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  1. I guess when someone has nothing pertinent to say about the issue, instead they take the B.S. route of making it personal. You've got nothing.
  2. Thanks for inventing reasons why Target moved that merchandise. And where was it said that these bikinis were being marketed to kids?
  3. Fox News Poll: 71% choose funding Social Security, Medicare over budget cuts As Congress considers ways to avoid defaulting on the nation’s debt, the latest Fox News survey finds most voters see the national debt situation as a major problem, if not a crisis... Majorities, including Democrats, Republicans, and independents, oppose reducing Social Security benefits for some future retirees (82% oppose), increasing income tax rates for all Americans (80%), and raising the age for Medicare from 65 to 67 (66%). On the other hand, majorities favor offering private retirement account options for younger Americans (70% favor) and increasing taxes on incomes over $400,000 a year (68%) and businesses and corporations (63%). https://www.foxnews.com/official-polls/fox-news-poll-71-choose-funding-social-security-medicare-over-budget-cuts
  4. Wrong. If Biden had been allowed free rein he would have raised taxes more.
  5. But no mention at all of "consumers exercising choice". Yet that's how you explained what was going on at Target.
  6. Really? I'm sure you've got plenty of evidence to contradict mine. For the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush era the national debt to gdp ratio doubled from 31% to 62%. Bill Clinton raised taxes with a Democratic Congress t(with Republicans claiming it would lead to economic doom) and by the time his second term was over the deficit had decreased from 62% to 55%. After Bush's tax cuts the ratio climbed back up to 64%. Bush also deregulated the stock market and the banks and then came the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Before covid hit the the ration only increased by about 3 percent. So without the occurrence of any financial disasters or pandemics , the Republicans added about 44% to the debt to gdp ratio. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GFDEGDQ188S
  7. Please, share with me what I'm omitting. As for the pandemic, think how much much less debt there would have been, had all those tax cuts not taken place.
  8. The article says threats. So no, not the usual "pap". But if you want to find a rich deposit of pap. look no further than this post and your previous one where claimed it was about "Consumers exercising choice". You've managed the remarkable feat of being both out of your depth and sinking to a new low. You've got a real gift for ugliness. Target is removing LGBTQ products from stores before Pride month after customers threaten workers Target is removing certain items from its stores and making other changes to its LGBTQ merchandise nationwide ahead of Pride month, after an intense backlash from some customers including violent confrontations with its workers... Target confirmed that it has moved its Pride merchandise from the front of the stores to the back in some Southern stores after confrontations and backlash from shoppers in those areas. https://fortune.com/2023/05/24/target-removing-lgbtq-products-stores-pride-month-customers-threaten-workers/
  9. Are you seriously claiming tha ti was onlly for an issue of quality control that this book was singled out? And you offer no explanation re "indirect hate messages" And please share with us the evidence that some classics were pulled from the shelves to make way for this book. I'm sure you wouldn't make such a claim oif that weren't the case? Or are you so unfamiliar with school libraries that you believe that the shelves only or even mostly contain classics?
  10. It may be rubbish but that's not why it's being pulled, is it? It's being pulled because of right wing paranoic lunacy.
  11. Since Trump for obvious reasons isn't available for the job, Desantis chose someone nearly as likely to shoot off his mouth.
  12. Oh, that must be the reason that the book was pulled from the shelves.
  13. B.S. More spurious bothsideism. The Reagan administration, the Bush administration, and the Trump administration all made big tax cuts each time accompanied by the promise that the cuts would stimulate the economy and pay for themselves. I'll give you 3 guesses how that worked out.
  14. Because people aren't going to blame the Republicans? You seem to believe that budget deficits rank high as a major concern of the American electorate. This so-called "crisis" is entirely a manufactured one.
  15. Consumers exercising choice? Maybe you read another article? Here's some choice bits from this one: US retailer Target is removing some items from its LGBTQ Pride Collection range after threats and confrontations in certain stores. The company said on Tuesday the move would protect employees after what it described as "volatile circumstances" in some of its 2,000 shops... "Since introducing this year's collection, we've experienced threats impacting our team members' sense of safety and well-being while at work," Target said in a statement. Or maybe you think making menacing threats is a legitimate choice?
  16. While we clearly differ about the literary value of this piece, I think we can both agree it poses no threat to any school child who might read it.
  17. "indirect hate messages". Here's a link to that poem. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/20/amanda-gormans-inaugural-poem-the-hill-we-climb-full-text.html I found it kind of tedious but an "indirect hate messages"? What exactly is indirect hate? I suspect it's something perceived only by paranoics. Next thing you know these paranoics be telling us that Critical Race Theory was being taught in Florida in public schools....oh wait....they already have...
  18. Ah yes, the value of alleged experiences offered by anonymous parties on this forum. Faith based evidence. Next you'll be telling us that Farage only meant that the Tories hadn't done what he would have liked them to and not that Brexit has failed. Oh...wait a minute...you already did.
  19. How do you to there from here? “What Brexit has proved, I’m afraid, is that our politicians are about as useless as the commissioners in Brussels. We’ve mismanaged this totally,” Farage said, responding to a raft of data suggesting there had been a negative economic impact of Brexit. “Brexit has failed,” he added. “We’ve not delivered on Brexit and the Tories have let us down very, very badly.”
  20. Well the FTSE 100 was up because it's internationally focused. But the FTSE 250 is more closely tied to the UK economy and it was down in 2022. But however well or poorly a stock exchange performs is only loosely tied to how the economy is doing.
  21. The proof she had? Virtually all the claims she made were proven to be false.
  22. Because if there's one thing we know about the Republican electorate is that they are highly rational and don't subscribe to lunatic conspiracy theories and won't support those who purvey them.
  23. There was a time for debate about human-caused climate change, but the time has passed. The evidence is overwhelming. Almost no climatologists doubt the evidence now and those who do are mostly old and past it.
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