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  1. The answer to your question is simple. This U.S. econonomist uses no "reason that the USA has about the same inflation as the UK then". And that's because this US economist knows the US does not have about the same rate of inflation as does the UK.,He knows that In April, 2023, the US monthly inflation rate was 4.9%. He also knows that In the UK in April the monthly inflation rate was 8.7%.
  2. This is B.S. Batteries are currently sent from the UK to battery recyclers in in the EU., As for "Any electric vehicle that becomes undrivable just sits and rots or gets sent to Poland.." This is B.S. Here's what really happens: "End of life electric vehicles are returned to the dealership where the battery is removed from the vehicle using high voltage technicians The vehicle is sold to a metal recycler whilst the battery is given to a battery disposal company The battery is discharged, dismantled into modules which are packaged in containers alongside fire-proof material "Currently, most companies in the UK export their end-of-life and redundant batteries to Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world for material-level recycling and face heavy transportation costs associated with that service." https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/wmg/business/transportelec/22350m_wmg_battery_recycling_report_v7.pdf I believe that the phrase "metal recycler" means the same thing as "scrap metal dealer".
  3. As the article points out, if you're a landowner in Texas and want to have wind turbine installed on your property you need the permission of all your neighbors if the turbine is located less than 3000 feet from the property line. No such rules apply to fossil fuel plants. "According to state legislators, the bill’s purpose is to protect wildlife, water, and land from the effects of energy generation. But it’s telling that the proposed law applies only to nonpolluting wind and solar, rather than heavily polluting energy sources like coal and oil that have a much harsher impact on our air and our planet."
  4. Is that that scrap metal businessman knowable? I haven' been able to find any evidence that the rest of an electric vehicle can't be scrapped. I did see evidence that EV batteries that aren't being reused in the are being shipped to plants in the EU. I find it hard to believe that what remains isn't at least eligible for the scrap yard, if not for parts. One of the problems bedeviling the EV battery recycling business is that not only are batteries in cars lasting longer than predicted, but as you pointed out, once they fall below 80% capacity, they can still be used in all sorts of storage applications.
  5. You mean you won't take the word of an anecdotal scrap metal businessman who anecdotally has been in the business for 30 years? Odd that this alleged scrap metal businessmanwouldn't know about this company https://www.secondlife-evbatteries.com/ Or that EV batteries that aren't being reused in the UK are shipped to European factories for recycling. Including at least one that is located in Poland: https://www.just-auto.com/news/posco-completes-ev-battery-recycling-plant-in-poland/ and elsewhere https://www.electrive.com/2023/04/27/fortum-opens-large-scale-battery-recycling-plant-in-finland/ https://hydrovolt.com/ As usual, when it comes to manufacturing, the EU is behind the curve. As for the claim that the rest of the vehicle can't be recycled, what can i say but that sounds like utter...rubbish.
  6. This is a major piece of concern trolling from Rowan Atkinson. It's clear from the way he cherrypicks his information. For instance, he cites Volvo's estimate that the manufacturing an EV creates 70% more CO2, but leaves out Volvo's estimate that over its lifetime an EV will still produce less greenhouse gas than wll an EV. And of course, he ignores more recent research: YSE Study Finds Electric Vehicles Provide Lower Carbon Emissions Through Additional Channels https://environment.yale.edu/news/article/yse-study-finds-electric-vehicles-provide-lower-carbon-emissions-through-additional HIs point about EV batteries lasting only about 10 years is false. Batteries are lasting a lot longer than originally predicted with experts now giving them 10-20 years. What's more, these batteries are increasingly being recycled which consumes a lot less energy. It also turns out that the recycled lithium actually performs better than does newly mined lithium. As for synthetic fuels, they actually aren't carbon neutral, although they could be a huge improvement over petroleum derived fuels. Could be. And most of the rest of his column is about holding off on buying new ICE vehicles as a way to reduce greenhouse gases. Critiques of consumerism are all well and good but how realistic a program is that?
  7. Your comment about EV's being essentially coal powered would make some sense if, in fact, coal provided the majority of power. Is that the case in the UK? Is it the case in the EU? Is it the case in the developed world? Even in China the percentage of power provided by coal is falling. In fact, China is leading the world by far in the installation of new renewable sources. And as for what's coming down the pipeline, overwhelmingly it's renewables In fact over the next five years, renewables will account for over 90% of all new power generation https://www.iea.org/news/renewable-power-s-growth-is-being-turbocharged-as-countries-seek-to-strengthen-energy-security
  8. What you repeatedly and misleadingly leave out is that in another of those emails Hunter Biden said that his father when approached about this deal replied with an "emphatic no".
