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  1. It's about time. The Trump Administration actually ignored its legal obligation to update those rules. "The Environmental Protection Agency is required by the Clean Air Act to periodically review and revise the rule. After failing do so during the Trump administration, it is now strengthening restrictions under a court-ordered deadline." https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/15/climate/epa-states-pollution-smog.html
  2. Massively false Remembering Russia's Retreat "It was probably just a coincidence -- but the announcement by US President George W. Bush that the US Army will significantly reduce its forces in Germany came just days before the anniversary of another military power leaving the country: On Aug. 31, 1994, the last Russian soldiers and officers of the "Western Group of Forces" (WGF) left Germany... From a political and strategic point of view, the deployment of about 340,000 troops and their 207,000 civilian support staff and family members was no longer necessary.'' https://www.dw.com/en/remembering-russias-retreat/a-1301020 The German Govt paid the Russians 8.35 billion deutschmarks to leave. That would amount to about 4.8 billion in 1994 US dollar. "In return, Germany eventually took over the WGF's land property (240,000 hectares or 593,000 acres -- about the size of the western German state of Saarland)." https://www.dw.com/en/remembering-russias-retreat/a-1301020
  3. It was an independent state the same way Hungary and Czechoslovakia were independent states. Or for that matter almost the entire east european/baltic bloc of nations.
  4. First of all, can you define what you mean by "near." 5 kilometers? 10 kilometers? 50 kilometers? 100 kilometers? So, you got a number you want to share with us? Second, the thing about actually crossing into some other nation's air space is that it's really not difficult to define, is it? That's an absolutely clear borderline. And one which is far more concerning. Whether it's "normal" or not.
  5. Another empty troll post designed to elicit angry reactions. Don't feed him.
  6. Actually, this amounts to a confession from Trump that he was responsible for the Jan 6 riot. He had been told that there was no chance that Pence could legitimately reject the ballot count. Yet he openly demanded that Pence do just that thereby persuading the crowd that the certification of the vote was Pence's fault and inciting the attack.
  7. Just out of curiosity and nothing more, I swear, could you send me a photo for me to see if I would date you?
  8. How about not coming close but actually violating the air space of other countries. In the first case with a topping of nuclear weapons? Russian jets carrying nuclear weapons violated Swedish airspace https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/short_news/russian-jets-carrying-nuclear-weapons-violated-swedish-airspace/ Russia Violates Baltic Airspace And Waters, Sending Warning To Sweden, Finland https://warsawinstitute.org/russia-violates-baltic-airspace-waters-sending-warning-sweden-finland/ Estonia says Russia has violated its airspace for first time by helicopter in highly provocative move https://warsawinstitute.org/russia-violates-baltic-airspace-waters-sending-warning-sweden-finland/ Russian plane entered Estonian airspace without permission on Saturday https://news.err.ee/1608484460/russian-plane-entered-estonian-airspace-without-permission-on-saturday Russia has long history of airspace violations https://www.aa.com.tr/en/politics/russia-has-long-history-of-airspace-violations/436331
  9. As the experts have pointed out, such a procedure is exceedingly rare. Also, it should be pointed out that some states are enacting laws that actually ban hormone therapy.
  10. It's clear that you haven't been following the issue. Many of these anti-trans bills actually denied parents the right to make these decisions.
  11. It's not just any adults, though, is it. It's their parents and it's professionals. And, as has been repeatedly pointed out, surgical intervention are exceedingly rate in the case of minors.
  12. More nonsense from you. "In a letter sent to House Republicans and viewed by The Wall Street Journal earlier this month, Mr. Davidson said the Treasury was conferring with law-enforcement agencies about sharing the materials with lawmakers. “All of these processes—which are designed to ensure proper protection of potential or ongoing investigations and other law enforcement interests—are already well underway for your request, but they take time,” Mr. Davidson wrote on March 3." https://www.wsj.com/articles/republicans-to-view-hunter-bidens-financial-records-9b7c7aee?mod=lead_feature_below_a_pos1 As you clearly are not aware, Hunter Biden has been the target of an investigation by David Weiss, the US District Attorney of Delaware. He was appointed to the post by Donald Trump. Possibly there are other investigations as well. So naturally this request has to be checked against the interests of the Justice Dept's investigation as well as possible others. My guess is that if Weiss said that it's okay to release the SARs to Congress, that means that they are not germane as evidence in his investigation. Which means not incriminating. But, of course, this is only my speculation. What we do know is that Comer has clearly lied about the reason for the delay.
  13. I always believed that Thailand and vicinity was on the other side of the earth from the USA. Or, rather, on the opposite side of the northern hemisphere.
  14. This story is false. Masatoshi Ito was not the founder or even a founder of 7-Eleven. 7-Eleven was founded in the USA in 1928. In the 1990's it was acquired by its Japanese affiliate headed by Ito. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7-Eleven
  15. Why would it prevent the red tide? In fact, some of the same factors that promote the red tide do the same for sargassum: fertilizer runoff and warming seas. When it dies on the shore it releases hydrogen sulfide which is a poison. It kills fish, seagrass, and coral. (And by the way, that same gas can cause headaches and nausea and sends some people with preexisting respiratory conditions to emergency rooms) In addition to which, sargassum blocks the sun from reaching coral reefs, which are hugely important as a nursery for juvenile fish. And why would seawater be cooler? Does sargassum have a higher albedo in respect to infrared rays than does seawater?
  16. That's like saying plants are edible so eating pine trees may be an opportunity to feed the world.
  17. Some folks with problems understanding adverbs here. Previously, someone who didn't understand the meaning of "almost". Now you misunderstand the meaning of "not only". Here once again is what you replied to: "Transgenderism is not only about genitals. "
  18. But the Tavistock case was not about permanent alteration of children's bodies. It was about puberty blockers, not surgery.
  19. So tell me when Hunter Biden reported that his father replied with an "emphatic no", does that mean to you he assented or refused to join with Hunter and associates in his Chinese venture?
  20. What you call "suspicious bank record" are, as I've noted earlier, actually something called "Suspicious Activity Reports". Banks are required to report any activity that might possible indicated crimes. As noted above most reports do not result in criminal investigations. You probably get this information from dishonest rightwing sources which clearly have little respect for the people who rely on them for information.
  21. Somewhere in that list should be "Evaporates". Every time we specifically rebut Sunnyinbangrak's falsehoods, instead of replying. Sunnyinbangrak just evaporates. And the reason for that is Sunnyinbanrak has got nothing.
  22. What you are claiming is not believable. Please provide examples of areas where both climatologists have claimed in 7 or 4 years and wear long-term mortgages are being offered. I'm calling your bluff.
  23. What did your intuition tell you about the 2000 elections, the 2020 elections, or the Durham investigation. I don't think it's irrelevant to ask for a reality check.
  24. Backtracking much? Now you're saying that you're going to wait before declaring the case proved. This contradicts what you claimed before, namely that Biden's is engaged in corrupt acts. Recognize these? "Biden is totally LOST, has NO idea what he's doing or the chaos he creates each and every day. But, at least he and his family are getting paid to sell out America." "LOL.good ole Biden and his family receiving payments from the Chinese Communist Party." And here are the "When did you stop beating your wife" questions, which assume as fact something not proven: "Are you not denying you voted for a CCP compromised candidate, Biden?" "Anyways, how do you feel about your vote supporting your candidate AND his family being paid by the Chinese Communist Party?"
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