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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. By trying not to be disrespectful, you managed to post something entirely irrelevant to the topic.
  2. He's a sincere person? He excoriated Trump in his private messages. Given what he said about Trump publicly, is that the mark of sincere person? Apparently, you believe that a sincere person can also be two-faced.
  3. First off, that was a summer job when school wasn't in session. And if you read the article in its entirety, it removes any limitations on the number of hours 16 and 17 year olds are allowed to work. Basically what this bill is about is keeping the wages of adult workers low.
  4. Once again, as has repeatedly been pointed out to you, just because some foreign business people believe that, as in their countries, family connections count in government decisions, that doesn't mean that it's the case. It may have been sleazy for some Bidens to trade on that belief, but that doesn't mean it's criminal. And your bad faith in commenting on this is exemplified by your constant use of the phrase the "biden family.". Some Bidens does not equal the Biden family.
  5. I wasn't aware that the Justice Dept is conducting an ongoing investigation of this matter.
  6. And how do you know that there hasn't been a thorough investigation?
  7. Really? Comments posted on this forum are supposed to be exempt from analysis and criticism? There's an awful lot of history against you. Oh no...I've just criticized another comment of yours...
  8. What evidence do you have that I am not being patient? You've got nothing. Whereas the right wingers here have already jumped to conclusions and offer dubious conspiratorial characterizations like the "biden cabal". Clearly, you're just another conspiracy theorist.
  9. Because it's the "biden fan club" members who are rushing to judgement? Your post is just another comment from an alternative universe.
  10. And I didn't like the way Game of Thrones ended. But the difference between you and me is that I know what is fantasy and what isn't.
  11. Like the 2020 elections being stolen?
  12. The jury got to watch excertps including one in which he told the lawyer questioning him that she was not his type. The super genius strikes again.
  13. That Chinese energy company that paid them, CEFC was looking to do business in the USA. Its boss is now in detention in China on charges of corruption and the company is defunct. Please define what you mean by "affiliated"? And has been pointed out to you many times. the problem with the reporting on Hunter Biden's laptop, is that no investigation was conducted by the NY Post before publishing the info. The reporter they originally assigned to write it up refused to do so because of that. Rudolph Giuliani refused to share metadata with journalists that could have established the legitimacy of the provenance of the laptop.
  14. Trump was not denied the opportunity to testify. His attorneys declined to put him on the stand. That said, the judge indicated that he would be willing to consider allowing Trump to testify despite the lateness of the hour. But if Trump's deposition is anything to go by, I doubt his attorneys would actually want to put him on the stand. Unless they believe that their case has gone so badly that they feel they have nothing to lose. Just my speculation.
  15. I wonder if Thomas claimed his nephew as a dependent to the IRS.
  16. And how do you know the charge against Biden hasn't been investigated? As for taking their time in the Mar a Lago case, there's a lot of evidence to process and they're still taking depositions from Trump's staff.
  17. Which "foreign adversaries were paying up to 12 member of the Biden clan"? Stop making things up.
  18. Will they have a lot of explaining to do if they did investigate that accusation? And what is it with you right wingers. As far as we know there is one accusation, not "accusations". And 2 "if"s in one sentence. Kind of tendentious, no?
  19. You asked a question. I answered it. Stop trying to deflect.
  20. U.S. Renews its Commitment to Papua New Guinea with $12 Million USD Agreement https://www.usaid.gov/pacific-islands/press-releases/4-22-2022-us-renews-its-commitment-papua-new-guinea-12-million-usd-agreement Saint Kitts and Nevis–United States relations St. Kitts and Nevis is a beneficiary of the U.S. Caribbean Basin Initiative. U.S. assistance is primarily channeled through multilateral agencies such as the World Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), as well as the USAID office in Bridgetown, Barbados. In addition, St. Kitts and Nevis benefits from U.S. military exercises and humanitarian civic action construction projects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis–United_States_relations U.S. Relations With Tuvalu The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funds regional projects assisting communities in accessing financing, building institutional capacity, and adapting to climate change. The Climate Ready project (2016-2022) supports climate finance and management capacity by working with government partners and stakeholders to draft and implement policies to achieve adaption goals; access larger amounts of financing from international adaption funds; and improve the skills and systems within each country to better manage and monitor adaption projects. With the Pacific Community (SPC), the Institutional Strengthening in Pacific Island Countries to Adapt to Climate Change project (ISACC, 2015-2022) is expanding government capacity to manage their climate finances more successfully and supporting the scale up of successful multi-sectoral projects to improve climate resilience. https://www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-tuvalu/
  21. Trump gets crushed by what he calls "the failing New York Times". What does that say about his strength if an allegedly failing organization gets his case booted out of court?
  22. Here's what could be going on here. For 2 years, Trump was repeatedly asked for a DNA sample to compare the alleged semen stain on the plaintiff's dress to Trump's DNA. He refused. After the deadline had passed, he offered to provide a sample provided certain vague conditions were met. At any rate, since the deadline had passed, the judge ruled against Trump. Now it could be he's setting up to claim that he wanted to testify, after the deadline had passed, but the judge wouldn't allow him to. And what does it mean that he wants to confront her? Where?
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