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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. You mean because they keep on making mistakes?
  2. What party did Jacob Rees-Mog and the other fellow, Boris something or other belong to?. And a lot of back benchers. Cameron called for a referendum because he was facing a pro-Brexit rebellion in his own party.
  3. Can you please share with us what position in the government Hunter Biden has occupied that would make this relevant? And maybe you should actually start looking at the media instead of imagining what they say. Seems to me there's an awful lot of stories out there about Hunter Biden. Most of them not exactly favorable.
  4. Actually not. If anyone's invoking magical thinking, it's Brexit supporters who believe that somehow it will end up being a net plus for the UK economy. What I'm doing is projecting from the known to predict the future. What you're doing is projecting from magical thinking into the future.
  5. More nonsense from you. And the salient thing you forgot to mention is the science. You've got nothing.
  6. Typically vague. Ain't nothing going to compensate for losing unfettered access to a free trade zone consisting of 500 million people. At least some diehard Brexit supports say it's worth it if that's the price of freedom. That's a ridiculous argument but at least it acknowledges the loss.
  7. Could you please share with us actual unequivocal evidence that supports your claim of the existence of "the ever present and growing Biden scandal."
  8. Let me put it to you more plainly. Brexit is not a law like say, the laws of thermodynamics. They can't be changed or reversed. But whether you believe it or not, Brexit actually can be changed or reversed. And given how the population feels about it, particularly the younger generations, what makes you think it can't happen?
  9. It's not over in the sense that it's not irrevocable. And given that the rising generations are severely displeased with Brexit, I think it's extremely revocable
  10. The same kind of things that were said before during the Durham investigation and how the deep state conspiracy would be exposed. And even with the massive amount of support that Barr gave Durham, it came to nothing. And before the Durham investigation the IG of the FBI/DOJ who found lots of severe faults with how the FBI/DOJ conducted itself but no trace of conspiracy. And as I pointed out Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post made a pretty convincing case that this was about Ukraine. An informant's report. The record of informants about the Ukraine is not exactly one to inspire confidence. And maybe you think Comer is a reliable source. His history says otherwise.
  11. The low intellectual quality of your post is apparent in the use of the phrase "Biden crime family." As is your contention about corruption in the FBI, DOJ, and others. Are you completely oblivious to the fact that William Barr and John Durham tried their best to prove that point and failed utterly?
  12. And yet you claim it's parlous condition isn't going to be a major issue in the upcoming elections. Even Tory voters think the conservatives have done a bad job.
  13. No, I didn't say it was a coincidence. I said exactly the opposite. This was a carefully planned decision that Biden was delegated to pursue. You've got nothing.
  14. Right. No one cares much about the NHS at all. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/feb/23/britons-ministers-policies-nhs-study-ipsos-poll https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/b/more-than-two–thirds-of-public-think-nhs-is-underfunded-including-over-half-of-tory-voters-poll-finds
  15. What you seem not to know is that he was firing that prosecutor to fulfill the plan of the President, the State Department and the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine. Oh, and the EU approved, too. This was not done on his own initiative, https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/21/fact-check-joe-biden-leveraged-ukraine-aid-oust-corrupt-prosecutor/5991434002/ https://www.factcheck.org/2020/10/trump-revives-false-narrative-on-biden-and-ukraine/ https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/may/07/viral-image/fact-checking-joe-biden-hunter-biden-and-ukraine/
  16. I'm sure you wouldn't claim this without some evidence to link to. Please share it with the rest of us.
  17. They mostly do make their own. But they import the precursor chemicals from China.
  18. Trevor Noah has been gone from the Daily Show since Dec 9, 2022
  19. He also told stuff privately that was the opposite of what he said on air.
  20. And what's that got to do with Willis not yet filing a reply?
  21. And you think he has a good shot at that which is why you cited Norm Eisen saying, essentially, that the filing is without merit?
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