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  1. And they certainly don't want the power and perks that come with those positions.
  2. Given your fact-free and childish dismissal of the IMS report, you got what you deserved. If you reply with facts and reasoning, you'll get a different response. Where has it been mandated that all motor vehicles be EV? China mandated that 40% of motor vehicles sold in 2030 be EV. In 2022 that number was over 25%. In fact, around the world, EV sales are way ahead of what has been predicted. Electric Car Adoption Soars Above Expert Predictions Nobody really predicted that EV sales would be as high as they are right now. https://insideevs.com/news/606721/ev-adoption-above-expectations/ Once again, you call something a lie, but you offer no facts to back it up. Please share a factual rebuttal to this Fossil Fuel Subsidies https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/climate-change/energy-subsidies Actually, that 97% figure is no longer correct. Now it's 99.9% More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change More than 99.9% of peer-reviewed scientific papers agree that climate change is mainly caused by humans, according to a new survey of 88,125 climate-related studies. The research updates a similar 2013 paper revealing that 97% of studies published between 1991 and 2012 supported the idea that human activities are altering Earth’s climate. The current survey examines the literature published from 2012 to November 2020 to explore whether the consensus has changed. https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2021/10/more-999-studies-agree-humans-caused-climate-change As for your comments about the organizations burning the fuel causing damage,...now maybe you know of a magic wand that can instantly get the world off of fossil fuels and completely on renewables. If so, can you share it with the rest of us? There's a huge installed base of fossil fuel plants out there. So it's going to take a while to replace them all. But... Renewables Take Lion’s Share of Global Power Additions in 2021 https://www.irena.org/News/pressreleases/2022/Apr/Renewables-Take-Lions-Share-of-Global-Power-Additions-in-2021 Coal plants are disappearing because even before the runup in coal prices they were being outcompeted by renewables. Renewables Increasingly Beat Even Cheapest Coal Competitors on Cost https://www.irena.org/news/pressreleases/2020/Jun/Renewables-Increasingly-Beat-Even-Cheapest-Coal-Competitors-on-Cost https://www.lazard.com/media/451086/lazards-levelized-cost-of-energy-version-130-vf.pdf
  3. This video was already featured in some thread or other a while back. As I recall, the information was outdated. And while the name of the company makes it sound like it's some sort of scientific research organization, they mainly do consulting work for the oil industry
  4. The question isn't about what ignorance is; it's about what ignorance isn't. And it can't be a person.
  5. I did not refer to a member as being "ignorant". And exactly how does one refer to a member as being "ignorance"? "Ignorance" is an abstract noun.. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that yellowtail is an actual flesh and blood person.
  6. Entirely appropriate when applied to comments like this: "The IMF, that's hilarious. More Koolaid anyone?"
  7. You got me there. And it makes ridiculous any claims that China somehow bought Joe Biden via Hunter Biden's business dealings with a Chinese company.
  8. Comments like yours about the IMF are what I call examples of the Law of the Preservation of Ignorance. There is a ton of evidence about the deleterious effect on health of ICE vehicles exhaust. One has to be willfully ignorant not to know that. Congratulations on the triumph of your will. And what is the relevance of who receives the subsidies? The fact is as subsidies sharply declined in China purchases massively increased. And I'm not sure what your point is about government payment for fuel or payroll deductions. Is it your contention that they constitute most of fossil fuel subsidies? Why the mandates? I've already touched on that. It's a little thing called externalities. The same reason that governments regulate pollution. The industries that cause harm should be the ones to pay for the harm caused.
  9. It should be noted that the loser was strongly against the Czech Republic giving aid to Ukraine. He had also said that if Poland was attacked by the Russians, he wouldn't send Czech troops to fight .
  10. He lost both times on the cases he and his team developed. Most legal experts thought both cases were astonishingly weak. And his own deputy quit on him because of the weakness of a case. (The only 2 prominent experts I can recall who thought Durham had a good case were Turley and Dershowitz. And those two also supported judge Aileen Cannon's call for a special master. That one got laughed out of court by right wing justices.) And what you utterly ignore is that both Barr and Durham started out to prove that corruption in the justice dept was behind the Russian investigation. That members of the FBI had conspired to get Trump. They even publicly disputed the Inspector General's report which concluded that wasn't the case. Which was bizarre. Barr and Durham even traveled several times to Europe to put pressure in the Italian and British intelligence service to come clean about how that has passed along false intel in order to damage Trump. Those service pretty much told them to f*** off. What Durham ended up trying to prove and evan failing at that was that the two defendants had deceived the FBI. Which was exactly opposite to what he had sought to prove when he started out. Barr ultimately conceded that the Durham investigation had failed in its original goal. Doubtless Durham will write a report that will attempt to justify his investigation. An investigation which lasted longer than Mueller's and resulted in only one minor conviction based on evidence that the Inspector General, you know, the guy whose report was dissed by Durham, provided.
  11. You probably need to delete the cookie or cookies on your browser for that website.
  12. What's truly remarkable about those who doubt the reality of hunger in the UK is their apparent complete ignorance of how inflation has inflicted particularly sharp damage on those with lower incomes. The less income one has, the greater proportion of that income has to go to the absolute necessities of food and electricity. The price of both of these has skyrocketed, far outpacing average inflation. So unless you believe that those on the lower income scale had lots of spare cash, how is it not likely that many don't have enough to spend on food. A few pounds may not some like much to those who money to spare, but for those who don't, it simply may not exist.
  13. Here's a fuller version of the nytimes article. What is in there is verbatim but not quite complete, though. It left off some stuff at the end https://www.yahoo.com/news/barr-pressed-durham-flaws-russia-213717986.html
  14. I'm sure you'll agree that it's about time an American President stood up to Russia and China!
  15. Nothing required those loons to keep crediting those disavowed reports.
  16. How has reality treated your "perfectly logical and legitimate points"?
  17. But it is beyond bizarre to think that so public a case could somehow be buried.
  18. A huge portion of Trump's supporters are evangelicals who overwhelmingly reject the theory of evolution. Given your way of judging evidence, I guess we can call the theory of evolution "highly suspect" as well.
  19. You're correct. Which still proves what? That he couldn't have tugged on the door and moved back swiftly to get his hand on the hammer? Is there any evidence of a sighting of another person? Did the closed circuit cameras catch sight of anyone else? Any indication that his legal team has plans to mention another party? You're the person who predicted that this whole affair would be stifled. Now that that hasn't happened, does that argue against your case at all?
  20. The Ukrainian govt is way ahead of you: https://news.yahoo.com/ukraines-zelenskyy-fires-top-level-132916840.html
  21. Why does Trump need Twitter or Facebook? He's got Truth Social.
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