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  1. I think the "Same old" part is that you didn't actually read the article. You certainly give no evidence of it. And I wasn't aware that it had been reported earlier that Italian intelligence had supplied info that could connect Trump to criminal activity. Nor that Barr had authorized Durham to undertake a criminal investigation that had nothing to do with his investigation into the Russian affair. Can you share with us where you had learned about that?
  2. Billions of dollars are going to finance vacations for Ukrainian politicians? Care to share a link with us?
  3. Next time, you should spend a little extra money and buy yourself a high quality crystal ball.
  4. You are every third rate magician's idea of an ideal audience. What we see is that video captures the door when it was already part way open. And to your way of thinking, it's likely that the police who entered managed either not to see who it really was who opened the door or did see and aren't telling.
  5. Thank you for confirming my prediction. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. At any rate, it's obvious: NANCY PELOSI opened the door! Or, and this is probably impossible, Paul Pelosi opened the door with his right hand and then quickly went back to holding on to the hammer. I realize that this explanation is utterly unsatisfying to some and therefore, should be disregarded.
  6. If, as you believe, subsidies are crucial to fueling demand, then, as subsidies decline, so should demand. In China subsidies went from 35% in 2020, to 25% in 2021, to 15% in 2022. It will be 5% in 2023. Yet sales of EV's in China increased by 114% in 2022. In addition what your analysis doesn't capture is the cost of externalities. The IMF estimates that subsidies to fossil fuel industries cost about 6% of world GDP. Most of that cost is indirect subsidies due to medical costs incurred from air pollution. Particularly in the big cities, air pollution from ICE vehicles is a major threat to health. So while the governments may be paying out subsidies, both they and private citizens should also be realizing savings from the reduced deleterious effect of fossil fuels.
  7. I think at this point the Fed has done enough. The rate of inflation increase declined again in December. And while ordinarily a very useful statistic, because it weeds out the statistical noise and doesn't need to be adjusted for seasonal variations. in the peculiar case of inflation that followed the Covid pandemic, it's quite misleading. The number is as high as it is because there was a lot of intervening inflation between a year ago and now. But if you look at how much inflation was increasing on a monthly basis for the past several months, it's actually a lot lower. As Alan Blinder, former vice-chair of the Federal Reserve noted, "But when the inflation rate changes abruptly, 12-month averages can leave you watching recent history rather than current events. Today is one of those times." "Over the past five months (June to November 2022), inflation has slowed to a crawl. Whether measured by the consumer-price index, or CPI, which most people watch, or the price index for personal consumption expenditures, or PCE, which the Federal Reserve prefers, the annualized inflation rate has been around 2.5% over these five months." https://www.wsj.com/articles/inflation-sudden-drop-12-5-month-cpi-pce-energy-food-new-year-price-federal-reserve-11672914903
  8. You find it odd that on a breaking story a seasoned reporter gets it wrong? And clearly, by "odd", you mean "suspicious". I'm going to go out on a very long limb here and say that the video is going to debunk all the right wing nonsense about the attack on Paul Pelosi. And on a very short limb to say that this won't satisfy the crowd who believes that the video is part of a cover-up.
  9. One takeaway is how futile are the hopes of those who believe the House Committe is going to uncover some grand corruption at the base of the Russia investigation. Both Barr and Durham were true believers in this. Barr went so far as to release a statement to this effect minutes before the Inspector General of the Justice Dept revealed in his report that he found no evidence of corruption or malign intent in the Justice Dept. investigation of the Russian affair. Later, Durham chimed in similarly. Barr and Durham had actually traveled to Europe attempt to coerce Italian and British intelligence services into admitting that they had forwarded information about Trump to the Clinton campaign. Not only did they deny it, but let's just say that those foreign intelligence services weren't converted into fans of Barr and Durham. What makes it worse is that when Italian intelligence officials gave them some information potentially tying Trump to criminal elements, Barr assigned Durham to undertake a criminal investigation. Even though, this had nothing to do with Durham's mandate. So if these 2 true believers came up with nothing, despite the immense power that Barr had backing him, what chance does a Republican committee have of unearthing anything new?
  10. And yet you question why the tapes have been held back? You might ask the defendant's lawyers who don't want them released either.
