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  1. Typical nitpickinbg stuff culled from denialist websites. Who cares about what Al Gore claims? Is he a scientist or an authorized spokesperson for the climatological community? As for that statement from a U.N. official I haven't been able to find much about it. Apparently, what was claimed is that if something wasn't done to reverse to reduce emissions in a 10 year level, eventually rising seas would overwhelm certain nations. As for the snowfall comment, here's a fact: Met Office data shows that, since 1979, the number of snow-lying days has generally decreased by up to five days per decade, and up to ten days per decade in the North Pennines, near Penrith. https://theconversation.com/why-snow-days-are-becoming-increasingly-rare-in-the-uk-152038#:~:text=Met Office data shows that,the North Pennines%2C near Penrith. As for the Antarctic Ice shelf...do you understand that the ice shelf is already in ocean? That it's composed of glaciers that were shed from the continent? That the ice shelf is contributing to rising sea levels? "Antarctica is losing ice mass (melting) at an average rate of about 150 billion tons per year, and Greenland is losing about 270 billion tons per year, adding to sea level rise." Data from NASA's GRACE and GRACE Follow-On satellites show that the land ice sheets in both Antarctica (upper chart) and Greenland (lower chart) have been losing mass since 2002. https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/ice-sheets/
  2. You keep on repeating the same nonsense. First off, it wasn't "10% for the big guy". It was "10% for the big guy?" And once again you ignore the glaring fact the Hunter Biden reported that when he asked his father about coming on board with the China venture, his father gave him an 'emphatic no". Why is it that you never acknowledge this? Doesn't exactly seem honest. As for Tony Bobulinksi, he claimed that his phones contained proof that Biden was part of the deal. Fox News and the Wall St. Journal both looked at Bobulinski's alleged evidence. Ex-Hunter Biden associate's records don't show proof of Biden business relationship amid unanswered questions https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-tony-bobulinski-joe-biden-unanswered-questions Hunter Biden’s Ex-Business Partner Alleges Father Knew About Venture Former vice president says he had no involvement; corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden https://www.wsj.com/articles/hunter-bidens-ex-business-partner-alleges-father-knew-about-venture-11603421247 I don't doubt that the Chinese actors hoped to influence Joe Biden via his son. There is no evidence that they succeeded. In fact, the person in charge of the company that paid Biden is now in detention in China and is being investigated for corruption. His company went bankrupt, This has been pointed out to you again and again and you still don't acknowledge this. That doesn't seem quite honest. Finally, Jared Kushner had been a govt official who by all accounts pushed hard to support the Saudi govt when he was in office and became great friends with MbS.. In fact, the Middle East was his special purview. Despite Kushner's poor investment record, MbS overruled the well-founded concerns of an advisory panel to invest 2 billion dollars with Kushner. Sleazy much? The Saudis only invested 1 billion with Steve Mnuchin (which is bad enough) despite the fact that he had a very successful career as an investment banker.
  3. He referred to the fact that he bought an electric car 9 years ago "notwithstanding our poor electric charging infrastructure". He did not refer to the situation today. And his objections to the ban are based on alleged facts about electric that are dubious at best. In fact, so dubious that this has been added to the article: "This article was amended on 5 June 2023 to describe lithium-ion batteries as lasting “upwards of 10 years”, rather than “about 10 years”; and to clarify that the figures released by Volvo claimed that greenhouse gas emissions during production of an electric car are “nearly 70% higher”, not “70% higher”. It was further amended on 7 June 2023 to remove an incorrect reference to the production of lithium-ion batteries needing “many rare earth metals”; to clarify that a reference to “trucks” should instead have been to “heavy trucks for long distance haulage”; and to more accurately refer to the use of such batteries in these trucks as being a “concern”, due to weight issues, rather than a “non-starter”." There are lots of other problems with that article, too.
