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  1. Let's see how many banks crash due to Trump's undoing much of the Dodd Frank law.
  2. In the USA there's no such thing as being licensed as an entertainment channel or a news channel or any kind of channel. Maybe it's the case elsewhere.
  3. There's also this which reveals the ethical standards of several of those involved in the study: Correction: Ivermectin Prophylaxis Used for COVID-19: A Citywide, Prospective, Observational Study of 223,128 Subjects Using Propensity Score Matching It has come to the attention of the journal that several authors failed to disclose all relevant conflicts of interest when submitting this article. As a result, Cureus is issuing the following erratum and updating the relevant conflict of interest disclosures to ensure these conflicts of interest are properly described as recommended by the ICMJ: https://europepmc.org/article/med/35371877 Among the authors cited was Pierre Kory probably the preeminent ivermection supporter and a notable lowlife.
  4. The hypocrisy of Frank is really not significant compared to the actions of Trump and the Republican Congress.
  5. Resorting to conspiracy theories is a sure-fire indicator of intellectual bankruptcy.
  6. There's a famous line from Walt Whitman "I contain multitudes" I don't think he believed it literally. Apparently, you do. Clearly you haven't a clue as to how clinical studies work.
  7. As numerous legal experts have pointed out, Dominion has an exceptionally strong case. Legal experts say Fox News on shaky legal ground in Dominion lawsuit Dominion argues the vignettes contained in its court filings demonstrate how top hosts and executives at Fox knew the claims being pushed by Trump’s associates about Dominion were false but aired them anyway. “One just doesn’t see cases like this in defamation,” said Catherine Ross, a constitutional law professor at George Washington University who specializes in First Amendment issues. “Fox does not appear to have any plausible defense, particularly in light of what Dominion uncovered in discovery of real-time knowledge of falsity,” she said. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/3881278-legal-experts-say-fox-news-on-shaky-legal-ground-in-dominion-lawsuit/
  8. Actually I was partly wrong. Such a judgement would put probably put Fox in the red, but not seriously. There is a bigger lawsuit that's asking for 2.7 billion. Even that wouldn't put Fox under but it would definitely hurt a lot.
  9. Given that doctors run the risk of life imprisonment if convicted of performing an illegal abortion, they really can't be blamed for their reluctance to do so when guidelines are so unclear. And then there's the issue of bounty hunters: Texas has authorized private citizens to look for infractions of the law and sue.
  10. Actually, even Duterte ultimately repented of his stance on China. Duterte’s Dalliance With China Is Over The mercurial leader has realigned Manila with Washington as tensions rise in Asia. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/11/02/duterte-china-philippines-united-states-defense-military-geopolitics/ It was the one policy of his that was always unpopular with the Filipino people. Given that China continues to commit aggression against the territorial waters,islands, and people of the Philippines, there isn't much chance that Duterte's China rapprochement will be revived.
  11. Even a judgement of 1.6 billion won't result in bankruptcy. Or even put Fox in the red for the year.
  12. As the article notes there are 2 reasons why these blooms are getting so big. One is fertilizer runoff. And the other is human caused global warming. The article also mentioned a red tide that is afflicting Florida. Once again, warming seas and fertilizer runoff are factors increasing the frequency and extent of these blooms. Then there is also the issue of the increasing power and duration of hurricanes. Once again, thanks global warming. And parts of Florida are now being flooded monthly with what are called king tides. These are not due to adverse weather events but rather to rising sea levels. And yet again, thanks global warming. And yet, people are still flocking to Florida. But as property insurance rates continue to skyrocket and the environment continues to be degraded, I wonder how long that trend will continue.
  13. The hypocrisy of libertarians is a valid point. A columnist for the Financial Times wrote "There are no libertarians in financial foxholes". As for the rest, had the feds not intervened, this collapse could have proved contagious. The real culprit here are the parties who slashed back regulations on mid-sized banks ranging in size from 50 billion to 150 billion. I think you know which President and which political party to thank for that.