  11. Still playing silly word games now. As the article notes "The Democrats, while questioning events that occurred during the campaign, didn’t contend there was widespread vote-counting fraud that flipped the election The Democratic leaders cited by Youngkin’s office also made a distinction about 2016 that Trump and his followers did not about 2020. While the Democrats rejected the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency based on the oddities of the campaign, they acknowledged that he won the election." As the article points out "illegitimate" has a different meanings when applied to Trump by Democrats than when applied to Biden by Trump supporters. There were a vanishing few Democrats who questioned the validity of Trump's election, but a big majority of Republicans in the House refused to certify Biden's election. There was no mass movement involved. No lunacy about voting machines. No 60+ rejected attempts in the courts to overturn the election. Unlike Trump, no constant whining from Clinton that the 2016 election was a fraud based on a vast conspiracy. Basically, across 4 years a few scattered examples. Whereas among the Republicans it has been a mass movement and a case of mass delusion: Poll: 61% of Republicans still believe Biden didn’t win fair and square in 2020 "Nearly a third of Americans — including six-in-10 Republicans — continue to hold the debunked belief that President Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 presidential election legitimately, according to a new Monmouth University poll released the day before the House Jan. 6 Committee holds its latest public hearing. Twenty-nine percent of all respondents, as well as 61% of Republicans, say that Biden won due to voter fraud. That’s compared with 63% of all Americans who say Biden won fair and square in 2020, and those results are fairly consistent with Monmouth’s previous polls on this question over the past two years. " https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/poll-61-republicans-still-believe-biden-didnt-win-fair-square-2020-rcna49630 And by the way, Trump even managed to be a sore winner. He claimed that he won the popular vote in 2016! So he even questioned the legitimacy of that election.
  12. You conspiracy theorists never learn. How did that story about Hunter Biden paying $49,000 a month rent to his father pan out?
  13. I'd like to think that the release of the footage will silence the loons and their speculation once and for all. But I'm sure most will find something to justify continuing their belief in some kind of plot.
  14. It's the late trend that's been worrying for Tesla. They wouldn't be slashing rates if demand was as strong as it used to be. Tesla cuts vehicle prices in bid to boost flagging demand JANUARY 13, 2023 With its sales slowing and its stock price tumbling, Tesla slashed prices dramatically Friday on several versions of its electric vehicles, making some of its models eligible for a new federal tax credit that could help spur buyer interest. The company dropped prices nearly 20% in the United States on some versions of the Model Y SUV, its top seller. That cut will make more versions of the Model Y eligible for a $7,500 electric-vehicle tax credit that will be available through March. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tesla-cuts-vehicle-prices-in-bid-to-boost-flagging-demand/
  15. Better opium or heroin than fentanyl or the latest thing in the world of addiction which is some kind of animal tranquilizer which results in life threatening infections.
  16. You want to take Musk's word for it? Right now he's being sued because of a claim he made that he was going to take Tesla private and had Saudi financing lined up. That's just one of many falsehoods he's shared with the public.
  17. Every red state that has had a chance to vote to in referenda to enable Obamacare Medicaid, has voted for it.
  18. Whatever you may have experienced before, the subsidies for ObamaCare have since been greatly increased.
  19. I have no doubt that Burisma hired Hunter Biden in order to influence his father. That doesn't mean that they got anything for their money. And there is 0 evidence that they did.
  20. I think you should look up the meaning of "conspiracy". One person doesn't make a conspiracy. Trump withheld authorized arms from Ukraine for months without explanation. And what I know full well is that the Burisma accusations were baseless. As has been pointed out time and time again, Biden was carrying out the policy of the USA in pressuring Ukraine to fire Shokin. It's also what the EU wanted.
  21. Well, the original thread is still alive and well. But some members abandoned it. I'm guessing because their early predictions proved to be so embarrassingly wrong.
  22. Excellent point. Not only did Trump trash NATO repeatedly, but he also did the same for the EU. He devoted a lot of effort do weakening European unity. He also promised a big and exciting trade deal to the UK after Brexit. And he engaged in his usual infantile name-calling of the leaders of France and Germany. Whereas he never said a harsh word about Putin.
  23. Blaming imaginary people for your plight instead of taking responsibility isn't a sign of self-pity? And it was hardly just phantoms he blamed for his defeat. Trump Blames Everyone but Himself for His Defeat The Supreme Court. After the Court unanimously declined to hear two lawsuits challenging the election results in swing states, Trump said the justices—including the three he picked—"chickened out," revealing themselves as "totally incompetent and weak." Trump, who says he actually won by "a magnificent landslide," still claims he has "absolute PROOF" of "massive Election Fraud" that for some reason he has failed to produce in court. https://reason.com/2020/12/30/trump-blames-everyone-but-himself-for-his-defeat/
  24. What historic peace? The effort went down in flames well before Trump left office.
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