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  1. thabeachlovers' claim is just another false claim of both-sideism.
  2. I don't know what you mean by "no one was allowed to care." And comments like "The war in Ukraine is terrible - no doubt about it." without assigning responsibility, is just another example of both-sideism. Yes, it's a terrible war. It's a terrible war launched by the Russians.
  3. As has been pointed out numerous times by others, Neville Chamberlain also preferred peace. There are 2 says to get to peace. Through good faith negotiations or defeat of the forces on one side of the war. Who is going to believe in the good faith of an ex KGB agent who claimed that the goal of the war....eer Special Military Operation...was to denazify Ukraine?
  4. No, it's not the same. Russia is the aggressor. Aiding an aggressor is morally distinct from aiding a country defending itself from aggression.
  5. It's clear you can't rebut specifics so instead you indulge in a baseless whitewashing of your comments. Your agenda is obvious.
  6. Well, technically speaking, it's a meteor until it hits the ground when it becomes a meteorite. So, if their usage is correct, and who knows, then it was 2 feet wide when it was still aloft. But, I'm not betting that the news source has on staff a nerd like me to do fact-checking.
  7. Here's something that was included in this article which was based on excerpts taken from the Washington Post's article. "In a Thursday speech to a right-wing “patriot” group in nearby Charlotte, Karamo argued that Christianity belonged at the core of American politics, called evolution “one of the biggest frauds ever perpetuated on society,” and asserted the existence of demons. “When we start talking about the spiritual reality of the demonic forces, it’s like, ‘Oh, my God, this is crazy, we can’t go there,’” Karamo said." https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/18/michigan-gop-chair-karamo-trump/
  8. Clearly, Macron wasn't referring to the French doing it, or, rather, not doing it, by themselves. That said, given the wretched performance of the Russian armed forces, in a non-nuclear war, I suspect that France by itself would easily give Russian armed forces a whooping.
  9. Well, if you can see that it was prudent, how to justify not doing the same to Italian Americans who, like Japanese Americans were also overwhelmingly immigrants or their children? And there were a whole lot more of them. Clearly, the reason the Japanese were locked up was because of racism.
  10. I got some exciting news for you. The 3 countries cited, Moldova, Georgia, and Kosovo , are not members of the EU. As for the EU being a mess, really? Are the nations that are members of the EU in some kind of economic freefall. Public support for the EU has risen sharply. Even the nationalist parties that used to advocate withdrawing from the EU have changed their tune.
  11. It's clear that you haven't read what you originally wrote. You justified this law because it was democratically passed. As I will point out again most likely to no avail, that in itself is no justification for the law. And your disquisition about how amendments to the Constitution can be amended is utterly irrelevant to the issue at question.
  12. The puppet is something that is controlled by pulling strings. Who pulled Carter's strings? Reagan's were obviously pulled by the wealthy. Tax cuts for the wealthy were massive. It was promised that they would pay for themselves via boosts to the economy which would generate increased tax revenue. Instead, big deficits f.ollowed.
  13. Actually, from yourself. You irrelevantly mention the name of someone You accuse others of irrelevantly mentioning.
  14. As I pointed out, apparently in vain, justifying Florida's restrictions on speech because they were democratically arrived at is not a valid defense. There may be other arguments to support those restrictions, but yours did not.
  15. I think you're confusing him with his successor whose strings clearly were pulled by corporations and the wealthy.
  16. What you clearly don't understand is that the USA is a constitutional democracy. The 1st Amendment guarantees the right to freedom of speech. So basing your argument on the fact that these restrictions were voted into law by a majority, is not a valid defense. If it were a valid defense, then it would be okay for legislatures to restrict or ban any kind of speech they chose to.
  17. Clearly, gratuitous insults are your idea of the truth. As for irrelevantly mentioning the name of the ex-President, it's plain to see that you've learnt nothing.
  18. Well given that Ireland has a much healthier economy than the UK, that would improve the UK's economic statistics a bit.
  19. Sounds like a very rational kind of guy: 'Unfreedom Of The Press' Is Full Of Bombast And Bile On his show, Levin speaks in the unmistakable tenor of a man experiencing road rage or shouting at a customer service representative. In a recent episode, he yelled at an absent Beto O'Rourke ("Nobody likes a weak man, Beto...Nobody likes a weak man like you."), attacked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's looks ("her eyeballs are popping out of her head, like ping pong balls."), called Sen. Mitt Romney an "ass," and Sen. Dick Blumenthal a "pathetic, loathsome liar." The media didn't escape his invective either, from CNN's Brian Stelter ("that little creep") to MSNBC's "whole conga line of freaks working its way right up to Rachel Mad Cow." https://www.npr.org/2019/05/21/724983201/unfreedom-of-the-press-is-full-of-bombast-and-bile
  20. Because Russia can definitely be trusted to respect the new borders? It's not like they would find some pretext to start a war.. I mean special military operation...like claiming that Ukraine is ruled by Nazis?
  21. Among other things, last time I checked the UK was still a member of NATO.
  22. The fact of Fox News' popularity is not the issue. The issue is the hard evidence that Fox News Hosts, including Carlson knew that lies were being propagated about the 2020 election and helped promote them.
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