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  1. *Deleted post edited out* Oh, well, if State Counsellor Wang Yi denies it, then it must be so. I can remember that several months before the Russian invasion ...er...special military operation, the Biden administration insisted that Russia was planning to invade Ukraine. But they shouldn't have worried about that because... Russian MFA says Russia won’t invade Ukraine, blames US for ‘aggressive plans’ https://tass.com/politics/1400517 Joe Biden must have felt really foolish on February 24, 2022.
  2. Here are some of the results of a poll that examined the issue of Christian Nationalism. https://www.prri.org/research/a-christian-nation-understanding-the-threat-of-christian-nationalism-to-american-democracy-and-culture/
  3. Keep in mind that these loons are Michigan Republicans. The same party the elected Kristina Karamo to be its head. The new chair of the Michigan Republican Party is a prominent election denier, but she also has quite a few concerns about "demonic possession." As regular readers might recall, Karamo has also spread Jan. 6 conspiracy theories, rejected vaccines, derided transgender women, condemned evolutionary biology, and suggested cohabitation before marriage opens the door to normalizing pedophilia. Late last week, ahead of Saturday’s balloting, the Michigan Republican spoke to a group of supporters and reiterated her concerns about “demonic forces.” https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/new-gop-chair-battleground-state-isnt-just-election-denier-rcna71438
  4. Putin with his claims of Nazis leading the Ukraine, and you with your insinuations of electoral fraud. As far as baselessness goes, I think it's a tie.
  5. Actually, she's the forewoman of a special grand jury. A special grand jury can't indict anybody. It can recommend to a grand jury that it indict people.
  6. Yes, all carnage. Unemployment at a 53 year low. Strong economic growth. The horror! The horror!
  7. What you don't note is most of that 8 million is women and children. 90% of Ukrainian refugees are women and children, while most Ukrainian men age 18 to 60 are banned from leaving the country.[6]
  8. The Haw may have been ethnically Chinese, but the weren't agents of the Chinese govt.
  9. Are you claiming that the Chinese did invade Thailand? What's your point?
  10. Russia may have proximity, but it has a very underdeveloped economy. Not a lot to offer these neighbors apart from raw materials end energy. Also, Thailand has no history of China conquering and absorbing Thai territory.
  11. Oh, they were just mistakes" You mean like "oops"? And did he really own up? He cliaimed his lies were not about "tricking the people". The man is wanted in Brazil on criminal charges for forging checks on a checkbook he is alleged to have stolen? In the US he claimed his checkbook was stolen and someone used it to write out a bad check for the purchase of puppies. He held a fraudulent fundraiser supposedly for sick dogs. And it's good for politicians to do that? Given the flagrancy of his lying, what choice did he have?
  12. It's a virtually universally observed phenomenon that the two most important factors in determining how much foreign trade one nation does with another is 1 :proximity and 2. the economic strength of the nation's involved. Obviously, China beats America on both counts. The rational best that America can hope for is for Thailand to remain neutral.
  13. The nerve of anybody dictating foreign policy to Thailand. It's a good thing that Russia would never do such a thing to Ukraine. Oh wait a minute...
  14. And you believe that this scandal about Qatar trying to influence Visa regulations for its citizens, and Morocco trying to secure the favorable regard of the EU for its position vis-a-vis the western Sahara, is a threat to the EU's existence? It is to laugh.
  15. What don't you understand about "The Biden administration has formally concluded that Russia committed crimes against humanity during its nearly year-long invasion of Ukraine, Kamala Harris has said." Harris simply revealed that conclusion. So, if any party has jumped "on the bandwagon again" it's the US Government.
  16. It's not like the Mercury found in coal plant emissions is a potent neurotoxin... oh wait a minute... And it's not like Trump appointed a former coal industry lobbyist and human-caused climate change denialist to head the EPA... oh wait another minute...
