find a gerontologist to confirm that Joe Biden has dementia.. I have produced a list of common symptoms of dementia on these pages and none of them have to do with gaffes or slips of the tongue..
  4. I'm amazed by the number of gerontologists sharing their findings with us on aseannow.com.
  5. Trump has had 2 prominent legal experts as defenders through most of his legal travails: Jonathan Turley and Alan Dershowitz. Not so long ago Turley concluded that even though, in his opinion, most of the legal cases against Trump were weak, Trump was in serious legal jeopardy in the Mar-a-Lago case. But Dershowitz held on and continued to denigrate even the Mar-a-Lago case. Now, that has changed: Trump Needs to Stop Talking About This Topic, According to Alan Dershowitz "Dershowitz pondered how Trump's lawyers could mount "any possible defense" against the evidence, saying that it was "likely" that the Department of Justice "will be able to prove at trial" that the former president was discussing "material that he believed was still classified." "Mr. Trump has claimed in an interview that what he showed the writer and publisher were not classified documents but rather newspaper and magazine reports on the issue," wrote Dershowitz. "Listening to the recording, however, suggests that Mr. Trump showed them a document that he said was secret and that he could have declassified, but did not, while he was president." https://www.newsweek.com/trump-needs-stop-talking-about-this-topic-according-alan-dershowitz-1809743
  6. Really? Not many? Here's coverage from the unholy three: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/22/us/politics/hunter-biden-joe-business-deal.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/22/hunter-biden-whistleblower-transcript-garland/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/16/politics/irs-whistleblower-congress/index.html
  7. I believe you given that you can find pretty much anything on the internet that supports your beliefs. Believe it or not, there are some web sites so deranged that they actually claim the 2020 Presidential election was stolen.
  8. For millions of years New Zealand's ecosystem got along fine without any mammals except bats. Thanks to the relatively recent arrival of humans rats have already made extinct creatures native to New Zealand and are on the way to doing the same for others including this one: Rat Extermination for Kiwi Conservation: Protecting New Zealand’s Flightless National Bird The kiwi bird, with its flightlessness and ground-dwelling nature, is highly vulnerable to predation by rats. Rats not only directly attack kiwi chicks and eggs but also impact their habitat by preying on insects and plants. As a result, rat extermination has become a critical aspect of kiwi conservation. https://www.globalvillagespace.com/rat-extermination-for-kiwi-conservation-protecting-new-zealands-flightless-national-bird
  9. Fox News Host Still Isn’t Buying What James Comer Is Selling Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy once again pressed House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) on Thursday to show the “goods” to prove Comer’s allegations about the “criminal scheme” perpetrated by President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. And, once again, Comer simply told Doocy and his co-hosts that “we’re gonna get into that” down the road. https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-news-steve-doocy-still-isnt-buying-what-james-comer-is-selling-on-joe-biden
  10. I don't think his image was based on his spectacular failures. His constituency believed, and still believes, that he is a great negotiator, despite his abysmal record. And that his negotiating skills would make him effective as a President.
  11. Trump's revival came not from his skills a a business person but his talents as a performer on a TV show. Or by your way of thinking are movie and TV stars great business people because of their wealth?
  12. I'm guessing you think that the model of his plane is somehow a refutation of the facts I've offered?
  13. At this juncture, you really don't see the difference. Donald Trump is not being prosecuted for being in possession of unauthorized documents. He is being prosecuted for refusing to turn them over as the law requires when the National Archives requests them. He is also being prosecuted for obstruction of justice. The charges are that the lied about being in continued possession of them and didn't contradict his attorney's statement denying said possession even though he knew that it was false. Joe Biden's rape accuser was a person with a well documented past of chronic lying. Donald Trump's case was a civil one. The jury made no judgement that his accuser was lying. They did find probable cause to believe that he had sexually assaulted her. There is no evidence that Biden instigated the investigation of Donald Trump. Unlike in the case of Trump, there is no evidence that Biden ever urged investigation of his opponents either real or imagined. We know that Trump urged a criminal investigation of Biden. Not only here but in Ukraine based on patently false evidence.
  14. Now that right wingers have new shiny baubles to attract their attention, they seem have lost interest in the alleged 5 million dollar bribe paid to Joe Biden. The sourcing was always ridiculously thin.
  15. He got lucky with The Apprentice. That was based on the false belief that he was a highly successful business person and a great negotiator even though he absolutely destroyed his father's highly successful real estate business and got outnegotiated in several ventures for which he paid way too much and which subsequently went bankrupt. New York banks refused to lend to him. At the time the show began Trump actually had a massive negative net worth. His genius, such as it is, is as a con man and he conned people into believing that he was highly successful. Hence such nasty disasters as Trump University.
  16. Another right wing mind reader telling others what they know. Stick to what you know or rather what you believe you know.
  17. Right from the start was his language a model of tact and reconciliation?
  18. Once again the mind reading member of aseannow has offered up a mass diagnosis.
  19. Supreme Court Subtweets Ron DeSantis That He's Totally Losing To Disney Supreme Court reminds federal judges that Disney's right about the Contracts Clause. https://abovethelaw.com/2023/06/supreme-court-ron-desantis-disney/
  20. But Putin is purging the hardliners. That's hardly a way to prepare for an escalated conflict.
  21. t's pretty clear what happened. Prigozhin lost the power struggle with Shoigu et alii. A deadline of June 30 was imposed for Wagner to place itself under the control of the regular Russian armed forces. Prigozhin decided to resist by making a desperate play to have his enemies deposed from power. What surprised him was how little resistance there was to his efforts. It looks like that was due, at least in part, to support from hardliners in the Russian military. But his gambit failed. Or rather it succeeded too well and showed up the weakness of the Putin's situation.
  22. Thanks for letting us know that Shapley's was truthful. Can you share with us your methodology for determining this?
  23. That is not proof that these people were lying. They just wanted to get it on their belief on the record so Biden could use it against what they saw as disinformation.
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