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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. This is truly laughable. As though how a word is being used differs from what it means. So a word can mean something or somethings but is commonly used in a different way? Really?
  2. No, they do not destroy one's body except insofar as all medications carry some degree of risk. But the effect of these drugs is reversible. Nurse practitioners have routinely been prescribing these drugs, just as they routinely prescribe others. Is there any evidence that their supervision of cases has resulted in an inordinate amount of harm?
  3. So not about prescribing "powerful, potential powerful life altering drug"? It also requires that doctors oversee the treatment, not nurse practitioners. So nurse practitioners can oversee treatment for diabetes but not these treatments? Any evidence that these treatments are more dangerous than treatments that nurse practitioners routinely oversee? What is that case is that doctors' fees are higher than those of nurse practitioners. And why the extension of the statute of limitations for this particular procedure? Not intended to discourage medical practitioners from treating would-be patients?
  4. Anyone not living in a cave has experienced the use of "woke". Some of us believe that citing only one's experience as justification for what we assert is inadequate because we understand that claims to personal objectivity are inherently suspect.
  5. It must have been quite a long time ago that you spoke with this alleged scrap metal dealer. Regulations governing EV batteries were issued in 2014. Were EVs even much in evidence in the UK before then?
  6. And that first comment of yours, itself dubious, is where it should have stopped. There are other threads, still in existence, that address the Carroll cases.
  7. It's notable that you don't specifically address the points I raised, but simply make allegations unsupported by evidence.
  8. Much of which you conveniently ignore occured during the covid pandemic. And actually, Biden did manage to raise taxes to pay for the increase in coverage for Obamacare. Taxes would have been raised further but for the objections of a couple of DINOs.
  9. Doctors prescribe all sorts of powerful medications via telehealth systems. It's obviously disingenuous to be singling out transgender care. And what does it mean to say "potential life altering drugs". Isn't insulin a "potential life altering drug" too? Has the state of Florida sngled out diabetics for special attention? Has it extended the statute of limitations for treatment of diabetes to 20 years?
  10. I've got some exciting news for you; DA Bragg is the DA for Manhattan, one of the 5 boroughs (counties) of NY City. He is not an agent of the Federal Govt.
  11. When the facts are against you, I guess your only recourse is to go to motives. A special prosecutor appointed by William Barr, the man who lied about the Mueller report, spent 4 years trying to prove that anti-Trump prejudice was behind the Justice Dept's actions, and he failed miserably.
  12. In fact, chemical castration is not permanent. So unless you believe, as you apparently do, that physical castration can be performed via the internet, what's your point? What's more, Florida has extended the statute of limitations for this procedure to 20 years. Why is it being singled out?
  13. Good to see you're defending strict regulations by government. Long overdue.
  14. "I don't need to prove anything. I'm simply explaining how it is used.Why would I need to "prove" that?" No, you're explaining how you allege it's used. And you should offer some proof because this is a forum where people disagree. And alleging something is the case because you say so is obviously a case of circular reasoning and a deeply inadequate response. What's more, others have introduced actual independent evidence to support their case. "I didn't claim to do any "research". I'm simply aware of how it is being used through experiencing it." So you don't claim to have done research, yet you recommend the practice to others? "Feel free to do your own research and reach your own conclusions.":
  15. And what has any of this got to do with the criminal investigation of Trump in regards to Mar y Lago? Obsessed much?
  16. Thanks for the permission. And with your permission or without your permission some of us going to go on questioning your assertions. Has it ever occurred to you that asserting something is so is not the same thing as proving that it is so? And what evidence is there that you've done any research since you refuse to cite your sources?
  17. Wow! Who needs the Oxford dictionary when we have the final arbiter on the English language as a member of aseannow.com What an honour! And if you have any doubts about the accuracy of his definitions, remember that it's because he says so and dictionaries be damned! So keep your objections to yourself.
  18. Just a comment ago you were celebrating the utopia that American enjoyed under the Trump presidency. Now you're singing a different tune.
  19. It's about time you acquainted yourself with the logical fallacy known as "post hoc ergo propter hoc" which translates to "after this therefore because of this". And then there's the issue of deficits, which seem to deeply concern you only when a Democrat is President.
  20. But you claimed that Biden is responsible for the deficit. (By the way, which deficit year are you referring to?) Now you're conceding that it's a shared responsibility. Or is it only shared by Democrats, not Republicans?
  21. If people had their fingers burnt re diesel that's because companies that manufactured diesel were lying about the pollution they generated. " Why do you expect people to buy something that by every possible metric is less convenient than what they currently use?" So, when your car runs low on petrol, you have a pump at your home to fill it up? As for "THEN people will move to electric cars",, what year are you living in, China actually elimnated all subsidies on EVs starting Jan 1, 2023. China EV sales: BYD sets new May record while NIO slips ahead of ET5 Touring launch Recovering demand in China’s booming EV market led to all major EV builders seeing a rise in sales over the last month. Although NIO was the exception, the EV startup began delivering its second-generation ES6 and is launching a new midsize electric tourer this month... Last month, the market leader BYD led the rising momentum, with battery electric passenger vehicle (BEV) sales rising by 124% YOY to 119,603 in May, according to data from CnEVPost https://electrek.co/2023/06/01/china-ev-sales-byd-sets-new-may-record-nio-slips/ "That is probably at least 2 decades away." Out of what dark recess did you pull that estimate from? The most pessimistic expectations I've seen for solid state batteries is 2030. ANd the history of EV batteries shows that that predictions for batter performance have consistently been way too pessimistic.
  22. What you wrote is that the EVs are left to rot. In fact the batteries are shipped to recyclers, and the rest of the car is sold to scrap metal dealers. Nothing about having to send the vehicle abroad to Poland or anywhere else. And, in fact, producers of EV batteries are required to accept batteries for disposal. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/waste-batteries-producer-responsibility And let me refresh your memory as to what you actually said: "Any electric vehicle that becomes undrivable just sits and rots or gets sent to Poland." This continues to be B.S. And your alleged scrap metal dealer can't just send the car with the battery anywhere. The battery has to be taken care of separately. And he can't abandon the battery either. That is illegal.
  23. Really? What kind of government do you think the US operates under? Do you actually believe that Congress shares no responsibility for deficits? Maybe you're in possession of an alternative version of the Constitution?
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