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  1. Here's your question. (not questions) I am all for penalizing all employers that knowingly hire illegal aliens, and I support mandating every employee be E-Verified regardless of position or years of service, do you? Well, what do you mean by "penalizing'? Like making it a felony with mandatory prison time? Or just imposing financial penalties? Or making it a misdemeanor?
  2. As has also been noted hundreds of times. such a wall would be an environmental disaster. And it's dubious whether such a wall would ultimately be successful. And what would concentrating officers at borders accomplish? Is that about illegal drugs? You seriously think that anti-drug enforcement at the borders would work?
  3. So you agree that hiring undocumented aliens should be made a criminal offense? And strictly enforced? If that were ever to happen, I doubt that many employers with so much to lose, would be hiring undocumented workers. And if jobs were only available through legal channels for immigrants, the immigration problem at the border would mostly go away. Undocumented immigrants overwhelmingly come here to work and send back money to their families. Without that incentive, why would they show up?
  4. Why too late? Why couldn't it be started later? As for imported drugs. as has been noted in this forum many times, imported drugs mostly cross the border at government controlled crossings. The fact is that there is a huge amount of manufactured goods crossing daily from Mexico. The drugs are packes in with them. Not feasible to subject most of them to thorough inspections. And little to do with human trafficking.
  5. I didn't say anything of the sort. You're the one claiming that there is no fire. I asked you how can you know that? Do prosecutors release the findings of an ongoing investigation before it's concluded? And your evidence is that "If they had anything it would have been leaked to the left wing press by now. But we hear nothing except rumours." It is to laugh.
  6. No. What i said was, if you want to stop the flow of undocumented aliens into the country, the best way to do it would be to impose severe penalties on employers who hire them. A lot less disruptive than trying to control the border. And I specifically wrote "if they were legal". In other words set up a system where aliens can legally meet the demands of various industries. And, as I wrote, this would make enforcement of minimum wage and overtime rules possible. Also health and safety rules. Because these aliens legally in the U.S. wouldn't have to accept illegal treatment at the hands of employers. Of course, a decent minimum wage is necessary to make this work and not crowd out citizens and green card holders.
  7. But also sharply critical of the military. Anyway, it's currently unclear who is responsible. If it's Ukrainians, then it's a big mistake. If Russians, nothing surprising.
  8. Trump Lawyer Joe Tacopina Previously Suggested Hush-Money Payments Made To Stormy Daniels May Have Been Illegal Former President Donald Trump’s lawyer Joe Tacopina suggested in a 2018 interview that hush-money payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels may have been illegal—statements that appear to complicate his defense of Trump as the former president could be indicted over the scheme as soon as Wednesday. In the 2018 CNN clip, which resurfaced on Tuesday, Tacopina tells anchor Don Lemon that “if in fact” the payments were made in connection to Trump’s 2016 campaign “it’s an illegal agreement. It’s a fraud.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/03/21/trump-lawyer-joe-tacopina-previously-suggested-hush-money-payments-made-to-stormy-daniels-may-have-been-illegal/?sh=678d8af95ac8 If a paywall blocks access, just use incognito mode or in-private or whatever similar mode your browser uses.
  9. So, smog should continue to blanket cities, coal plant emissions should continue to destroy forests, crops, and spread neurotoxic mercury into the atmosphere? And rivers should still be fouled by pollution? Gasoline should contine to contain toxic lead?Because 50 years ago it was permissible? You really want to go with that?
  10. Another case of both-sidesism. This is how Trump's deranged behavior and the deranged conspiracy theories rampant on the right are mitigated by the assumption that the same kind of thing rages on the liberal side. Please share with us any major Democratic politician comparable to Trump? And what conspiracy theories rampant on the progressive side are comparable to those on the right?
  11. Thanks for another irrelevant defense of your comments.
  12. Actually, it was the jury who found against him. But if you mean that the judge made decisions that generally went against the legal issues raised byTrump's lawyers, he has this in common with virtually every civil and criminal case involving Trump since the 2020 election. Up to and including those communists on the supreme court.
  13. Again? He's faced a criminal trial before? The only thing that comes close is the Trump Organization trial in which the company was found guilty on 17 counts. But to be fair, there were only 17 charges laid against it.
  14. Not only that. But thermal safety systems for EVs have improved greatly over time. And continue to improve.
  15. Utterly false. Why do you post such garbage? Here's a list of some of his videos. There's a lot more where those came from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOA7qKMcjcE
  16. Even before this the likelihood of evidence against Trump on an obstruction of justice charge seemed clear. Unless his lawyer, Evan Corcoran, lied without Trump's knowledge about the continued presence of unauthorized documents on the property which seems quite unlikely. I remember the hullabaloo that right wingers raised when the FBI confiscated some personal effects from Trump's bedroom. But that was to show that not only were the documents located at Mar a Lago, but that Trump was actually using them.
  17. You really need to deepen your acquaintance with the English language: A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that asserts the existence of a conspiracy by powerful and sinister groups, often political in motivation,[3][4][5] when other explanations are more probable.[3][6][7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory
  18. Kind of a meaningless statement, no? How would it be public knowledge what evidence prosecutors may have amassed against him?
  19. Actually, that's a really terrible example to give. One of the problems that the 15 minute city is designed to remedy is traffic congestion. So emergency vehicles and public transport can provide better service along routes reserved for them.
  20. You may not want to but you do. Here's what you wrote: "It’s a good question, here’s my take. Outside the USA, a lot of people in the western world see no real problems caused by Trump's policies over 4 years. However, that same group can see the damage caused by Biden's policies over only 2+ years. Most of these people recognize that as the USA loses global influence, then their own countries become more vulnerable. So, if you remove the character assassinations, political bias and hatred, you might see why Trump still has so much support, at home and abroad....whatever the media says!" Trump Ratings Remain Low Around Globe, While Views of U.S. Stay Mostly Favorable Trump foreign policies receive little support As has been the case throughout his presidency, U.S. President Donald Trump receives largely negative reviews from publics around the world. Across 32 countries surveyed by Pew Research Center, a median of 64% say they do not have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs, while just 29% express confidence in the American leader... In nearly all nations where trends are available, Trump receives lower ratings than his predecessor, Barack Obama. https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/01/08/trump-ratings-remain-low-around-globe-while-views-of-u-s-stay-mostly-favorable/ International opinion of Joe Biden in 6 charts For over 20 years, Pew Research Center has tracked international public opinion of world leaders, including the U.S. president. In his second year in office, Joe Biden receives generally positive ratings in the countries surveyed by the Center. In most of these places, Biden’s ratings are higher than those of his predecessor in the White House, Donald Trump, but lower than his own ratings in 2021. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/07/25/international-opinion-of-joe-biden-in-6-charts/
  21. As you know, one of the rules for this forum is: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." So please share with us the source for your claim that this leak was done "following his pay masters requests".
  22. My mistake. Sorry. The OP was being very misleading. The subject name is in the form of a question that refers to the genuine 15 minute concept. But then his question for the poll misleadingly misrepresented what the 15 minute concept is and instead asks a question based on a dystopian model. Not surprisingly, they seem to have abandoned the thread.
  23. You acknowledged I had answered your question. You questioned America's greatness without offering any criteria. I indulged you even though clearly it was up to you to explain what greatness would entail. It's clear that you've got nothing and were just winding others up. I suggest that others here don't reply to this person. They are not engaging in a good faith conversation.
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