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  1. If you think Russia would survive as a nation after launching a nuclear war you're part of a very small minority. Are you familiar with the concept of mutually assured destruction?
  2. Lucky for them they have that sub. Because without it, they would only have thousands of land-based ICBMs to commit suicide with.
  3. As far as Obamacare goes, that's not the case. The law requires that 80 percent of payments go to health care. The other 20% goes for administrative costs and profits. https://www.healthcare.gov/health-care-law-protections/rate-review/
  4. *Deleted post edited out* The reason why Bandera is a hero to some in the Ukraine is his opposition to domination by Russia/The Soviet Union. There are very few who celebrate his anti-semitism. There is a lot less anti-Semitism in the Ukraine than there is in Russia https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2019/10/14/minority-groups/ And you know full well why there was so much opposition to the resolution. Russia has been using those anti-nazi resolutions to justify their aggression in the region. Especially against Ukraine. And what you failed to note this: "Before the vote, Australia managed to get an amendment to the draft resolution adopted (63 votes in favor, 23 against and 65 abstentions) inserting a new paragraph in which the General Assembly "notes with alarm that the Russian Federation has sought to justify its territorial aggression against Ukraine on the purported basis of eliminating neo-Nazism, and underlines that the pretextual use of neo-Nazism to justify territorial aggression seriously undermines genuine attempts to combat neo-Nazism." https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2022/11/09/why-france-and-51-other-countries-voted-against-the-un-resolution-condemning-nazism_6003471_8.html
  5. I don't think you understand. Laws about human trafficking and such don't apply to what Mr.Derek calls "real men".
  6. Sarcasm only works if it's actually based on the comments it's directed against. In this instance, it clearly wasn't the case.
  7. Apparently, in the northern part of Korea Koreans haven't suffered enough. At least that seems to be the opinion of the ruling Kim family: How Did the North Korean Famine Happen? "The North Korean government continues to maintain that 225,000 to 235,000 people died during the famine. Natsios, however, estimated that a figure between 2.5 million and 3.5 million deaths is reasonably accurate. He said that recorded death rates in towns, cities, and regions whose records were accessible show that somewhere between 10 and 19 percent of their populations perished in the famine. Tellingly, only 55 percent of people voted in North Korea's 1998 national elections—in a country in which not voting is a crime. https://www.wilsoncenter.org/article/how-did-the-north-korean-famine-happen Considering how small the population of North Korea is, on a per capita basis I think that makes Stalin, Hitler, and Mao look like pikers compared to whatever Kim was in charge at the time. And that's not the only time famine plagued North Korea in the last 50 years.
  8. Your comments are becoming unhinged. You are the one that suggested helping North Korea with democracy. Not BruceH. So you should take up that issue with yourself.
  9. "The release of 5,000 prisoners was a condition, agreed between the US and the Taliban after their peace talks last year, to begin these negotiations. The Afghan government was not involved in making the agreement, and had concerns about releasing thousands of militants. Last month, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani warned that the prisoners' release was a "danger" to the world, AFP news agency reported at the time." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-54155768
  10. What makes you think you'll only be charged with illegal possession of firearms? Let me give you a hint: why was his apartment searched in the first place?
  11. If the poor can afford to jet off to a seaside tourist town for a vacation, then I guess that means the problem of global poverty has been solved. Hooray?
  12. What don't you understand about the fact that it was the North that invaded the South in 1950?
  13. "Banderites"? Really? And Putin is still trying to claim the Ukraine government is somehow neo-nazi. The sad thing is that defenders of the Russian invaders actually purport to believe this nonsense.
  14. Adani is very closely tied to Modi, the PM of India. Adani's fortune is based on coal. Which probably explains why India keeps building coal plants despite the fact that solar is much cheaper given India's geographic location. Report: New solar is cheaper to build than to run existing coal plants in China, India and most of Europe Similarly in India, new solar can achieve a levelized cost of $25/MWh, compared to an average cost of running existing coal-fired power plants at $26/MWh. https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/solar/report-its-now-cheaper-to-build-new-solar-than-to-run-existing-coal-plants-in-china-india-and-most-of-europe/#gref
  15. If you mean the collapse of the Mozart group that was reported on by the New York Times, what's that got to do with this?
  16. Another mind-reader. Aseannow has more than enough to launch a psychic hotline.
  17. There still are plenty of opposition politicians in Ukraine. Ones who used to be friendly to the Russians. But the invasion has changed that. Like most politicians, they want to be elected. And given the populace's change in attitude towards Russia, adopting Medvedchuk's line would be a political dead end. What Next for Ukraine’s Formerly Pro-Russian Regions? "In recent years, despite growing tensions with Russia and the threat of war, this part of Ukraine had retained generally positive attitudes toward its neighbor to the east: 53 percent in Ukraine’s east and 45 percent in the south viewed Russia favorably... Russia’s invasion largely put an end to this pro-Russian sentiment: by May 2022, only 4 percent in Ukraine’s east and 1 percent in the south still had a positive view of Russia. Support for Ukraine joining NATO, on the other hand, had surged to record highs: 69 percent in the east and 81 percent in the south, up from 36 percent in the east and 48 percent in the south, according to a poll taken on February 16 and 17 of this year. https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/88542
  18. Beaten only by Russia, actually. But at least in Ukraine, and unlike in Russia, when journalists expose govt. corruption they don't wind up beaten or dead.
  19. What makes it even worse is that coverage in the US isn't even universal, unlike the nations it's being compared to, and still it costs nearly twice as much as the average cost
  20. You don't seem to recognize that's if there's a difference between something being overvalued and having no value. If you buy a house for a million dollars and can only sell it for $800,000, does that mean your house was worth nothing? Of course, if he was using his shares as collateral for loans, and his debt now exceeds the value of his collateral, then he may be worth nothing or less than nothing. But that doesn't mean that the shares are worth nothing.
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