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  1. The latest poll I found on where Republicans stand on the 2020 election was done about 10 months ago: Most Republicans still falsely believe Trump’s stolen election claims. Here are some reasons why. In poll after poll, about 70% of Republicans say they don’t think Joe Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2022/70-percent-republicans-falsely-believe-stolen-election-trump/
  2. So much for the science of geology. Oh and astrophysics too. And evolutionary theory. And if it were simply a matter of the temperature increasing., ou might have half a point. But in fact the rising temperature has accelerated in conjunction with the accelerated increase in the percentage of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As predicted.
  3. At this point we have over 40 years of proof subsequent to the Nobel prize winning Japanese scientist who first quantified the rate of increase of global average temperatures. The quickening of global warming correlates with the increased percentage of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Please share with us any evidence of a comparable rate of global warming that occurred over the past hundred thousand years.
  4. Is fear of the revival of dangerous viruses unfounded? From the article you linked to: "The researchers suggest their findings hint at a much bigger problem—as the planet warms and the permafrost melts, there is a chance of viruses emerging that are capable of infecting humans. Such a threat is not science fiction, they note—prior researchers found influenza viruses in a lung sample of a woman who had died in Alaska during the flu pandemic of 1918. And another team found a virus related to smallpox in a mummified woman found in Siberia—she had been there for 300 years." https://phys.org/news/2023-03-ancient-dormant-viruses-permafrost-revived.html
  5. What exactly in Carlson's version contradicts what the investigation committee reported?
  6. A better question is Why would anyone bother making your kind of post?.
  7. Simplest explanations are the best. The more economically developed a nation is, the slower its growth rate tends to be. Playing catch-up means a developing country is going to have an edge when it comes to growth rates.
  8. Maybe all polling should be done via the comments section of The Telegraph?
  9. I agree. Tell that to the Russia which has repeatedly been found guilty of doping on a massive scale.
  10. Putin's own words belie your claim. He spoke of restoring the Russian Empire as it was under Peter the Great.
  11. And again, you choose to believe that greening is occurring based on scientific data but you deny the validity of the scientific data that supports the fact of sustained global warming and the harms it causes.
  12. Someone else who doesn't understand the difference between climate and weather.
  13. I'm sure you will have no trouble providing evidence to explain why, since the mid 70's the basic models have been so accurate in predicting global warming. I await your information with interest.
  14. I get it. When satellite data confirms about greening your beliefs it's valid. When satellite data about global warming contradicts your beliefs, it doesn't count. As for your comments about renewables effect on the environment...you got any hard numbers to show what percentage of destruction is due to renewables compared to other factors? Or are you just going to continue to rant?
  15. So is the right to believe that elves and fairies have manipulated the elections? But the fact is, those challenges were virtually unanimously shot down by the courts. Mostly based on a little thing called lack of evidence. Despite which, a majority of right wingers still believe that the election was stolen.
  16. Elon Musk? Really? The guy who has admitted he massively overpaid for Twitter and has saddled himself with some very expensive debt to repay? What's more,Twitter is still in danger of going bankrupt. And the balance of your post is not just equally foolish, but also entirely irrelevant. What has the alleged improvement in Twitter's editorial quality got to do with Musk's financial acumen? Moreover, contrary to your belief, the First Amendment prohibits government censorship. Nothing to do with the editorial decisions of privately owned venues such as Twitter. On top of which, as is his right, Musk has exercised some pretty flagrant censorship of his own at Twitter.
  17. Did you and Ted Galen Carpenter somehow overlook this poll? One Year Later, Americans Still Stand by Ukraine Most Americans support Ukraine’s effort, even in prolonged conflict 39% say U.S. doing right amount to aid Ukraine, 28% too much, 30% not enough Republicans are more likely than others to say the U.S. is doing too much https://news.gallup.com/poll/469328/one-year-later-americans-stand-ukraine.aspx
  18. How about this one? One Year Later, Americans Still Stand by Ukraine What you didn't note about the poll is this: This shift in opinion is mostly attributable to the growing share of Republicans who say the U.S. is providing too much support to Ukraine. Today, 40% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents hold this view, up from 32% in the fall and much higher than the 9% who held this view in March of last year. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/01/31/as-russian-invasion-nears-one-year-mark-partisans-grow-further-apart-on-u-s-support-for-ukraine/
  19. [Update] No, Mr. Trump — ‘windmills’ are not going to ‘destroy the bird population.’ Here’s what will Within the uncertainties of the data used, the estimate means that wind farms killed approximately 20,000 birds in the United States in 2009 but nuclear plants killed about 330,000 and fossil fueled power plants more than 14 million. The paper concludes that further study is needed, but also that fossil fueled power stations appear to pose a much greater threat to birds and avian wildlife than wind farms and nuclear power plants. While part of the discrepancy is due to fossil fuels’ greater usage, the study also concluded that wind is responsible for 0.3-0.4 fatalities per gigawatt-hour, while fossil fuels are responsible for 5.2 per gigawatt-hour — about 15 times as much per unit energy. https://electrek.co/2020/10/29/birds-wind-turbines-trump/#:~:text=While part of the discrepancy,as much per unit energy. The US Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that cats are responsible for the deaths of 2.4 billion birds each year. After that, collisions with building glass and vehicles are to blame for about another 800 million deaths. By comparison, about 230,000 birds are killed after colliding with a wind turbine every year. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/10/23/21530123/trump-presidential-debate-windmills-kill-birds
  20. Before Dodd-Frank was weakened under the Trump Administration. Dodd Frank stipulated that any bank with more than 50 billion in assets had to undergo stringent stress tests. After the law was weakened that number was changed to 250 billion. SVB had about 180 billion in assets when it collapsed.
  21. I see that I misunderstood the situation. Thanks for the correction.
  22. What makes you think that free speech and criticism of speech are incompatible?
  23. Actually, it's not Gary Lineker who is liable for this misrepresentation, but the BBC. Gary Lineker obviously couldn't claim on his tax returns that he's employed by the BBC. He is not legally their employee. It's not incumbent upon him to battle the BBC's misrepresentation of his status. Now if the govt were to go after this ruse by the BBC and force it to hire Lineker as an employee, that would be a different matter. But, in fact, the Tories would never go after this since it allows businesses to deny ordinary workers the rights and perquisites they would enjoy as employees.
  24. Now, you're distorting the truth. What you claimed was that because Ash Sarkar was a communist and a columnist for the Guardian, therefore the Guardian was communist. Even though she was one columnist among many and had long since stopped writing for the Guardian.
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