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  1. Just to give a perspective on how bad this is: Climate crisis: recent European droughts 'worst in 2,000 years' The series of severe droughts and heatwaves in Europe since 2014 is the most extreme for more than 2,000 years, research suggests. The study analysed tree rings dating as far back as the Roman empire to create the longest such record to date. The scientists said global heating was the most probable cause of the recent rise in extreme heat. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/15/climate-crisis-recent-european-droughts-worst-in-2000-years
  2. Cherry picking videos much? You think because some videos show the rioters not behaving violently that this is proof that they didn't riot?
  3. Because Ukraine doesn't have a very powerful incentive, namely survival, to clean up its act? As Dr. Johnson once remarked: “Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”
  4. I think it's far more significant that they are losing a significant portion of their technically sophisticated citizenry. Russia Is Facing a Tech Worker Exodus "With founders and developers scrambling for the exit, the Russian tech scene is taking a major hit. According to RAEK, a Russian technology trade group, between 50,000 and 70,000 tech workers have already fled Russia, and 70,000 to 100,000 more could leave in April. With flights to the West canceled, they have wended their way to countries where Russian citizens can still travel visa-free." https://www.wired.co.uk/article/russian-techies-exodus-ukraine
  5. What's most impressive about that statement is that when Trump tells us he said something, we can be 100% sure it's true. After all, he has an impecable record in that regard. No record of it, though. Maybe because he told Putin that in the private meeting he had where it was just Putin, Putin's translator, and Trump because Trump dismissed the State Dept.'s translator?
  6. It's likely going to take years for Ukraine to bring corruption down to an acceptable level. But comparing its situation to Turkey's is ridiculous. Have there been no countries admitted to the EU that have applied after 1987?
  7. Actually, one regimen for endurance athletes is training at high altitudes. Apparently it increases the level of red blood cells. So wearing a mask mimics this practice and it's a lot cheaper than a vacation in Nepal.
  8. As might be expected from the Telegraph, no mention was made of the fact that vaccination does provide enhanced protection against serious illness and death.
  9. What advantage would Ukraine joining the EU give to Russia?
  10. Do you understand the difference between testing positive, having a mild case of covid, having a serious case of covid and dying from covid? If you did understand the difference between these 4 outcomes, then you should understand the usefulness of boosters.
  11. Please share with us any previous congressional committee investigations where the numbers are 50-50? For instance, the 7 Benghazi investigations. In fact, the majority party always gets higher representation.
  12. I have a simpler solution. Just change the name of the post from "Ethics Advisor" to "Ethics Shmethics Advisor".
  13. Such trivial nonsense. The United States is a democratic republic. That is, it functions as a democracy with certain limitations incorporated into its constitution designed to protects the rights of individuals against majority overreach.
  14. I would amend that to relatively well. But that's a low bar to clear considering what a disaster the attempt to capture Kiiv was. For one thing, not only did Russian forces fail to capture Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city, but they were pushed back all the way into Russia. For another, Ukraine has recaptured some territory in the south. And despite the fact that the Ukrainians are outnumbered and outgunned in Severodonetsk, Russian progress there has been painfully slow.
  15. That you are still calling those ballot boxes "suitcases" after that claim was repeatedly debunked shortly after that ridiculous charge was made, pretty much tells us all we need to know about where you get your information from and where you don't get it from. And it's utterly false that any ballot watchers, conservatives or even communists were blocked from observing. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/dec/04/facebook-posts/no-georgia-election-workers-didnt-kick-out-observe/ What don't you understand about the fact that the vote was recounted 3 times, including once by hand? And this in a Republican state and overseen by a Republican Secretary of State who was a faithful supporter of Trump's re-election.
  16. Here's some good news for the EU and bad news for Russia. In landmark deal signed in Cairo, Israel to export natural gas, via Egypt, to Europe Israel, Egypt and the European Union signed a memorandum of understanding on Wednesday in Cairo that will see Israel export its natural gas to the bloc for the first time. The landmark agreement will increase liquified natural gas sales to EU countries, which are aiming to reduce dependence on supply from Russia in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-eu-egypt-agree-deal-to-export-natural-gas-to-europe/ The article is deficient in one major respect: it doesn't say how much gas will be shipped and how much that will reduce EU dependence on Russia.
  17. False. The 1 Billion was an additional amount available from a fund of 11 billion that Biden can use at his discretion. Here's the breakdown for direct defense related funds "The package includes almost $15 billion for defense operations and maintenance, which includes $6 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative and $8.7 billion to replenish stocks of U.S. equipment sent to Ukraine. The legislation authorizes up to a further $11 billion in Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows the president to authorize the transfer of articles and services from U.S. stocks without congressional approval in response to an emergency." https://www.reuters.com/world/big-items-washingtons-40-billion-ukraine-aid-package-2022-05-19/
  18. For one thing most of their artillery takes shells that conform to Russian specs and they can't get any more shells. For another, it takes time to train troops to use the new artillery.
  19. No. Mueller was constrained by Justice Dept policy that a sitting President can't be prosecuted. Mueller did make it very clear that the avenue open to investigating Trump was impeachment.
  20. For one thing, the Justice Dept policy is that a sitting president can't be indicted for a crime. For another, his partners in crime can assert that they are protected by executive privilege and can't be compelled to cooperate with investigators.
  21. Lots of roadblocks to developing a case when the target is the President.
  22. How many years did it take for John Durham to come up with a prosecution that his team developed?
  23. Even if none of it had gone into Trump's pockets, which is not the case, it's not fraudulent to solicit donations for a non-existent organization and then distribute the money elsewhere?
  24. So what was the point of this comment of yours? "Every FBI agent does not make claims that the white supremacy is a big problem, that would be the elitists running the department."
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