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  1. Because a right wing apparatchik named Elizabeth Stauffer says so? I missed the part where she cites Raskin's refutation of Barr's claim. Team Raskin Responds A spokesperson for House Oversight Democrats said Barr was “downplaying the scope of the assessment he assigned to US Attorney Brady and his team of prosecutors and FBI agents, who interviewed the confidential human source and reviewed suspicious activity reports filed by banks, to evaluate the allegations of corruption peddled by Rudy Giuliani.” “The FBI informed the Committee, in no uncertain terms, that this assessment was closed in August 2020 after it failed to identify sufficient evidence to justify further investigation,” the statement continued. “By referring to the assessment as an ‘intake process,’ former Attorney General Barr is attempting to walk back the conclusions of this probe. https://www.politico.com/minutes/congress/06-9-2023/barrs-raskin-dustup/ Keep in mind that this is the same William Barr who was castigated by a federal judge for lying about the Mueller report.
  2. Here's some more comment from Jonathan Turley, the legal expert who has previously backed the Trump cause in every instance. Fox News’s Turley: Trump could face ‘terminal sentence’ if DOJ proves even one count Now, we have not heard their other side. Generally, the indictments are a lot stronger on the day they are issued than on the next day, so they may be able to knock down some of these issues,” Turley said. “But some of the evidence is coming from his former counsel, and these are very damaging statements made against him. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4045592-fox-news-turley-trump-could-face-terminal-sentence-if-doj-proves-even-one-count/
  3. You keep on repeating the same nonsense over and over again. You claim that the people who signed the document actually knew that the Hunter Biden laptop was genuine when they signed this? A laptop that suddenly emerged at the end of a campaign. As reported by the NY Post which did virtually no investigation of the story before publishing it. And those in possession of the data refused to release the metadata which could have confirmed it. What don't you understand about the word "disinformation'? It applies to intentional misinformation. Clearly not the case here. And every time you try to foist this nonsense, I'll be there to point out its essential falseness.
  4. I've already told you. William Barr set up a special unit of the Justice Dept to vet all info that come from Ukraine. You think Barr and Co. wouldn't have investigated it already?
  5. In other words all you've got is a claim that has already been vetted by the FBI special team created by William Barr and not pursued any further. You've got virtually nothing.
  6. How does the justice department under William Barr not pursuing this allegation about Joe Biden mean your assertion is correct?
  7. Is this what you're referring to? “You guys are bad. I’m not supposed to be answering all these questions,” the president said. “I’m supposed to leave, but I can’t resist your questions.” https://nypost.com/2021/05/13/biden-to-press-im-not-supposed-to-be-answering-all-these-questions/
  8. At this point really not possible to be pro Putin and pro Russia on the one hand and pro the Russophone East Ukraine. What Next for Ukraine’s Formerly Pro-Russian Regions? "Russia’s invasion largely put an end to this pro-Russian sentiment: by May 2022, only 4 percent in Ukraine’s east and 1 percent in the south still had a positive view of Russia. Support for Ukraine joining NATO, on the other hand, had surged to record highs: 69 percent in the east and 81 percent in the south, up from 36 percent in the east and 48 percent in the south, according to a poll taken on February 16 and 17 of this year. Cultural and historical preferences have also changed dramatically. Sixty-eight percent of respondents from the south and 53 percent from the east now describe Ukrainian as their native language, though 49 percent of people in the south and 47 percent in the east still said they used both Ukrainian and Russian in their everyday life." https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/88542
  9. Well, if you don't know who Comer is, maybe we should just say that you are profoundly unacquainted with the facts?
  10. Who exactly is being quiet about this? As repeatedly pointed out, this is very weak evidence. Especially given that it was processed by a special unit created by William Barr to vet Ukrainian evidence.
  11. I agree. But the anti-Biden crowd which is pretty much the same as the pro-Trump crowd discounts the very strong evidence against one of them while exaggerating the strength of the scanty evidence against the other.
  12. Actually, Biden managed to feather his nest quite nicely after leaving the vice Presidency by charging a lot for speeches and getting a big payment for a book. How The Bidens Earned $16.7 Million After Leaving The White House https://www.forbes.com/sites/michelatindera/2020/10/22/how-the-bidens-earned-167-million-after-leaving-the-white-house/?sh=215e7d801e42
  13. Jumping the gun much? You think the FBI under William Barr, who created a special group just to handle these allegations, didn't investigate this?
  14. But, unlike you, he won't be questioning the legitimacy of the process by invoking invalid use of the Presidential Records Act. "I have read it and I know it is bogus as President Trump is covered under the Presidential Records Act." And what will you say if he's convicted?
  15. Just another typical selfish multibillionaire...oh wait a minute... George Soros Leads Chorus of Wealthy Calling For A New Wealth Tax https://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddawkins/2019/06/24/george-soros-leads-chorus-of-billionaires-calling-for-a-new-wealth-tax/?sh=5d11e1dd1ce7 Just a typical selfish multibillionaire who supports doing business with any regime no matter no matter what the consequence...oh wait a minute... George Soros warns BlackRock’s investment in ‘repressive’ China risks US national security https://nypost.com/2021/09/07/george-soros-warns-blackrocks-investment-in-repressive-china-risks-us-national-security/
  16. It may be clear to you, but can you explain why Richard Smith237 even raised the issue of transporting energy from the Sahara? Is there something special about the Sahara that negates the viability of locally produced renewable energy? And actually, via huge solar energy projects based on the edge of the Sahara, Morocco is already sending power to Spain. And there are plans to send a lot more.
  17. First off, abortion is not just another "medical decision between a woman and her doctor". It's a decision by by a woman. I'm not sure what you mean by "misguided posters deliberately conflate highlighting the most abominable acts against children with equating them as one." As "one" what? However, I do think it is abominable that a lot more children will die because they are denied gender affirming care: Suicide Risk Reduces 73% in Transgender, Nonbinary Youths with Gender-Affirming Care https://www.hcplive.com/view/suicide-risk-reduces-73-transgender-nonbinary-youths-gender-affirming-care Pubertal Suppression for Transgender Youth and Risk of Suicidal Ideation https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7073269/
  18. Walt Nauta, Trump's personal aide who now faces charges as well, at one point discovered that some of the boxes of classified files stored there had toppled over, revealing one document labeled, “SECRET/REL TO USA, FVEY,” which denoted that the information in the document was releasable only to the Five Eyes intelligence alliance: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. According to the indictment, Nauta texted another Mar-a-Lago employee two photos of the toppled documents, writing: “I opened the door and found this…” https://uk.news.yahoo.com/donald-trump-allegedly-stored-classified-222110285.html
  19. More denialism. It's one thing when the Daily Mail engages in gossip mongering. This isn't that.
  20. Thank you for the lack of evidence. The only thing that your comment makes clear is your belief.
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