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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. It ought to be a private consideration, but clearly it's not. Large depositors got bailed out even though their deposits weren't covered by FDIC insurance. That means ultimately it's the taxpayers who are liable instead of large depositors or the banks. If companies need to store large amounts of easily accessible funds, that's what short term T-bills are for. And it's irrelevant, that in this case most likely the Feds won't end up subsidizing the collapse. The Feds intervened because of the threat to the system. Not because they knew that they were most likely going to be fully reimbursed.
  2. If this is relevant, then it only shows how poorly commanded Russian troops are.
  3. I'm not sure what you mean by "what happens to Dominion's business? Why would the lawsuit interfere with Dominion's business? I don't think an admission by Fox at this juncture is necessary or significant. The evidence is overwhelming that they promoted falsehoods. The legal issues at stake aren't about whether Fox promoted falsehoods or not, but rather whether they did so purposely with reckless disregard for the truth and/or out of actual malice.
  4. I don't think Dominion chose Delaware. Fox News is incorporated in Delaware. It's the legally appropriate venue.
  5. I'm wondering if the US might gift Ukraine with a few long range missiles anti-ship missiles.
  6. Given your record in this forum, it's clear you have a very elastic notion of what centrist means.
  7. First off, you didn't even bother to answer the fact that you seem to be assuming that the shortage of labor is confined to construction workers. In fact, previously the visa rules for other jobs such as workers in the health care sector have been relaxed for over a year. How has that workout out? Healthcare staff shortage main factor in near-record job vacancies https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/feb/13/healthcare-staff-shortages-fuelling-near-record-job-vacancies-across-uk-economy Second, Brexit has consequences. Long-term consequences. As for your raising of the illegal immigration issue, you replied to my comment about the "success" of Brexit by countering with the governments relaxation of visa rules. Nothing about illegal immigration in my comment and it's irrelevant to the issue I raised.
  8. So, that deficit of 1.3 million workers is mostly in the construction trade.? And even if the UK offers those visas, who's to say how many will take up the offer? 'I don't feel welcome anymore': EU citizens explain why they are leaving the UK in their thousands https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/eu-migration-uk-brexit-referendum-latest-net-fall-figures-why-racism-hate-crime-brexodus-government-a7911196.html
  9. Definitely a success! Critical hiring crisis' as labour shortage threatens economic recovery A lack of workers is threatening to undermine the economic recovery as bosses warn of a "critical hiring crisis". Almost 1.3m job vacancies were on offer in the three months to January, a record high according to the Office for National Statistics. Suren Thiru, head of economics at the British Chambers of Commerce, warned: “With high economic inactivity indicating that many people have left the jobs market altogether, chronic staff shortages are likely to weigh on the UK economy for a sustained period." lack of workers is threatening to undermine the economic recovery as bosses warn of a "critical hiring crisis". Almost 1.3m job vacancies were on offer in the three months to January, a record high according to the Office for National Statistics. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2022/02/15/critical-hiring-crisis-labour-shortage-threatens-economic-recovery/
  10. Also the reports said the jet sprayed the drone twice with jet fuel. Maybe an attempt to degrade the quality of the video coming from the drone's cameras?
  11. From the CNN article: When the camera comes back online in the footage, the view is again pointed backward, and the propeller is shown damaged from the collision https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/16/politics/us-military-video-drone-russian-jet/index.html
  12. Any pilots here know why the Russian jet would discharge fuel as it closed in on the drone?
  13. This is actually a much more informative article https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/16/politics/us-military-video-drone-russian-jet/index.html
  14. Did you even bother to look up scare quotes?. Believe it or not that's a thing. They're not used to mean you're quoting some specific person but rather in reference to some special word or phrase. What's so hard to understand about that? The only person I could imagine could possible take offense at that would be the person who was being replied to. And since that person is no-one then no one should definitely be offended.
  15. But the one thing is the bank had not paif insurance on deposits greater than $250,000. So that's where moral hazard lies. Deposits should be insured up to their full amount.
  16. Scare quotes (also called shudder quotes,[1][2] sneer quotes,[3] and quibble marks) are quotation marks that writers place around a word or phrase to signal that they are using it in an ironic, referential, or otherwise non-standard sense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scare_quotes
  17. It didn't really come in at the low end of expectations. It was mixed. On its own, a decent case could be made for doing nothing or raising it. But given the situation with the banks, I think raising interest rates would be foolish right now. And I'm going to say the same to the Fed next time I hang out with those dudes.
  18. Backtracking much? Remember this? "for the moment, all China can do infiltrate, reverse engineer and copy"
  19. I'm sure you wouldn't make such a claim without being able to link to proof from a credible source. Please share that link with us.
  20. What is it that makes a wolf a "vicious predator"? Is there such a thing as a kindly predator?
  21. False. Australia got along very well after China boycotted Australia. . Australia didn't even meet one of China's 14 demands. China failed to impose its will on Australia. China and Australia are going back to business, without illusions China was keen to make an example of Australia to make sure others did not go astray, but it did not work. Australia's new center-left government addressed none of the 14 grievances before Albanese's meeting in Bali and has no intention of doing so. China's trade restrictions remain in place, but affected sectors have found new markets elsewhere. https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/China-and-Australia-are-going-back-to-business-without-illusions China’s economic sanctions made Australia more confident https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/china-s-economic-sanctions-made-australia-more-confident
  22. As opposed to all those environmentalists on the right? You must hail from Oppositeworld.
  23. Actually, probably not. Under Xi the CCP has been doing its best to strangle market based economy in China. It has increasingly favored state industries which typically run deficits. The govt has imposed taxes on the free market sector of the economy to subsidize those deficits. It has a huge youth unemployment problem thanks to misallocation of resources. And the danger of this centralized control was typified in China's response to Covid. It's inflexibility ended up turning China's covid response from a triumph into a disaster. And typical of a totalitarian government, even though it sharply reversed course, it still claimed infallibility. As Xi increases CCP control over the economy, the outlook doesn't look so great for China.
  24. This is nonsense. China takes ‘stunning lead’ in key technological research, think tank says From artificial intelligence to robotics, China is beating Western democracies in research output on 37 out of 44 technological areas deemed critical for economic growth and military power over the coming decades, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) said in a recently released report. By often producing more than five times as many highly cited research papers as its closest competitor — typically the United States — China is not only further ahead in more areas than previously realized but has also built the foundations to position itself as the world’s leading science and technology superpower, the Canberra-based think tank revealed. This “sometimes stunning lead” stretches to critical domains, including defense, space, robotics, energy, the environment, advanced materials, AI and key quantum technology areas, according to the report’s authors, who tracked and analyzed the most-cited research publications in each of the 44 fields over the past five years. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/03/03/world/china-lead-tech/
  25. Because it was the allies that behaved aggressively in postwar Germany? Does the Russian attempt to blockade West Berlin ring any bells? And you really believe the Russian troops were stationed there to defend East Germany from the west? Did Russian troops defend the Hungarians and the Czechs from the west, too? You think what the Russians did there might have some relevance to what they were doing in East Germany.?
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