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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Perhaps I should have used the term right wing media? Given all the various right wing loons who peddle all sorts of angry fictions pleasing to their audience via radio and podcasts. And there's also websites like 4chan which launched the Qanon movement.
  2. This you construed from my debunking of a false claim that EV purchases in the UK were down? Does that mean if I had agreed with that false claim this would mean that I owned an EV?
  3. It also needs to be pointed out that racism in its developed sense, not only refers to race but also ethnicity "Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.[1][2][3] It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity.[2] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism Here's another example of a word that isn't accurate etymologically but is nonetheless universally used to denote prejudice against Jews: anti-Semitism. Literally, semites are not just jews but Arabs, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, etc etc etc. Occasionally jew hater argue that they aren't anti-Semites because the don't hate Arabs. This is obviously nonsense.
  4. "The first electric car in the United States was developed in 1890–91 by William Morrison of Des Moines, Iowa; the vehicle was a six-passenger wagon capable of reaching a speed of 23 kilometres per hour (14 mph). It was not until 1895 that consumers began to devote attention to electric vehicles after A.L. Ryker introduced the first electric tricycles to the U.S.[32]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_electric_vehicle#:~:text=Hart.,to electric vehicles after A.L. I drive an imaginary version of this one,
  5. Actually, if you register with the Economist, you can read 3 free articles per month. And if you delete Economist cookies from your browser each time you reach the 3 article limit, then you can read as many articles as you like. You just have to log in again.
  6. It does show the hypocrisy of the American rightwing that they claim to want America to be truly independent of of foreign nations, but at the same time oppose the development of renewable energy, If the true cost of energy is calculated, then one has to include that portion of the US defense budget that goes towards protecting sources in the Middle East. Would the wars in the Gulf ever have occurred if the world's dependence on fossil fuels didn't exist? Obviously not.
  7. I do wonder, though, why you even had to ask. Were you not aware of these achievements and others? Or, as a Biden supporter, did just want to make sure that more people knew of the great things accomplished so far during his administration?
  8. The larger issue that lies behind this study is what economists call negative externalities. Negative externalities are costs that are paid for not by those responsible for creating them but by others instead. This is why the IMF says that most of the almost 6 trilliion dollars in yearly subsidies to the fossil fuel industry are not direct cash transfers or tax relief, but rather costs incurred by those whose health suffers as a result. .
  9. My mistake. I wrongly assumed you were being sarcastic. It's clear now you weren't. Anyway, we can all agree that Biden has chalked up lots of very solid accomplishments during his first time. And this despite a razor thin majority in the Senate.Very impressive!
  10. What exactly is more solid than infrastructure or chipmaking plants? What is empty about 'lowering healthcare costs" or "lowering health care costs"? When I see replies like yours, that seem to be operating on automatic pilot, I have to wonder if it's a bot that's generating them. And not a very advanced one.
  11. It's a good thing that doesn't happen in Russia. For instance, if a media source wants to use the word "war" instead of "special military operation" to describe the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there are no repercussions at all. News media sources whose reports don't align with the official version of events have nothing to fear. They haven't been shut down or exiled to other countries. All of this is true...in oppositeworld.
  12. Or maybe the problem was that the right wing press went into its usual rabid attack dog mode, particularly after Americans got to see Fetterman in the debate with Oz? Maybe their comments were so far over the top as to excite sympathy for Fetterman? Do you know that there were people out there who actually called Fetterman a figurative vegetable? Even though neurologists pointed out that this clearly wasn't the case.
  13. You've got it exactly wrong. This significance of this study lies in the fact that it wasn't a projection but based on an extensive real world analysis of actual data.
  14. What has any of this have to do with the fact that Florida and Texas are paying too much interest on their bonds because they're excluding major players?
  15. Clearly, you don't understand the differences between a special grand jury, a grand jury, and a jury.
  16. Where do you come up with piece of B.S.? Electric car statistics - data and projections "EVs enjoyed a continual growth streak throughout 2022. In January 2022, 14,433 EVs were registered, representing 12.5% market share. By the summer this had increased to 22,737 for June, a 16.1% slice of the market. By December 2022, this had significantly increased to 42,284 new EV registrations - a massive 32.9% market share." Electric car statistics - data and projections https://heycar.co.uk/blog/electric-cars-statistics-and-projections Just because a member claims something that supports your biases, that doesn't make it true. Maybe next time you'll be a little more careful about which posts you endorse.
  17. Perhaps...? Is that all you've got. And I think that were it a favored right wing republican candidate who this happened to, their supporters would have endorsed them continuing the race.
  18. Typical condescension towards a disabled person. What is this nonsense about being 'allowed to continue his campaign"? Maybe he decided it was worth the sacrifice given what was at stake in the election? At least you've moved on from comparing him to a vegetable. And didn't you repeatedly predict Fetterman's defeat in the 2022 midterms?
  19. I believe that all the American members of this forum will be gratified that not only is unemployment at a 53 year low, but that consumer demand looks to be strong.
  20. You say that you oppose the Russians but you support the right of certain regions of the ukraine to break away. It's very dubious that there are any such regions now as I noted before with evidence to back up my assertion. Actually, if anybody in engaged in trolling, it's you. I think what you're up to is something called "concern trolling". This is the practice of pretending to be on the side of someone in order to ultimately persuade them of the wrongness of their position. So you claim to be against the Russian invasion, but then claim areas of Ukraine are still pro Russian and are justified in seeking independence. Which of course, is what the Russians claim to justify their invasion. I think, at this juncture, you're not fooling anybody.
  21. I did cite facts. Remember that post about the poll that showed 4% support for Russia in the east and 1% in the South? And it's quite laughable for you to be lecturing to me about backing up my claim with facts when all you've got is a claim of a mysteriously vanished article from the Guardian about the residents of Bakhmut being pro-Russian.
  22. My comment about the all the pro-Russians being in Bakhmut was a way of expressing my skepticism of your claim.
  23. Here's something interesting about the Helsinki Times In 2020 and 2021, the newssite has sections for China News in English and Simplified Chinese, whose articles are provided directly by People's Daily, and which have downplayed the Xinjiang internment camps[9] and published Chinese-written disinformation about Covid-19.[10] It defended the arrangement as an attempt to balance allegedly biased Western media reports.[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helsinki_Times
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