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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. First of all, what do you mean by "defensive"? Since when is critiquing someone's comments in this forum "defensive"? Are comments that point out faults in others' arguments "defensive"? I suggest you look up what the word means. As for "you've got nothing". I explained exactly why I wrote that. Instead of responding to my arguments, you once again resort to ... 'You just don't like to hear what I write so you resort to "you got nothing"' So once again you resort to ascribing motivation rather than addressing arguments. In other words, you've still got nothing.
  2. The comparison was to how other foreign born populations were faring.Are foreign born populations in the US "doing very well"? And despite the fact that these people are better educated and more likely to speak English, they fare worse.
  3. What B.S! The FBI, went to the home of a pro-life activist who was under indictment for violating the law. He was neither arrested nor indicted for being Catholic or pro-life. And they arrested him at his home. How does that qualify as "targeting his family"? Amid outcry, FBI disputes account of raid at pro-life Catholic family’s home "Mark Houck, the founder and co-president of a men’s spiritual formation apostolate called The King’s Men, faces the possibility of 11 years in prison if convicted of violating the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, more commonly referred to as the FACE Act. The law carries stiff penalties for those who engage in “violent, threatening, damaging, and obstructive conduct intended to injure, intimidate, or interfere with the right to seek, obtain, or provide reproductive health services,” according to the Department of Justice. A federal indictment accuses Houck of twice assaulting a Planned Parenthood client escort, identified in the document as “B.L.,” outside a Philadelphia abortion clinic on Oct. 23, 2021. https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/252393/fbi-disputes-accounts-of-swat-raid-at-pro-life-catholic-familys-home
  4. And those 2 dissenting prosecutors were proved correct because the FBI found nothing. And it never happened that when, prior to obtaining a search warrant the FBI asked permission to examine the contents of certain boxes at Mar a Lago, their request was denied. So it turns out that the signed statement by one of Trump's attorneys that a diligent search had been performed and no documents in violation had been found also turned out to be true. All of this and more happened in Opposite World.
  5. What we do know is that you at least believe you know better than the police how to cope with these situations. What we do know is that the only 2 people killed that night died from an altercation with an untrained minor carrying a deadly weapon.. And didn't anyone ever tell you about the inanity of invoking contrary-to-fact suppositions?
  6. Here's the relevant text from the agreement between the trump administration and the taliban The United States is committed to withdraw from Afghanistan all military forces of the United States, its allies, and Coalition partners, including all non-diplomatic civilian personnel, private security contractors, trainers, advisors, and supporting services personnel within fourteen (14) monthsfollowing announcement of this agreement, and will take the following measures in this regard: https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Agreement-For-Bringing-Peace-to-Afghanistan-02.29.20.pdf The agreement is dated feb 29, 2020. 14 months from that date would be may 31, 2021. Here's when the withdrawal actually occurred: Biden Announces Full U.S. Troop Withdrawal From Afghanistan by Sept. 11 President Joe Biden said the war in Afghanistan was never meant to be multi-generational, as he officially announced the drawdown of all 2,500 U.S. troops in that country beginning May 1 and concluding by Sept. 11, the 20th anniversary of the war. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2573268/biden-announces-full-us-troop-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-by-sept-11/
  7. Didn't anyone ever teach you about the inanity of making contrary-to-fact statements?
  8. False. The Ukraine war certainly began in 2014 when the Russians began providing armaments and Little Green Men, as they were called, to aid the separatists in the Donbas. Congress passed 2 aid packages to aid Ukraine. It was the second one that Trump failed to transfer to Ukraine for several months. I do wonder why you bother to have an opinion about something you clearly know nothing about.
  9. Not only have you edited a quote in a misleading or rather nonsensical way, but you offer absolutely no reasoning. Just an empty assertion. You've got nothing.
  10. What don't you understand about the fact that two small countries with small economies don't have a very favorable view of the EU as compared to other countries including highly developed ones. How does this not prove that there is no correlation between the wealth of an EU member and how favorably its citizenry views it?
  11. Yes, you and Kyle Rittenhouse both know better than the police what to do in such a situation. And thanks to Kyle Rittenhouse the violence was contained, property preserved, and no lives lost... I mean zero out of three ain't bad, right?
  12. Did any policemen that night get into that situation? Ya think maybe that's because they're professionals and not a 17-year-old police officer wannabe?
  13. Do you know of many polls where people are asked not only do they like something but then break it down to why they like something? Yours is a patently unfulfillable request created only to give you a way to wriggle out of what you claimed in your original assertion. As for countries with smaller economies, Greece and Hungary certainly qualify in that regard. What did their level of approval of the EU look like? What's more, three of the top five countries with the highest approval ratings of the EU are all highly economically developed and are net contributors to the EU.
  14. How does that make your post false. Let me remind you of what I wrote and your reply: Now you make unrealistic and irrelevant demands to deflect from the fact that what you claimed was false. Greece is certainly one of the smaller nations. Hungary is the EU country that has received the most subsidies per capita in the UE. 2 small countries, aren't they? You've got nothing.
  15. You tried the gambit of equating Trumpls conduct with Bidens in regard to documents. That failed. You bring up the irrelevant case of Hunter Biden You make predictions about the future as though that was evidence. You've got nothing.
  16. You're replying to someone who won't even commit to saying that there's a war going on there.
  17. He's one night on the job and he kills 2 people. If he wasn't there, would those 2 people be dead? He got into a situation where, according to the jury, he had no choice but to kill people. You think that's how a professional should conduct themself? And, to judge from your comment, you clearly don't have a clue about how statistics work.
  18. Another way to know someone's got nothing is when they go after motivation, rather than link to evidence
  19. Because despite his police wannabe aspirations, he had zero training.
  20. False. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/10/13/positive-views-of-european-union-reach-new-highs-in-many-countries/
  21. If he were capable of behaving in a "mature and responsible way" he wouldn't have been there in the first place.
  22. It's simple enough that most of us understand it's a war going on over there and, unlike you, don't evade that issue.
  23. It's always a mark of desperation when someone reverts to empty taunts instead of providing actual evidence.
  24. ////deleted post edited out//// Biden's comment came after the investigation turned up those documents. It is not proof at all that he knew that he was in possession of them all along. Try again. And, no, POTUS doesn't have a right to materials declassified or otherwise. Even if declassified, they still have to be stored securely. They are still considered sensitive. And Trump's claim that he declassified them prior to leaving office, even though not relevant, is dubious. For the months his lawyers negotiated with NARA they never contended that such was the case. And then, suddenly, out of the blue, came his claim. Laughable.
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