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  1. Are you claiming that renewable power can only be generated in the Sahara and has to be transported elsewhere?
  2. Since that correlation shows nothing about the percentages involved, it's not useful at all in establish how much greenhouse gas agriculture generates. And who is ignoring it? There's plenty of news out there about how agriculture contributes to greenhouse emissions, particularly in the case of beef cattle and animal husbandry generally. As for "Our 'consumption' is also a major facet." what does that mean? "Our consumption" pretty much accounts for all of the increase in greenhouse gases one way or another.
  3. Do you understand that the people CBS polled were republcians? And nowhere in the article did it say that Trump's numbers continue to rise.
  4. Anyway, as it stands now, all this graph shows is a correlation between increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere and the level of worldwide agricultural output. It doesn't address in any way the percentages that different activities contribute. If you go to the ourworldindata.org website, the same place you found the graph above, and look for how much the entire worldwide food industry contributes in the way of greenhouse gas emissions, the total comes to 26%, But that's not limited to agriculture, but includes all the post farm processing as well. Food production is responsible for one-quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions When it comes to tackling climate change, the focus tends to be on ‘clean energy’ solutions – the deployment of renewable or nuclear energy; improvements in energy efficiency; or transition to low-carbon transport. Indeed, energy, whether in the form of electricity, heat, transport or industrial processes, account for the majority – 76% – of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.1 But the global food system, which encompasses production, and post-farm process such as processing, and distribution is also a key contributor to emissions. And it’s a problem for which we don’t yet have viable technological solutions. https://ourworldindata.org/food-ghg-emissions
  5. Different from what?. If you've got evidence, why didn't you post it in the first place? Of course, part of posting evidence is including a link. Without context, a graph like the one you posted doesn't amount to much in the way of evidence.
  6. As has been repeatedly pointed out, but to no avail, the NY Post decided to publish the contents of the laptop without going through any vetting process of the kind which honest investigative reporting demands. In fact, the experienced reporter initially designated to write the story refused to do so for this very reason. In addition, Rudolph Giuliani refused to release the metadata for the published text which would have helped to confirm the veracity of the contents of the laptop. Maybe he didn't have so much confidence in its veracity, too?
  7. Rising temperatures linked to kidney disease As the world's climate changes, increasing temperatures will have significant implications on our physical health. Scientists from Brazil and Australia have found evidence of a link between rising temperatures and renal diseases. Heat stress is likely to be responsible for ongoing, costly and damaging health issues unless work is done to mitigate the effects of climate change. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/01/climate-change-rising-temperatures-linked-to-kidney-disease/?DAG=3&gclid=CjwKCAjw4ZWkBhA4EiwAVJXwqdB92PCBy5ovwbAm-2StJ5pDf3wG2iAQqNb6K6VlV_h2gPha6G8C9hoCnkgQAvD_BwE
  8. Another case of right wingers using the wrong word. It would be odious if Sturgeon's intent was to have these women raped. Obviously "foolish" or "misguided" or even "stupid{ would be a far more fitting adjective.
  9. This is the same Ron Johnson who made this ridiculous claim Senator Ron Johnson falsely claims that Trump declined to prosecute Hillary Clinton https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ron-johnson-trump-clinton-2016-b2355596.html Sen. Ron Johnson under fire over fake-electors disclosure at hearing https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/22/sen-ron-johnson-under-fire-over-fake-electors-disclosure-hearing/ Ron Johnson now says he helped coordinate effort to pass false elector slates to Pence, but his new explanation drew a quick rebuke https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/politics/2022/06/23/ron-johnson-now-says-he-coordinated-handoff-false-elector-slates-pence/7715502001/ Sen. Ron Johnson Told Capitol Security Officials That “Fake” Trump Supporters Started The Capitol Riots https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/paulmcleod/ron-johnson-capitol-riot-conspiracy-theory Ron Johnson falsely claims there was ‘no violence’ on Senate side of US Capitol on January 6 https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/20/politics/ron-johnson-no-violence-senate-capitol-january-6/index.html
  10. Just be prepared to see Fox's dubious reporting and opinionating torn to shreds.
  11. Funny. For someone who claims that the topic is under covered, you don't seem to know much about what's actually been reported again and again.
  12. Because changing one's opinion is an impossibility? I do see a lot of that in right wing members here who cling to impossible scenarios.
  13. fox news is not allowed? Funny. I link to it quite often and haven't had a problem.
  14. Given the dubious quality of the witnesses' testimony, it would be surprising that they got any attention. But, in fact, there's been a massive amount of coverage. Which has proven kind of embarrassing for the Republicans. It's produced whistleblowers who offer opinons and no evidence but are subsidized by right wing politicans, a source who has apperently evaporated, a press conference which James Comey would prove Joe Biden was corrupt and even right wing Republicans criticized it for proving nothing at all, etc.
  15. Here's a quote from a more extensive article about the research "Consider the Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010, when BP’s oil rig exploded, filling the Gulf of Mexico with nearly 5 billion gallons of oil. Unsurprisingly, the news coverage was not exactly favorable. BP’s spending on promotions ads jumped from just $10,000 the year before the spill to a whopping $168 million in 2010, adjusted for inflation." https://grist.org/energy/big-oil-spent-3-6-billion-on-climate-ads-and-its-working/
  16. Are you afraid that if you look up the meaning you'll get drafted into the "LBGABCDEFGetc or woke brigades"? Is that how people become gay or woke?
  17. Not just about 1 or 2 messages. The loon who nearly became governor of arizona gave a warning in which she claimed that the govt should think twice about prosecuting Trump because 75 million Americans are members of the NRA. Lots of right wing commentators are also engaging in vivid wishful speech about inflicting violence on their political enemies.
  18. Their research is behind a pay wall. But I found this article from Brown University featuring an interview with the lead author: “All corporations rely on advertising to burnish their brands and minimize damage to their reputation,” Brulle said. “But this analysis, combined with previous research, demonstrates that ad campaigns in the oil and gas sector are specifically intended to influence how the public and lawmakers think about the climate crisis and whether they act to address it. It shows that the rise and fall of spending levels is directly related to whether or not climate legislation is being considered.” https://www.brown.edu/news/2019-12-17/advertising
  19. Which is an argument against this prosecution being politically inspired.
  20. Do you suffer from some kind of index finger paralysis which leaves you unable to click on links you find in google?
  21. Please. We had Trump openly brutally criticizing his first attorney general. Then Barr came along and launched an investigation to prove that members of the justice dept had conspired against Donald Trump despite a previous investigation by the IG concluding there was no such conspiracy. He was also castigated by a Federal judge for lying about the Mueller report. The justice dept also investigated reporters who had criticized Trump. Trump pressured AG Jeffries to fire Andrew McCable.
  22. All defendants are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. Would Trump be the first and only defendant to be treated in this way?
  23. Future deeply disturbed and deranged Presidents will have much to fear from this precedent.
  24. "Mar-a-Lago Club was not an authorized location for the storage possession, review, display, or discussion of classified documents," the indictment reads. "Nevertheless, Trump stored his boxes containing classified documents in various locations at the Mar-a-Lago Club — including in a ballroom, a bathroom and shower, and office space, his bedroom, and a storage room." Trump stored classified documents in a shower at Mar-a-Lago, unsealed indictment shows (businessinsider.nl)
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