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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. In his decision, this fanatical judge used the phrase "unborn person" instead of fetus. This notion that fetus is a person has no constitutional backing.
  2. The Clinton campaign has already been fined for this violation of the election law. They did not engage in tax fraud.
  3. What do you mean the "invasion paused" during Trump's term. Russia kept on supplying the separatists with weapons. And Trump did his bit to help the Russias by illegally denying armaments to the Ukrainians for months.
  4. Can you share with us any of those reports in well-known media that endorse the claim we're all going to die soon from climate change? Seems to me like you're the one pushing BS here.
  5. "An analysis that was the basis of a highly criticized recommendation from Florida's surgeon general cautioning young men against getting the COVID-19 vaccine omitted information that showed catching the virus could increase the risk of a cardiac-related death much more than getting the mRNA shot, according to drafts of the analysis obtained by the Tampa Bay Times. The nonbinding recommendation made by Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo last fall ran counter to the advice provided by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Ladapo, a Harvard-trained medical doctor who was appointed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2021 to head the Florida Department of Health, has drawn intense scrutiny over his shared resistance with the Republican governor to COVID-19 mandates for vaccines and masks and other health policies endorsed by the federal government. The early drafts of the analysis obtained by the Times through a records request showed that catching COVID-19 could increase the chances of a cardiac-related death much more than getting the vaccine, but that information was missing from the final version put out by the Florida Department of Health last October." https://news.yahoo.com/report-florida-officials-cut-key-150016558.html
  6. Towards what end? As I understand it 13 American troops died in the withdrawal. If 10 to 20,000 American troops had returned to Afghanistan, how many of them would have died? How many civilians? What ultimate purpose would have been served by them returning?
  7. Maybe because they don't read what they link to they figure nobody does?
  8. Is this the link you're referring to? https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/afghanistan-after-action-reports-state-department-pentagon-white-house/ "As late as May 2021, the assessment was still that Kabul would probably not come under serious pressure until late 2021 after U.S. troops departed," the NSC paper said. "As planning intensified throughout the late spring and early summer, intelligence reports continued to suggest that — even if the Taliban made gains in some Afghan provinces — the capital, Kabul, would be more difficult for the Taliban to take and the ANDSF would defend it."
  9. Just fly in a mere 10 to 20 thousand soldiers? And in violation of the agreement? I concede that there was a failure of military intelligence. They should have known that the agreement had fatally wounded the effectiveness of Afghan forces which were still dependent on the U.S. military. They screwed up.
  10. Another one who thinks attitude is an adequate substitute for rationality.
  11. Maybe, must maybe, the Embassy was closed to avoid another repeat of Iran 1980? What about 8600 military personnel? All military personnel were supposed to leave. The 8600 personnel were what was supposed to be left after the first deadline.
  12. Well, he's a product that, unlike Florida, New York isn't buying.
  13. I don't think you understand. If you repeat something often enough, it becomes true! Some call the thinking behind this The Theory of Wishful Thinking, others call it The Theory of the Big Lie.
  14. I'm reconsidering looking for the refund. It would mean I would have to give up ownership of the Brooklyn Bridge.
  15. Well, since those three aren't going to be there, I'm going to see if I can get a refund for my ticket.
  16. The charge was "terroristic threatening" So I guess if someone suggests you might get shot or bombed, it doesn't mean that they intend to kill you. I mean, maybe you'll die, but you might not.
  17. I've always wondered why women aren't primarily used on these missions. Or at least why size of the astronaut isn't a crucial criterion. Every kilogram saved on human weight means more cargo can be carried or fuel requirements reduced.
  18. From the landing page of the World News Forum: Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source.
  19. Thank you for your marshalling of zero evidence to support your claim. Maybe you believe that if you say it repeatedly that makes it true?
  20. False again. Joe Biden administration blames chaotic Afghan pull-out on Trump Not how badly it was managed. Also, I note that you seem to have no answer for the fact that the Trump administration continued the pullout despite the fact that the Taliban repeatedly violated the agreement.
  21. Here's a link to the official text of the agreement https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Agreement-For-Bringing-Peace-to-Afghanistan-02.29.20.pdf
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