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  1. Apparently, not all of them: 19-year-old Titan passenger was ‘terrified’ before trip, his aunt says In the days before the Titan vessel went into the ocean off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, the 19-year-old university student accompanying his father on the expedition expressed hesitation about going, his aunt said in an interview Thursday. Azmeh Dawood — the older sister of Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood — told NBC News that her nephew, Suleman, informed a relative that he "wasn't very up for it" and felt "terrified" about the trip to explore the wreckage of the Titanic. But the 19-year-old ended up going aboard OceanGate's 22-foot submersible because the trip fell over Father's Day weekend and he was eager to please his dad, who was passionate about the lore of the Titanic, according to Azmeh. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/titanic-submersible-shahwood-suleman-family-tragedy-rcna90678
  2. As low at that vessel went, there are some who even go lower: Conservatives Are Now Blaming The Titanic Sub Tragedy On 'Wokeness' As the U.S. and Canadian governments shelled out funds in the rescue and recovery effort, the media reported on a series of safety concerns that most likely led to the sub going missing. But conservatives had another theory. Could the sub have disappeared because OceanGate’s CEO went “woke”? https://currently.att.yahoo.com/att/cm/conservatives-now-blaming-titanic-sub-211749391.html
  3. Thanks, It worked. Interestingly enough, at least to me, when I opened the newly converted file I got this message from Word: Maybe that's related to why it couldn't open the file when it was a docx.
  4. Well, there are 2 kinds of people who would respond that way: honest people and liars. Or maybe we should use your idea of what is dispositive evidence in trials, too Judge: Mr. Gacy, was there any reason you were unable to provide truthful testimony in the matter of the torture and murder of young men? Gacy: There was not. Judge: Case dismissed!
  5. Get back to us with a link to his testimony from the Senate Finance Committee..oh wait...there can't be a link to that because he has refused to testify before them. Clearly this "whistleblower" has nothing to hide.
  6. Do people having affairs disgust you? Seems kind of unconvincing from someone who wrote: "Who banged his brother's widow while being a crack addict, Alex?"I guess you think Hester Prynne deserved to wear that scarlet letter. Wake up! The year is 2023. Or is it drug addiction that disgusts you? Such uberprudery! What I found rather disgusting and deranged to boot was encountering someone who could write "Who banged his brother's widow while being a crack addict, Alex?"
  7. As will probably be pointed out to no avail, the charges of collusion with the Russians were not refuted. Not only did Mueller cite probable cause to prosecute Trump, including obstruction of justice in the case of Paul Manafort, who undeniably did deal with the Russians, but even a Republican led Senate committee also found strong grounds to support the case for collusion. And really not in the same league as the election denial insanity. But thanks for the both-sidesism.
  8. Actually, the latest presidential polls pitting Biden against Trump show Biden winning https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/elections/
  9. It was disgusting and immoral for Hunter Biden to have a relationship with his brother's widow? Because his brother is going to be offended? What I think could be more fairly called disgusting is characterizing this as "Who banged his brother's widow while being a crack addict, Alex?" Seems kind of unhinged as well, actually.
  10. Why do Trump supporters ask questions based on false assumptions? Trump’s GOP Support Drops After Indictment, Poll Suggests https://www.forbes.com/sites/anafaguy/2023/06/20/trumps-gop-support-drops-after-indictment-poll-suggests/?sh=6c25dd4f56a0 Maybe because, if you are a Trump supporter, falsehoods are what your support is based on?
  11. So damaging that Shapley has backed out of facing the Senate Finance Committee with his allegations. Maybe this IRS investigator is just too delicate a flower to face a committee chaired by a Democrat? It is to laugh.
  12. I got a new computer with Windows 11 installed. For some reason it isn't able to open word docx documents originally composed in Thai that have been sent to me. I was able to open them when in my previous computer which ran on Windows 10. I believe these documents were composed on computers using Windows 10. But I'm not sure. Here's the message that I get: I haven't been able to find much about file permissions that seems applicable to the case here. And my computer has about 1.5 terabytes of memory available. So I don't think it's that. (I should add that I have no problem in composing docx documents written in Thai or copying and pasting thai text from the internet.) Any suggestions?
  13. Because when Hunter Biden makes an assertion, we can be sure that it's true? And of course it could be literally true but still insignificant.
  14. The Truth About Suspicious Activity Reports Our data indicate that about 4 percent of SARs result in any follow-up from law enforcement. A tiny subset of these results in an arrest and ultimately a conviction.... Generally, law enforcement already has suspicions about someone and then goes to the SAR database to gather evidence and find other suspects. https://bpi.com/the-truth-about-suspicious-activity-reports/
  15. Trump sat and watched the action on TV according to testimony from many people in the White House. He waited hours after they invaded the Capitol to tell them to go home. Despite entreaties from many, including those at the White House, he refused to call for the National Guard. And because he had done nothing wrong in all of this and had nothing to hide, he subsequently denied he had watched the riot and instead claimed he was in meetings.
  16. I guess when you've got nothing, better to deflect by attacking the source.. Actually the Salon story was derived from the NY Times article which was also linked to.. But I suspect you'll dismiss that the same way without looking at the facts reported.
  17. They have invaded and occupied island in the South China Sea. In fact, they pretty much claim that the South China Sea belongs to them and have antagonized, Vietnam, The Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, and Malaysia with their claims. They launched an attack on Indian territory not too long ago. And why did you rule out invasions from the previous century? Was that to avoid the issue of Tibet?
  18. Exactly what in these articles embodies conspiracy theories? You've got nothing.
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