  17. Here's a fact I wasn't aware of: The special prosecutor in this case, Andrea Reeb, is also a member of the New Mexico House of Representatives. Guess what party she belongs to? https://andreareeb.com/ Right wing much? Maybe that explains the sloppy and dubious prosecution? Obviously for a legislator to also be a prosecutor is highly improper. Alec Baldwin's attorney seeks to disqualify special prosecutor who investigated 'Rust' shooting Alec Baldwin's attorney moved on Tuesday to disqualify the special prosecutor in New Mexico who investigated him over the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust." The special prosecutor, Andrea Reeb, is a member of the New Mexico House of Representatives... "Under Section 1 of Article III of the New Mexico Constitution, however, a sitting member of the Legislature may not 'exercise any powers properly belonging' to either the executive or judicial branch," Baldwin's defense attorney, Luke Nikas, wrote in a motion filed on Tuesday. https://abcnews.go.com/US/alec-baldwins-attorney-seeks-disqualify-special-prosecutor-investigated/story?id=96957203
  18. The lord of the lemmings strikes again! Trump Salutes New Michigan GOP Chair February 19, 2023 at 4:40 pm EST By Taegan Goddard Former President Donald Trump gave a shout out to the newly-selected head of the Michigan Republican party despite not supporting her bid for the post. Said Trump: “Congratulations to Kristina Karamo, a powerful and fearless Election Denier, in winning the Chair of the GOP in Michigan. If Republicans (and others!) would speak the truth about the Rigged Presidential Election of 2020, like FoxNews should, but doesn’t, they would be far better off.” https://politicalwire.com/2023/02/19/trump-salutes-new-michigan-gop-chair/
  19. While it's true that the US covered up Japanese scientists' war crimes, I'm unable to find any evidence that it gave sanctuary and citizenship to the Japanese 'scientists' who conducted those experiments. After all, by refusing to prosecute, what incentive did these scientists have to relocate. Here's a good summary of US actions in regards to Japanese scientists and how its actions differed from the steps it took against German scientists. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4487829/
  20. A lot depends on the kill ratio. Russia is now using human wave attacks. Does it need to be explained what the means? In addition, Ukrainians are fighting for the survival of their nation. Russian soldiers aren't. Ukraininas quite understandably don't believe that Russia has changed its ultimate goal and has now confined its ambitions to the Donbas.
  21. Alec Baldwin faces reduced prison sentence after charge dropped in fatal ‘Rust’ shooting Alec Baldwin won a key legal battle Monday that saw one of his charges over the deadly shooting of Halyna Hutchins dropped — drastically reducing the potential prison time he is facing. The Santa Fe County district attorney filed paperwork Monday that dropped a firearm enhancement charge against both the “30 Rock” star and the rookie film-set armorer charged alongside him. Without it, that means he faces a maximum of 18 months in prison for manslaughter — down from the five years he’d faced before. https://nypost.com/2023/02/20/alec-baldwin-sees-one-charge-dropped-in-fatal-rust-shooting/ I purposely used a link to the NY Post article to show how untrustworthy it is. Every other media source I checked explained what the difference was between the original charge and the new one. Basically, the originally charge said that you had to "discharge" the weapon to qualify for involuntary manslaughter. But that version of the law was passed after the incident. The Constituiton explicitlly rules out ex post facto laws. Which means that prosecutor can't apply the terms of a law if it was legislated after a particular incident. So Baldwin will be tried under the old statute. Which specifies that to be convicted of "involuntary manslaughter" the defendant has to be guilty of "brandishing" the weapon. I don't know if there is a legal definition of "brandish" but here a few definitions I found. If these definitions apply, then the case against Baldwin just get very weak. They're going to have to show that Baldwin used that weapon in a menacing way before he fired the fatal shot. Is anyone going to believe that this wasn't a joke gone terribly wrong. wave or flourish (something, especially a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitement. "a man leaped out brandishing a knife" to shake or wave (something, such as a weapon) menacingly. brandished a knife at them. : to exhibit in an ostentatious or aggressive manner. brandishing her intellect. to wave something in the air in a threatening or excited way: He looked silly brandishing one of those Star Wars lightsabers. https://www.google.com/search?q=brandish&oq=brandish&aqs=chrome.0.69i59.1445j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 If these definitions apply, then the case against Baldwin just get very weak. They're going to have to show that Baldwin used that weapon in a menacing way before he fired the fatal shot. Is anyone going to believe that this wasn't a joke gone terribly wrong. And the prosecutors look really bad. They made an elementary mistake. And this was the best spin they could put on it: "Heather Brewer, a spokeswoman for the Santa Fe district attorney, told The Independent in a statement that prosecutors had dropped the firearm enhancement to “avoid further litigious distractions by Mr Baldwin and his attorneys.” “The prosecution’s priority is securing justice, not securing billable hours for big-city attorneys,” Ms Brewer said." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/alec-baldwin-charges-dropped-rust-shooting-b2286002.html It's telling, by the way, that the NY Post described this response as "scorching" rather than what it really is, namely "lame". Whoever decided in favor of the original charges against Baldwin should be fired. Expect lots of tooth gnashing at Fox News and other right wing media.
  22. Who knows? Maybe they'll realize the success that has eluded Musk.
  23. You forget to mention George Soros, Bilderberg, Russiagate, and a host of similarly reflexive conspiracy accusations without offering the least shred of evidence. This quote is from the World Forum's landing page: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  24. Well,that's one way to commit economic suicide. Unlike Russia,China is far too integrated into the world economic system to be treated that way. Biden is doing what he can by denying China advanced technology. I don't know how much more he can do. On the other hand, China does risk alienating Europe if it supplies weaponry to Russia. The Chinese have been on a charm offensive trying to woo Europe away from America.
  25. Because you claimed that Carter was a puppet but offered no evidence. So I thought it would be an educational experience for you to acquaint yourself with what a flagrant political puppet actually looks like.
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