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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. To date, there is no good evidence that Biden committed a crime. As for Hunter Biden, are you referring to the former non President and current non ex-President?
  2. I agree. You would imagine that. Such a fertile imagination. Fertile because it's fed by...fertilizer.
  3. If it was determined by the legal system that he had been wrongfully imprisoned, then his sentence would have been vacated. Instead, he was sent to a halfway house.
  4. FBI and Secret Service collusion? Didn't the Durham investigation completely fail at proving collusion at the FBI in regards to investigations of Trump? Despite his obviously being highly motivated to find it. As was his backer, William Barr.
  5. Some? And if they were just idiotic that would be bad enough. But apparently it's not newsworthy when the President publishes his own words via the internet. Don't you just hate it when THE MEDIA slanders and libels Trump by quoting his own tweets? Oh, I guess now it's "truths".So unfair!
  6. First, here is a record of how much costs have declined Today, solar panels are 94% cheaper than they were in 1989. As the production and energy-generating capacity of solar panels has improved over the last few decades, the cost has dropped significantly. This is a quintessential example of economies of scale in manufacturing. Dating back even further to the mid-1970s, every time the global cumulative capacity of photovoltaic cells doubled, prices saw the same relative decline, according to cost and capacity data analyzed by Our World in Data. https://www.rocketsolar.com/learn/energy-efficiency/how-cost-solar-panels-has-fallen In a way, it's true but only because the cost per kwh is already exceedingly close to zero. Less than 50 cents per kwh. And you seem to be making the assumption that the only kind of PVs are silicon based. Other non-silicon based technologies are being developed such as perovskites that can be sprayed on a window at a further reduction in cost.
  7. The Obama Administration did send military aid to Ukraine. But not weaponry. And I see you have no answer your claim that Obama "allowed" Russia to enter Ukraine. And yes Obama should have gone ahead with the missile program.
  8. Are you saying that the Left wing media is authoring Trump's tweets? No wonder they so frequently sounded insane. No genuinely rationaly person could ever compose such lunacy. Shame on those lefties!
  9. What do you mean by allow? Do you think American forces should have entered the fray? Yes, Obama could have done more. On the other hand, he didn't illegally refuse for months to send arms to Ukraine that were authorized by legislation. It was only after extreme bipartisan Congressional pressure and a request from Trump to investigate Hunter Biden and his likely political opponent, Joe Biden. And Obama certainly never said, unlike Trump, that he would considering recognizing Russia's annexation of Crimea. Such actions and comments on Trump's part must have left Putin shaking in his boots.
  10. You seem to specialize in making generalizations that while they can't be prove false, are innately trivial. Given that there are hundreds of millions of Americans it's virtually a certainty that Republican presidents have been called Hitler. And I'm sure that by the same light, every Democratic President has been called Stalin or Mao or something similar. What's your point? And of course Biden has been making gaffes since he was young. Maybe you think slips of the tongue or occasional forgetting are a way of evaluating a President's grasp on policy. In fact, it's Republicans who focus on the slip-ups and not the speeches in their entirety. His talks are certainly a lot more rational and more factual than another ex-President I could name. In fact, aides to a previous president were frequently shocked by how ignorant he was and persisted in being so. And,as far as I know though, there's only been one major President who repeats the same lies and the same vicious insults over and over again. He even led the bizarre movement that questioned whether or not a previous President was native born. No, I'm just kidding about that. Because that would be unbelievable, right?
  11. From the same article: "Presently, we are experiencing an abnormally long interglacial called the Holocene that has lasted nearly 11,000 years. A new glaciation has been expected to begin; however, due to human induced climate change or anthropogenic climate change, the next glaciation is being delayed anywhere from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, it is expected that the Holocene interglacial may last at least another 150,000 years.[6]" https://energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Glacial_and_interglacial_periods
  12. Putin was behaving himself? He continued funding the civil in Ukraine.. While Trump for months illegally refused to provide armaments to Ukraine to battle Putin and the separatists. Did Kim stop developing nuclear weapons while Trump was President? Despite what history shows us. there are still lots of folks who believe that the USA has the power to control the actions of other nations. And if somehow some adverse event occurs, it's because of some failure on the part of whoever the current President happens to be.
  13. I offered the results of a study by someone who actually researched the scientific literature to see what was being said about climate change back then. You offer your recollections. It's absolutely clear that a rational, objective observer would go with actual confirmable evidence. Except to those under the sway of a strong bias.
  14. So far, none of Musk's fanboys here have protested his censorship of MTG. Double standards much?
  15. Now if only we had an atmosphere then maybe we could do something about it. Oh wait a minute...
  16. Well I would agree that Climate Change does bring all kind of fanatics out of the woodwork. Welcome to the forum.
  17. If it's acceptable to be ridiculous so be it. But if you're going to make ridiculous comments, then expect them to be ridiculed.
  18. Or maybe you need to stop making comments that deserve mockery. I didn't think it was possible to one-up Trump on his "most innocent" claim, but you managed to do it.
  19. I don't know why you think making fun of someone's on account of a speech impediment is a left or right choice. Are you claiming that mocking someone on account of a speech impediment is okay on the right?
  20. You're the person who introduced the bizarre Jesus analogy. 2 Baht's comment just shows how ridiculous it is.
  21. We can judge the moral quality of people by their choices. Thanks for sharing one of yours with us.
  22. Climate change supercharges threat from forest-eating bug https://phys.org/news/2022-12-climate-supercharges-threat-forest-eating-bug.html#:~:text=The beetles kill the trees,brace the trees against storms. Survey of U.S. forests ties tree-killing insects to climate change https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/survey-u-s-forests-ties-tree-killing-insects-climate-change-ncna1042221 Wake-Up Call: Climate Change Threatens Rice Farming https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/wake-up-call-climate-change-threatens-rice-farming/#:~:text=One study found that each,lying farmland with salt water. California’s desert trees can’t take the heat: study https://thehill.com/policy/equilibrium-sustainability/3922578-californias-desert-trees-cant-take-the-heat-study/
  23. Get back to me with some peer reviewed science. It should be easy to find something to back your belief. After all, only 99.9% of peer-reviewed papers say otherwise. And there is this huge falsehood told by Lindzen in 2018: “Warming of any significance ceased about 20 years ago,” Lindzen claimed in a lecture at the Global Warming Policy Foundation. http://web.archive.org/web/20181018164016/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6259555/Climate-scientist-says-climate-claims-nonsense-coral-reefs-not-danger.html What purveyors of falsehoods like Lindzen do, is look for anomalies and make them their baseline. So, to go back 20 years from 2018 would bring us back to 1998, That year featured an El Nino that was one of the most powerful ever recorded. This phenomenon raises global temperatures. This El Nino, being a huge one, raised temperatures a lot. Despite which in 2005, the average global temperature was higher than in 1998, And so was another in 2010., In fact the last 8 years have all had higher average temperatures than any previous yearly global average. And that includes years in which powerful La Ninas appeared. La Ninas have an effect opposite to that of El Ninos. They actually depress global temperatures. That 1998 record setter does not even make the top 10 anymore. Here's a link to more info: https://skepticalscience.com/lindzen-illusion-2-lindzen-vs-hansen-1980s.html
  24. Even if your version of the how long there was a warming trend in England was correct (it isn't), clearly you believe that England constitutes most of the world.
  25. Can you please share with us a link to your study? Did you publish in The Journal of Because I Said So.?
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