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  1. Right. All those experienced lawyers and prosecutors got it wrong. And your assertion that because the state is confidently going ahead with the case, that means the Baldwin is "toast". Can you recall 2 recent prosecutions that were undertaken despite the opinions of most legal experts that they would fail? How did those turn out?
  2. Not so difficult to see for some who have a genuine understanding of the law: Harvard Law expert analyzes Alec Baldwin charges in tragic ‘Rust’ shooting death Baldwin’s likely or strongest defense is that there was no requirement or standard that an actor independently check the gun he was given after it was declared to be “cold” by others on the set... The question is whether the prosecutor will be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was a clear obligation to check the weapon, which he ignored, whether as actor or producer. He also has an argument that precisely because this prosecution is unprecedented, it violates due process; he would have had no notice of any obligation to independently check the weapon. https://hls.harvard.edu/today/harvard-law-expert-analyzes-alec-baldwin-charges-in-tragic-rust-shooting-death/ "Involuntary manslaughter charges are most common in fatal traffic accidents involving extreme recklessness, such as intoxication or excessive speeding, according to experts. None of the publicly available information indicates Baldwin's state of mind was reckless enough to meet that standard, said defense attorney and former prosecutor Joshua Ritter. “We don’t have all of the evidence, but it still feels like prosecutors face an uphill battle." https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/analysis-alec-baldwin-rust-shooting-case-could-be-tough-for-prosecutors-0
  3. If by better, you mean far far more expensive, then you have made a good point. One of the things the IRA addresses is the shortage of battery manufacturers in the US. Already, new battery plants are being built in the USA and Europe. And it takes year to build a nuclear power plant. What's more, so far, disposing of a nuclear plant once it's useful life is over, is a problem that has yet to be solved satisfactorily. And when costs of a nuclear plant are calculated, that decommissining cost is not included in the figures.
  4. With this study points out, is that it's actually cheaper to build new solar or wind power plants then to keep operating existing coal powered plants. This news is not new. For years now coal power plants have been shown to be mostly uneconomical when compared to wind and solar..
  5. More of the same. Claiming you have evidence that supports your case but offering nothing specific to back it up. You've got nothing.
  6. The Durham Probe Was Barr’s Witch Hunt A shockingly unethical and failed crusade to vindicate Trump. "There is an enduring pattern in American conservatism in which the right first develops a paranoid interpretation of the liberal Establishment, and then reverse engineers its own version of the monster it has imagined. Conservatives convinced themselves that the mainstream media and universities were mere propaganda organs, then created institutions like the Heritage Foundation and Fox News, warped reflections of their own overheated critique... John Durham’s investigation is a classic episode in this tradition." https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/01/the-durham-probe-was-barrs-witch-hunt.html?utm_source=tw&utm_campaign=nym&utm_medium=s1
  7. Identify something of substance in this and I'll bet back to you: "So you don't like him, it seems..... But, you are right, his whit hasn't changed...."
  8. I guess you're not aware that under Georgia law, except for the usual exceptions, abortion is forbidden after 6 weeks.
  9. The results in 2016 weren't clear at all to Trump and 50% of his supporters who clamed he won the popular vote as well. Poll: Half of Trump voters say Trump won popular vote Roughly half of voters who said they voted for Donald Trump last November, 49 percent, believe Trump won the popular vote, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. That’s compared to 40 percent who say Democrat Hillary Clinton won. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/07/26/trump-clinton-popular-vote-240966 As for Canada, the Conservative party was "winner" of the popular vote as a plurality, not even close to a majority. 33.7% to be exact. The combined vote for just the top 2 progressive parties was 50.4%. If you throw in other parties whose views mostly align with progressives that jumps to over 60%. https://www.sfu.ca/~aheard/elections/1867-present.html
  10. The first comeback is, as usual, without content in respect to either facts or reason, a second which avoids the fact that you got it wrong, and the third comment being, I guess, the kind of joke that isn't funny. I grant that you have a gift for that.
  11. The time for Sunak to make the right decision re Zahawi was a long time ago. He failed at that.
  12. It's not hilarious but sad that you didn't read the article and still commented on it. The survey was not conducted by WhichEV. They were merely reporting on it. And GroveHillWanderer was replying to someone who made allegations about what users in the UK and Norway felt about their EV's. Yet no objection the party that raised the issue? Could that be because that person was telling you what aligned with your prejudices?
  13. Not like this https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/the-political-lies-of-boris-johnson-as-he-leaves-downing-street/ And keep in mind that his lies didn't begin with his political career. He was sacked from The Times for a made-up quote. And there's this from his classics master at Eton: "Boris really has adopted a disgracefully cavalier attitude to his classical studies. "[He] sometimes seems affronted when criticised for what amounts to a gross failure of responsibility (and surprised at the same time that he was not appointed Captain of the school for the next half). "I think he honestly believes that it is churlish of us not to regard him as an exception, one who should be free of the network of obligation that binds everyone else." https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1549804/Boris-Johnson-news-letter-teacher-Eton-party-Martin-Hammond He hasn't changed a whit.
  14. Well, your plan is subsidized by the federal govt. In addition, In addition, since you're already getting Medicare that further subsidizes the cost of your plan. Obamacare is not for people on Medicare. So comparing Obamacare to an FEHB program isn't vaild.
  15. From your comment that your "wife is still under SS age", by which I assume you mean Medicare eligible age, I'm assuming you're not. So you are not eligible for Obamacare. Which means you're covered by Medicare. And your health care plan even covers you in the USA? All the international plans I've looked at for people aged 65 and over are extraordinarily expensive if they include the US. And not cheap even if they don't. What is your insurance company?
  16. It's all about the odds. And the odds are based on past form.
  17. I just went to the Kaiser's Obamacare calculator. I gave Pennsylvania as a place of residence in a wealthy district of Philadelphia since the costs would be higher there. I typed in an income of $150,000 per year. I wrote that there were 4 adults being covered by the plan. 2 were age 64 and 2 were age 25. I used the age of 64 since that would be the highest age before Medicare kicks in. For a silver plan the cost to such a family would be $1063 per month. The subsidy would be $1413 Here's the link https://www.kff.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator/
  18. Actually, for what it's worth. Zahawi is Kurdish. "Nadhim was born in Baghdad to Kurdish parents in 1967. Under threat of persecution from Saddam Hussein’s regime, his family immigrated to the UK when he was 9. He grew up in Sussex and was educated at King’s College School in West London and University College London where he studied Chemical Engineering." https://www.zahawi.com/about-nadhim
  19. Clearly, the Rasmussen poll asked leading questions. And given Rasmussen's dismal predictive performance in the 2022 elections, it's difficult not to see them as the in-house pollsters for the Rebublican Party. Here's a just-released poll from CBS: Public sees Biden cooperating with documents investigation; job approval remains unchanged — CBS News poll https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-documents-investigation-opinion-poll-2023-01-29/
  20. I guess you believe sales of EVS are skyrocketing because people need the exercise.
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