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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Do they generally get the same benefits? https://www.nilc.org/issues/economic-support/overview-immeligfedprograms/
  2. Well, you may be eager for the United States to commit massive economic self-harm, but I doubt reasonably rational people would agree with you.
  3. One of the most heated and interesting debates in the energy world today has to do with how far the US can get on carbon-free renewable energy alone. One faction believes that renewables can supply 100 percent of US energy, with sufficient help from cheap energy storage and savvy management of demand. Another faction believes that renewables will ultimately fall short and need assistance from nuclear power and natural gas or biomass with carbon capture and storage. https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2019/8/9/20767886/renewable-energy-storage-cost-electricity
  4. Misleadingly editing my quote much? Here is what you left out: "How much guff does it take to stuff a right winger before they say "enough". They still need to make money to eat. They can't get by without earning anything.
  5. Well, they would have no work. But I suspect that since it would be a disaster for the American economy if they were all to leave at once, then a way will be found to avoid committing economic suicide. Like a grace period to legalize workers. In other words an honest acknowledgement of what undocumented aliens actually contribute to the American economy.
  6. There is plenty out there about why your assumptions are wrong. I got news for you. Photovtaics do work when they're standing upright. They aren't as efficient as when they're perpendicular to the sun's rays but the cheaper they are to make, the less that matters. And the manufacture of spray on Perovskite Solar Cells will vost a small fraction of what it takes to make a silicon-based solar cell Progress in Spray Coated Perovskite Films for Solar Cell Applications https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/solr.202101035 What's more you take no account of price PV windows cut energy use by 40% in glazed buildings, says NREL https://www.pv-magazine.com/2022/12/02/pv-windows-cut-energy-use-by-40-in-glazed-buildings-says-nrel/ This technology turns windows into solar panels, here’s how https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/transparent-solar-panel-windows/ As for the BS about renewables needing nuclear or fossil fuel as backup, I'll launch another thread that will deal with the common misconceptions about getting to 100% renewables.
  7. Yes. But of course, if it became law, there wouldn't be a lot of people to deport. And there would be a lot more permissions granted to aliens to work in the USA.
  8. In this case even if you were immortal, I doubt you'll get an answer from RichardColeman.
  9. They all go to jail. Let's say a minimum of 2 years for up to 5 workers. 4 years for 5-10 workers. 10 years for any number above that. After all, as right wingers tell us, America is under invasion. People who know or should have knows that the workers they hired were undocumented, are traitors and should be imprisoned.
  10. This is a public forum. And it's clear from your non-answer that you've got nothing. Stop making things up.
  11. Being poor and a U.S. citizen may be way better than being poor in most places. But being poor and an undocumented alien? How much guff does it take to stuff a right winger before they say "enough". They still need to make money to eat. They can't get by without earning anything.
  12. What does universal mean? Does it mean excluding anybody?
  13. Golly gee they will just have to. Even if it means paralysing the U.S. economy. Why didn't they think of that before? Such a great plan. , We'll call it the "Have To Plan That In No Way Resembles Wishful Thinking"
  14. I forgot to address this piece of B.S. Yes I know what "penalize" means. And if I didn't, I could look it up. What I didn't know, because you repeatedly ignored my attempts, is what "penalize" means to you in this context. Now I know. Not nearly enough.
  15. I support harshly penalizing employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens. And by harshly I mean imprisonment. I support universal E-verification. Of course, if employers truly are cracked down on , there won't be much of a rush of undocumented aliens across the border. And you may think you mean it when you talk of universal e-verification. But given your easily caricatured mistrust of big government, do you and other like minded people really want the government to have a database that includes every working person in the United States? I doubt it.
  16. Hey, you didn't answer my question. What were the contemptuous words that General Milley used?
  17. You will never get these people to define socialism. For them it's a reflexive tick. Very Pavlovian, and unmoored from the higher centers of thought.
  18. Are you reverring to Joe Biden? If so, please share with us those "proven money links". As I am sure you are aware the landing page for this forum states: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." I await with interest the links you will provide.
  19. It's clearly you who are being evasive. I asked you to specify what "penalize" means in this context and you just ignore it. What specifically do you mean by "penalize"? Does that mean imprisonment?
  20. What contemptuous words did Milley use against Trump while he was President?
  21. Here's your question. (not questions) I am all for penalizing all employers that knowingly hire illegal aliens, and I support mandating every employee be E-Verified regardless of position or years of service, do you? Well, what do you mean by "penalizing'? Like making it a felony with mandatory prison time? Or just imposing financial penalties? Or making it a misdemeanor?
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