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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. What's interesting is that when word leaked out that a researcher had unearthed and downloaded this data from a Chinese database, the data disappeared from the web shortly thereafter. The Chinese govt has consistently denied that Covid-19 began with them, whether from a lab or from a wet market. At one point they were blaming frozen salmon from the United States as the source.
  2. Total aircraft amount to over 100. Fighter jets are in short supply.
  3. Usually aspersions as to motives have nothing to back them up. But in this case we have actual emails from Carlson that prove your point.
  4. But the thing is, he's so much fun to refute. Look at my last exchange with him. I don't think he came off well. And at least he actually produces some evidence to support his case even if it either doesn't support what he thinks it does or comes from sources that are easy to show are blatantly and dishonestly right wing. He's not like some who just post slogans.
  5. Your views must be extremely right wing if you think Macron is a leftist. And who says it can't be afforded for seniors? There are lots of ways it can be afforded. In the US, there are plenty of sound proposals that involve raising taxes to solve the problem. Of course, if you rule out tax increases, then the problem is not solvable.
  6. Educated or alarmist? But experts note all vehicles use concentrated power sources — whether gasoline, diesel or electricity — making them all vulnerable to ignition. Statistics compiled by AutoInsuranceEZ found that for every 100,000 EVs, there are about 25 fires each year. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2022/10/26/electric-vehicle-fires-florida-flooding-what-happened/10553207002/#:~:text=But experts note all vehicles,about 25 fires each year. What's more, LFP batteries are rapidly growing in popularity EV Battery Market: LFP Chemistry Reached 31% Share In September https://insideevs.com/news/628303/ev-battery-lfp-share-september2022/ And they are far less likely to burn than Lithium batteries formulated with cobalt and either nickel or aluminium. LiFePO4 Batteries: The Future of All Vehicles LFP batteries are thermally and chemically stable; hence they are less likely to explode or catch fire. LFP produces one-sixth the heat of nickel-rich NMC. Because the Co-O bond is stronger in LFP batteries, oxygen atoms are released more slowly if short-circuited or overheated. F https://borates.today/lifepo4-batteries-vehicles/ And, finally, lithium batteries are still in early days. Thermal management systems are constantly improving. ICE vehicles have been around for over a hundred years. I don't think there's much room left for improving there susceptibility to fires. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666202722000350
  7. Given that the Russians have openly said they are attempting to retrieve the drone, it looks like you disagree with them as well.
  8. I've heard of war crimes? But I don't think stating the obvious fact about what Russia is up to instead of calling it a special military operation is any rational person's idea of a war crime.
  9. Good to see that as an indepdent thinker you subscribe wholeheartedly to the Russian version of events. A country that makes it a crime to call a war a war.
  10. Sad to see others who believe they are independent rational thinkers but in fact are only following their own ideological prejudices.
  11. How is this germane to the fact that Ukraine simply doesn't have enough aircraft?
  12. Because if money is to be made out of an endeavor, that means the endeavor is illegitimate? Got any more trite observations to share with us? Going to motive is the last resort of someone who's got little to offer. And I've read many allegations about Russia's suicidal tendencies. But i've never seen a convincing refutation of where do you draw the line against Russia and it's potential nuclear threats.
  13. What do you think that proves apart from the fact that, among other things, Ukraine's air force was simply too small and it didn't have enough other armaments?
  14. You think that's the only purpose of these aircraft? Got anything any other ridiculous observations to share? Ukraine has demonstrated over and over again that it knows how to use coordinated forces..
  15. Because it's an unimportant issue. And by the way, you specifically said it only applied to a small minority - those who call themselves woke. So by your own words it's unimportant. And your reply about money is utterly inane and one of the lamest version of "both-sidesism" I have ever read. It's clear that in regards to this, you've got nothing. . Republican politicians feign alarm about the future of social security when there's a simple solution. Tax wealthier Americans via a resumption of SS taxes above a certain income threshold and tax some other tax avoiding transactions of the wealthy to finance it. Americans overwhelmingly support raising taxes on the wealthy to do this. Yet somehow, it's a huge fight to make it happen. Why do you think that something that enjoys so much electoral support is so difficult to enact?
  16. Aircraft are not useless when used in a coordinated fashion with other forces. They are nearly useless in the case of the Russians, who have proven to be incompetent at implementing such coordination. Is the Russian Air Force Actually Incapable of Complex Air Operations? More than a week into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Air Force has yet to commence large-scale operations. Inactivity in the first few days could be ascribed to various factors, but the continued absence of major air operations now raises serious capability questions. One of the greatest surprises from the initial phase of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been the inability of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS) fighter and fighter-bomber fleets to establish air superiority, or to deploy significant combat power in support of the under-performing Russian ground forces. On the first day of the invasion, an anticipated series of large-scale Russian air operations in the aftermath of initial cruise- and ballistic-missile strikes did not materialise. https://rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/rusi-defence-systems/russian-air-force-actually-incapable-complex-air-operations Nothing has significantly changed since this article was written.
  17. You're just further proving my point. When it comes to the money, we know whose interests right wing politicians are out to protect. Whether they're in the MAGA camp or not.
  18. Thanksf for echoing how right wing politicians play to emotional issues to distract voters from the fact that when it comes to money, it's the wealthy whose interests are dearest to their hearts.
  19. Well, it wasn't really some big banks. It was the top 25. Which would should include all the banks deemed systemically important before Dodd Frank was relaxed. But I do agree that the standards are now too low for smaller banks.
  20. Not possible after the financial crisis of 2008.
  21. Thanks for the correction. However, under the Obama admnistration the largest commercial banks did sharply and continue increase their liquidity far above the Basel requirements following the financial crisis and even after recovery was well underway https://www.richmondfed.org/-/media/richmondfedorg/publications/research/economic_brief/2016/pdf/eb_16-01.pdf Not sure what happened under the Trump administration
  22. I think the ignorance of so many of the right wing's rank and file is best exemplified by that famous sign a tea party supporter brandished: "Keep your government's hands off my Medicare"
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