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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Resorting to empty insults is a mark of someone who's got nothing. You've got nothing.
  2. Unlike you, when I found flaws in someone's reason, I explain what they are to arrive at my conclusion. You simply resort to making a conclusion without providing the necessary reasoning to support your characterization.
  3. *Deleted post edited out* I believe your answer tells us all we need to know about what your reaction will be if Comer's so-called evidence fizzles. As I said, you have me at a disadvantage. If Comer's evidence actually corresponds to what he says I'll have no trouble conceding it. Given just Biden's harsh actions taken against China, what Comer claims seems very unlikely.
  4. I've already explained to you a possible motive for the Bidens. Instead of thanking me for complying with your request, you ignored it. Here it is once again but I'll put it another way. Maybe Biden is giving Comer enough rope so that he'll hang himself and the Republican party, too. And you still don't seem to understand that it's impossible to prove a negative. This is why criminal courts demand that prosecutors provice proof beyond a reasonable doubt and civil courts demand that plaintiff provide proof tht is likely.
  5. Yes I do look forward to seeing the evidence emerge. But you have me at a disadvantage You see, the problem with rightwingers like yourself is that even when virtually no evidence is supplied that proves what they believe in, they still believe it anyway. Tell me, did Donald Trump legitimately lose the 2000 election? Or was he robbed of his victory?
  6. I don't know what sins I have committed that require me to further your education in logic and reasoning. You stated as an assumed fact what is only an allegation. Namely: And now you're doing it again. There has been no evidence produced to show that Biden is a CCP compromised candidate. So this question of yours "Anyways, how do you feel about your vote supporting your candidate AND his family being paid by the Chinese Communist Party?" .is illegitimate. Maybe you should google the issue as defined by this popular example "When did you stop beating your wife?"
  7. Why should Biden say anything? Why not let Comer and the rest of his crew keep on making fools of themselves? As the 2022 election showed, Republican candidates who made wild claims dragged the party down. Why couldn't letting Republicans self-destruct be a motive for saying nothing?
  8. What really matters is your asinine demand that I disprove a negative. Remember this? "And if it's false, show proof!!"
  9. You are stating as a proven fact what is only an allegation. Didn't that school of yours teach you the difference? At any rate, it's clear you need reminding: From the landing page of this forum: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  10. I'm assuming that somewhere in the Bible cruelty is condemned as sin.. If a law is cruel, can it not be condemned as sinful?
  11. I don't know what kind of education you had, but I know that I was taught the futility of proving a negative. Let's say, Comer alleged that Biden was in league with an alien space force. How would Biden disprove that?
  12. *Deleted post edited out* I have rarely seen such a blatant demonstration of utter cluelessness as you have just revealed. For one thing, the key to modern warfare is advanced chips. Biden has seen to it that China denied access both to the machines that can make advanced chips, and to advanced chips themselves.
  13. House GOP gains access to Hunter Biden banking records from Treasury Department "Treasury Department officials said they engaged in multiple rounds of consultation with the committee but had to protect the privacy of the records and consult with law enforcement officials before granting access." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/14/treasury-house-gop-hunter-biden-bank-records/11469540002/ And as I have already pointed out, Suspicious Activity Reports mostly result in no further law enforcement action.
  14. And, of course what makes all these claims truly nuts is that Biden is pushing very hard against the Chinese. Far harder than any President since China opened up to the world. So hard that China is invoking the possibility of war. And yet Biden is not afraid of being blackmailed?
  15. Comer's claim that he has evidence means nothing until he actually provides the evidence. What's more, I don't see any claim that Joe Biden was involved. Among rational people, It's not a crime to be related to a son or brother. Or do you believe that's a matter of choice?
  16. Thanks for proving to us that you don't understand the meaning of the word "almost". But even if Biden hadn't said "almost" re you seriously claiming that a state law can only be judged sinful if it violates a specific Biblical precept? Like allowing stores to open on the Sabbath?
  17. Much has been made about the fact that a bank or banks have filed Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) on transactions with Hunter Biden and others. While the name of the report sounds incriminating, most of those reports never amount to anything How many SARs would a large bank file in a year? A BPI study found that, in 2017, a sample of the largest banks reviewed approximately 16 million alerts, filed over 640,000 SARs, and received feedback from law enforcement on a median of 4% of those SARs. Ultimately, this means that 90-95% of the individuals that banks report on were likely innocent. https://bpi.com/the-truth-about-suspicious-activity-reports/ If anyone cares to read the report from which this information was derived, here's a link to that: https://bpi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/BPI_AML_Sanctions_Study_vF.pdf
  18. More lunacy. Apart from MAGA diehards, virtually no one in the legal community believes that Pence had the legal authority to send the election count back to the states to decide.
  19. For what it's worth, I have actually linked and quoted that article. I specifically cited that "emphatic no" To date, none of the usual suspects here on aseannow.com have acknowledged this.
  20. Do you believe that Fox is somehow going to get "removed" If not, why raise the issue. On the other hand, "if every newsstation or station got sued"...to have a good chance of succeeding, the evidence in those cases would have to be as strong against them as it is against Fox News.
  21. You have to keep in mind that MAGA members live in oppositeworld. So to them, an "emphatic no" means a "resounding yes".
  22. Well, if Stephen Miller says so... You've got to be kidding. And what exactly does "CCP connected" mean. Is it like a 6 degrees of separation thing?
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