  14. What's worse for Trump, and this goes to the issue of consciousness of guilt, is that he lied about watching the invasiion of the Capitol on TV. Despite the fact that administration members in the White House testified that Trump was glued to the TV while it was going on. And that he repeatedly ignored pleas to authorize use of the National Guard.
  15. Most likely he didn't watch it. Why would he? The videos that the judge said he would watch was the one that prosecutors claimed showed his criminal acts. You know, videos that has an actual bearing on the case.
  16. There's over 40,000 hours you haven't seen. You really want to see all of that?
  17. What's really a shame is that Trump and the Republicans gutted Dodd Frank. All the major banks that are in trouble, those with less than 250 billion in assets, would have been subject to much more severe scrutiny if Dodd Frank was left in its original form that specified banks with over 50 billion in assets were subject to its strictest rules.
  18. Yet subsequent to that announcement there's this: Lineker doubles down on migrant issue A vindicated Gary Lineker has reiterated his support for refugees after winning his brutal impartiality battle with the BBC. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/gary-lineker-bbc-talks-live-29429582
  19. There's an article on MarketWatch that lists 20 banks that that are sitting on huge potential losses. Not one of them has more than 250 billion in debt. So not subject to tighter regulation. If you want to access the article copy the headline and do a search in incognito mode (Chrome) or in-private mode (Edge) or whatever similar mode your browser uses. "Deep Dive: 20 banks that are sitting on huge potential securities losses—as was SVB"
  20. About 2000 years ago, the Roman historian Tacitus summarized the outcome of Rome's war on Carthage this way: "They created a desert, and called it peace."
  21. Well, the stress test rules for the banks with over 250 billion in deposits, are required to maintain a higher level of liquidity. I'm not sure how much, if at all, that requirement was watered down by the 2018 revision to Dodd-Frank. I wish this article had offered a breakdown of how much of these underwater assets are owned by the big banks and how much by the rest.
  22. But the important thing is they didn't bail out shareholders. And the consequences of not bailing out all depositors could have been severe. And this probably wouldn't have happened had these banks still been liable to the far stricter rules of the origian Dodd-Frank. That these kinds of outcomes would occur was predictable. And now American politicians are complaining that Europe is going to steal away the Cryptocurrency sector because it's offering laxer regulations. 2 sets of fools: those who are complaining and those who are recruiting.
  23. I can only shudder to think of how restricted your news diet must be if you actually questioned my comment. ‘A sea change’: Biden reverses decades of Chinese trade policy After decades of U.S. efforts to engage China with the prospect of greater development through trade, the era of cooperation is coming to a screeching halt. The White House and Congress are quietly reshaping the American economic relationship with the world’s second-largest economic power, enacting a strategy to limit China’s technological development that breaks with decades of federal policy and represents the most aggressive American action yet to curtail Beijing’s economic and military rise.'' “[The Biden] administration views Chinese indigenous innovation as a per se national security threat ... and that is a big leap from where we’ve ever been before.” https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/26/china-trade-tech-00072232 Biden Is Now All-In on Taking Out China The U.S. president has committed to rapid decoupling, whatever the consequences. In short, America’s restrictionists—zero-sum thinkers who urgently want to accelerate technological decoupling—have won the strategy debate inside the Biden administration. More cautious voices—technocrats and centrists who advocate incremental curbs on select aspects of China’s tech ties—have lost. This shift portends even harsher U.S. measures to come, not only in advanced computing but also in other sectors (like biotech, manufacturing, and finance) deemed strategic. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/10/12/biden-china-semiconductor-chips-exports-decouple/ US military will defend Taiwan 'if it comes to that,' Biden says Biden said he would keep America's 'commitment' to Taiwan if it faced a Ukraine situation https://www.foxnews.com/world/us-troops-defend-taiwan-china-invades-biden
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