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  1. Can you ever get your facts straight? Kathy Griffin's career took a big hit after she pulled that stunt.
  2. Actually, the proof is that deals don't work when Trump represents the United States. No other signatory had a problem with that deal. It was Trump who trashed it. And Iran accelerated its nuclearweapons program after Trump withdrew from the agreement. Stop making things up.
  3. What was Trump doing to stop Iran from having nuclear weapons? Releasing them the restraints stipulated in the agreement was how he was keeping from from acquiring nuclear weapons? In fact, Trump's withdrawal from the agreement, re-unleashed Iran's nuclear weapons program.
  4. Perovskites still aren't ready for use. There's still the durability issue. But PERCs wouldn't be the overwhelming favorite currently if the weren't cost competitive. But due to its cost parity and higher efficiencies, it has since become the official industry standard for new solar PV projects. In fact, the International Energy Agency reports that PERC panels currently enjoy almost 75% market share among new PV installations. https://aurorasolar.com/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-perc-solar-cells/#:~:text=The main selling point of,panels is a compelling option.
  5. I think your information is out of date: "Crystalline polysilicon remains the dominant technology for PV modules, with over 95% market share. The shift to more efficient monocrystalline wafers accelerated in 2021, with the technology capturing almost all crystalline PV production. In parallel, more efficient cell design (PERC) is also expanding its dominance with almost 75% market share. New, even higher-efficiency cell designs (using technologies such as TOPCon, heterojunction and back contact) saw expanded commercial production and captured about 20% of the market in 2021. " https://www.iea.org/reports/solar-pv
  6. Actually, there are several types of monocrystalline panels, including PERC cells which are more efficient than standard monocrystalline cells and perform better in hot weather.
  7. It's virtually always the case that when someone who has got no fact to support their arguments, instead they make it personal.
  8. Maybe it is: "Researchers have found that temperatures have increased in Thailand over the past half-century, though there is some variability in their assessments. Thailand's Department of Meteorology reported that the annual mean temperature in Thailand rose by one degree Celsius from 1981 to 2007.[1]: 231  Another study found that average annual temperatures in Thailand increased by 0.95 °C between 1955 and 2009, more than the average world temperature increase of 0.69 °C. The annual highest temperature has increased by 0.86 °C and the annual lowest temperature has decreased by 1.45 °C over the past 55 years." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_in_Thailand
  9. Even 84% of economics geologists, the people whose jobs depending on exploiting mineral resources,agree that human caused climate change is a real thing "The subdiscipline with the lowest level of agreement on our primary question about attribution of global warming was 'Economic Geology', where 84.1% of respondents replied 'Human Activity' (n = 127), 12.6% answered 'Natural Patterns' (n = 19), and 3.3% answered 'No Warming' (n = 5). " https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac2774
  10. And thank you for sparing me the tedium of cleaning up after you.
  11. Stop making falsehoods. Not only do you offer no evidence, but you show no interest at looking at evidence to the contrary even when it's handed to you on a plate, so to speak. All you've got to offer on this topic is willful ignorance.
  12. I can't find it featured on the home page any more.
  13. Lots of nonsense here. The only thing that might be correct is your last pointbut I don't think in the way you meant it. It was Iraq that launched a surprise war against Iran.
  14. Of course it is unfair to ascribe the poor performance of the economy to Trump when it was clearly due to covid. And I'm sure you equally condemn blaming Biden for the economic problems he inherited such as high inflation due to shortages because of covid. And praise him for the low unemployment rate just as you would praise Trump. And also, I am sure you equally condemn those who blame Obama for the state of the economy he inherited in the wake of the worst financial meltdown since the Great Depression. Because, after all, that is the honorable thing to do.
  15. Bound to be an objective documentary given that Al Jazeera is an arm of the Qatari government which derives virtually of its income from the sale of natural gas.
  16. Please share with us any evidence that Trump was able to deal with Putin effectively? That he didn't even allow any advisors with him when he spoke with Putin in Finland? That he sided with Putin over the U.S. intelligence in Finland"? That he afterwards retracted that comment? That he violated the law by refusing for months to ship armaments to Ukraine? The he defended Russia's invasion of Crimea? What negotiating did Trump ever do with Putin?
  17. Biden's recession? Unemployment is at historically low levels. There's been strong GDP growth as well
  18. It isn't just that. He effectively made it impossible for other nations to conduct trade with Iraq by threatening to cut them out of the SWIFT banking system if they did so. So the agreement yielded virtually no benefits for the Iranians.
  19. Thanks for the falsehood. Do you have any use at all for reality? Unless, of course what you mean by "going nowhere" is that the agreement effectively resulted in a halt to Iran's development of nuclear weapons. In fact, even Israeli intelligence sources believed it was effective and leaving it was a mistake: TOP ISRAELI SECURITY EXPERTS AGREE — WITHDRAWING FROM THE JCPOA NUCLEAR AGREEMENT HAS BEEN A TOTAL FAILURE https://jstreet.org/top-israeli-security-experts-agree-withdrawing-from-jcpoa-has-been-a-total-failure/
  20. Doesn't it depend on what kind of solar panels are being used?
  21. Obama Has Done More for Clean Energy Than You Think The program has made a profit of nearly $1 billion in interest payments to the U.S Treasury to date. At least $5 billion more is expected over the next few decades as loans are paid back. That compares with $780 million in losses to date, the bulk of which is accounted for by the $535 million loaned to Solyndra. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/obama-has-done-more-for-clean-energy-than-you-think/#:~:text=The program has made a,%24535 million loaned to Solyndra.
  22. It's not as simple as how many people there are. It's how much each person consumes: Carbon emissions of richest 1 percent more than double the emissions of the poorest half of humanity The richest 10 percent accounted for over half (52 percent) of the emissions added to the atmosphere between 1990 and 2015. The richest one percent were responsible for 15 percent of emissions during this time – more than all the citizens of the EU and more than twice that of the poorest half of humanity (7 percent). During this time, the richest 10 percent blew one third of our remaining global 1.5C carbon budget, compared to just 4 percent for the poorest half of the population. The carbon budget is the amount of carbon dioxide that can be added to the atmosphere without causing global temperatures to rise above 1.5C – the goal set by governments in the Paris Agreement to avoid the very worst impacts of uncontrolled climate change. https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/carbon-emissions-richest-1-percent-more-double-emissions-poorest-half-humanity
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