  9. You're lumping together 2 things: Biden's denial that he received money and his denial that his family received money. He was clearly incorrect about the latter. But there is no evidence that Biden ever received a penny. And who on the left was denying that Hunter Biden and others received money? What was being claimed, and is still being claimed, is that there is no good evidence to show that these moneys were paid because of some corrupt activity on the part of Hunter Biden.. Believe it or not, there has been a widespread claim on the right that Hunter Biden was being paid on behalf of the Chinese govt, even though there is no evidence to support this. In fact, the head of the company that paid Biden is now in detention in China on suspicion of corruption. As for Ukraine, even though Biden was unequivocally and explicitly carrying out US policy in seeking dismissal of a corrupt prosecutor, some right wingers still claim that he was acting on behalf of his son and Burisma.
  10. You'll note that Trump's defenders cite the alleged motives of the government rather than the facts of the case. The fact is that the National Archives gave Trump every opportunity to return those documents. The law is clear: once the National Archives requests the return of documents, the laws says you must comply or you will be in violation., Despite which, the National Archives negotiated with Trump for months before turning to the Justice Dept. for assistance.
  11. I offered you a link that directly addressed the issue of transgender youth. It showed a dramatic decline in suicides for kids who had been given treatment.. https://www.hcplive.com/view/suicide-risk-reduces-73-transgender-nonbinary-youths-gender-affirming-care
  12. US military has been observing ‘metallic orbs’ making extraordinary ‘maneuvers’ At a historic NASA briefing on UFOs — “unidentified anomalous phenomena” (UAP) in government parlance — a key Defense Department official made a striking disclosure. Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of a new UAP analysis office, stated that U.S. military personnel are observing “metallic orbs” “all over the world.”... According to Kirkpatrick, spherical objects account for the largest proportion — nearly half — of all UAP reports received by his office. Critically, some of these objects are capable of “very interesting apparent maneuvers.” https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/4030026-us-military-has-been-observing-metallic-orbs-making-extraordinary-maneuvers/
  13. Given that by all accounts Biden was intimately and continuouly involved in the negotiations, your attempt to resuscitate that canard might find traction among fellow extremists, but those of us living in the fact based world know otherwise.
  14. Actually, Parnas was a minion of Dmytro Firtash. The Kleptocrat Who Bankrolled Rudy Guiliani’s Dive for Dirt on Biden https://newrepublic.com/article/167304/dmitro-firtash-guiliani-kleptocrat-money https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmytro_Firtash
  15. False. To be judged guilty it would have to be shown that Pence purposely took those documents in defiance of the law. and/or that he failed to return them when they were requested. Apparently, there was insufficient evidence or maybe no evidence to incriminate Pence. Whereas there are bushels of evidence against Trump.
  16. And are you quite sure Giuliani, Parnas, and Fruman aren't relevant?. It turns out that, according to CNN, this document was part of the packet of so-called evidence handed over by none other than Rudolph Giuliani. Republicans ‘Not Interested’ In Whether Biden Bribe Allegation Is True, Chuck Grassley Says Citing anonymous sources, CNN reported Wednesday that the tip came from a batch of material that former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani obtained from Ukraine and provided to the Justice Department in 2020, noting that the department said at the time that it didn’t take anything from Ukraine at face value. Fox News host Bill Hemmer pressed Grassley on how damning the bribery allegation is for the sitting U.S. president — but Grassley couldn’t tell him. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/republicans-not-interested-whether-biden-175055975.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGpmCzxjBt5m8m8MPAl1UEBJEj7ZxTdKdPYd0YNSh-PDGORGTiI6hu4XiA_wHOMMYwE0fgVOwa7jKoPEnK_lNRc7xVKqIJFbpB9Y4KynkFX5r0k9eWSD8csuCN_RsSMsOAyf0SISRbL9KRitszzhWs7H26mdCS-ZtJsx7JobcGLj
  17. I'm not the one who jumped the gun on this. You did. I was just pointing out that anti-Biden enthusiasts have ridden this horse before, to mix a metaphor, it crashed and burned. Not you of course. You've been admirably restrained and impartial.
  18. Given that it's clear that the Tories are desperate to make trade agreements to justify Brexit, why wouldn't other countries take advantage of their desperation?
  19. It's been on offer for a while. Apparently, Comer backed down and accepted the offer.
  20. The debt deal limits Pentagon spending. Lawmakers are already figuring out ways around it. The ink is barely dry on a debt limit deal that constrains Pentagon spending for the next two years, but lawmakers in both parties are already looking for ways to boost funding levels in spite of those caps. The pact passed the House late Wednesday with the support of most Republican defense hawks, even though the deal caps national defense spending at the administration’s $886 billion proposal for fiscal 2024. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/01/debt-limit-deal-pentagon-budget-00099683
  21. Banning this book is not enough. Its author should not be allowed anywhere near school children.
  22. I don't think so. I think his theft of the documents was just his infantile way of expressing rage at being tossed out of office.
  23. Anyway, what it looks like is that Comer has accepted the FBI's offer to read the document along with Raskin. Not that they're handing the document over to the committee.
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