  4. really? Long Island funeral home owner arrested two years after Jan. 6 sleuths ID'd him https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/ny-funeral-home-owner-arrested-jan-6-sleuths-ided-rcna88111
  5. No. It wasn't about the UK. Rowan Atkinson happens to live in the UK. But his comments were general. But if not, tell me what he said that was uniquely about the situation in the UK.
  6. At least the hosts at Fox News are addressing the situation rationally: Fox Hosts Slam Advice Over Dangerous Wildfire Smoke Despite New York City having the worst air quality on Earth on Tuesday night and with conditions expected to worsen into Thursday due to smoke from the Quebec wildfires, Fox News hosts on Wednesday criticized those who have suggested that masks be worn and wondered if those affected by the pollution are “snowflakes.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-hosts-slam-advice-over-dangerous-wildfire-smoke Kidding.
  7. What would this lie be about? And who exactly are these "same people"? As for you referring to the UK only... Because the UK plays such a prominent role in the EV business? Are EV vehicles being manufactured there? Are EV batteries being manufactured in the UK. As for your dismissal of China...it's by far the biggest manufacturer of EV's and EV batteries and its citizens are the biggest consumers of them. Maybe the fact that even though EVs despite the act there are no longer being subsidized but still are rapidly increasing in sales strikes you as insignificant or irrelevant but not to someone engaged in a rational analysis of the situation. As for it being stupid to buy an EV, whether it is or not, the fact is that they are increasing being bought. Lots of people buy them because they say they're more fun to drive.
  8. What you don't note is that the percentage of power provided by coal in China is declining: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303368/coal-electricity-production-share-in-china/#:~:text=Coal accounted for nearly 61 percent of China's electricity generation in 2022. Analysis: What do China’s gigantic wind and solar bases mean for its climate goals? https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-what-do-chinas-gigantic-wind-and-solar-bases-mean-for-its-climate-goals/
  9. I wrote that everyone has experienced the use of the word "woke". It doesn't mean that some mischievous parties might offer a false definition on purpose. That's why there's such a thing as lexicographers. These are scholars who study the meanings of words. These are the people we should trust, not some anonymous party on aseannow with a politcal axe to grind. As the landing page of this forum clearly states: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  10. Really? From the landing page of the World News Forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." You've got nothing.
  11. We are in an interglacial period. About 8000 years ago the earth started to warm. It pretty much stopped, or at least slowed dramatically, about 2000 years ago. The earth is now warmer than it's been in the last 125,000 years. What's even more significant is this: Earth Hasn’t Warmed This Fast in Tens of Millions of Years Chemical analyses of ancient sediments allowed scientists to put together one of the most comprehensive climate histories of the planet https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-hasnt-warmed-this-fast-in-tens-of-millions-of-years/
  12. Since the facts are against you, I guess that leaves you no choice to allege motives instead. You've got nothing,
  13. You want the truth? You can't handle the truth. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/TheTwilightZoneS3E89ToServeMan
  14. Ya gotta love the guy. He accused Zelenskyy, who is Jewish, of persecuting Christians. He also called Zelensky rat-faced. "Most familiar and alien of all, perhaps, is the range of animalistic imagery that came to stand for Jews in the build-up to the second world war. In Der Stürmer, Nazi Germany’s most influential propaganda sheet, a cover image depicted a Nazi gassing Jewish rats that huddle around the base of a mighty tree. “When the vermin are dead,” the caption reads, “the German oak will flourish once more.” https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/shortcuts/2015/nov/18/rats-the-history-of-an-incendiary-cartoon-trope
  15. When Sean Hannity in the Fox News Town Hall suggested to Trump that maybe he should lower the anger a bit in his comments, he was booed by the audience.
  16. It sends this terrible message: No one is above the law. Like Mike Pence, I am distressed that anyone rich and powerful could ever be called to account. It's just not natural. What has become of the rule of the law....of the jungle?
  17. You have an interesting and creative memory. Let's start out with your falsehood that no warming has occurred. Copernicus: Globally, the seven hottest years on record were the last seven; carbon dioxide and methane concentrations continue to rise https://climate.copernicus.eu/copernicus-globally-seven-hottest-years-record-were-last-seven It's 2 years on now from that and it now the last 9 years have been the hottest on record. "The past nine years have been the warmest years since modern recordkeeping began in 1880. This means Earth in 2022 was about 2 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 1.11 degrees Celsius) warmer than the late 19th century average." https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-says-2022-fifth-warmest-year-on-record-warming-trend-continues As for your assertion about the Maldives growing, I have found no evidence to support your claims. But there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/148158/preparing-for-rising-seas-in-the-maldives It's true that some atolls are rising thanks to the growth of coral reefs enough to compensate for rising seas. But not the Maldives. And that fact that some atolls reefs are currently keeping pace with sea level rise thanks to coral reef production has no bearing on the fact of sea level rise. As for your claim that "by the year 2020 or so we where supposed to have 200.000.000 climate refugees", actually the year projected was 2050, https://insideclimatenews.org/news/02112021/climate-refugees-international-law-cop26/ As for your claim that there are no climate refugees, you sure about that? Climate change is already fueling global migration. The world isn’t ready to meet people’s changing needs, experts say https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/climate-change-is-already-fueling-global-migration-the-world-isnt-ready-to-meet-peoples-needs-experts-say Dhaka: the city where climate refugees are already a reality https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2015/dec/01/dhaka-city-climate-refugees-reality Anyway, apart from these few quibbles, thanks for the great post.
  18. Just as in the case of abortion where right-to-lifers cite abortion in the 8th or 9th month, which are very very rate, anti-transgender activists focus on the very very rare cases of surgery and don't address the medication issue at all. Except occasionally to spread misinformation about it such as that it's irreversible. Not that I'm accusing you of attempting such misrepresentation.
  19. "Over the last 40 years, annual Arctic sea ice measurements show ice shrinking by 12.6 percent each decade, a pace of decline that's unmatched by any point in at least the last 1,500 years. Scientists measure Arctic sea ice every year in September, when satellite imaging shows ice coverage at its lowest." https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/how-much-has-arctic-ice-declined-and-how-does-compare-past-periods-earths-history#:~:text=Over the last 40 years,least the last 1%2C500 years.&text=Scientists measure Arctic sea ice,ice coverage at its lowest.
  20. This is a quote made last year from the Jay Monahan, current head of the PGA: "I have two families (of 9/11) that are close to me that lost loved ones, so my heart goes out to them," Monahan said in an interview with CBS's Jim Nantz last year. "I would ask any player that has left, or any player that would consider leaving, 'Have you ever had to apologize for being a member of the PGA Tour?'" https://www.sportingnews.com/us/golf/news/jay-monahan-pga-liv-merger-911-families/c1mj9c9oevwuklkpezd8l1dk
  21. Really? The Saudis finance half of the soccer clubs? You got evidence to back that one up?
  22. Why is it so difficult for right wingers to accept that the laptop contains no information that incriminates Joe Biden?
  23. What liberals claimed this? Another false claim from you. And for the record, and this was common knowledge: "Hunter Biden served on the board of the Ukrainian oil and gas company Burisma Holdings from 2014 to 2019. But Ted Nugent posted a Facebook meme falsely insinuating that Hunter’s payments from the company ended with the Russian invasion of Ukraine." Hunter Biden Left Ukrainian Company in 2019, Contrary to Ted Nugent Post - FactCheck.org
  24. Thanks for once again propagating the falsehood that Shokin had investigated or was investigating Burisma. The fact is Shokin wasn't doing serious investigations of any of the oligarchs. He was deeply corrupt That is why the State Dept with the backing of Obama and the US ambassador to Ukraine sent Biden to give Ukraine an ultimatum part of which was to get serious about investigating and prosecuting corruption. If they didn't comply, no funds would be forthcoming. That is why Shokin was fired. Shokin's own staff confirmed that he had done nothing in regards to Burisma. Biden was basically the messenger and there is no evidence that he played a part in formulating US policy towards Ukraine. Stop making things up.
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