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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Actually, to date, I've only had to renew my drivers license every 6 years minus 1 day. If you wait until the day after your licence expires you get virtually an extra year. So if you license expires on Jan 1, 2023, and you renewed it the day after, it would expire on Jan 1, 2029.
  2. Correct. However, as far as Brexit goes, 4 Conservative Prime Ministers are implicated in creating its harmful consequences..
  3. False pedophilia charges against an ex Twitter executive didn't help much either.
  4. The only way your objection makes sense is if "brexit" is somehow a word with negative connotations. Hmmm... You may have a point.
  5. I can't believe how low you'll got to come up with supposed evidence. Here is information about the author of what you linked to: "Elizabeth Hovde grew up in Seattle's Ballard neighborhood and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism and political science from Western Washington University. That's where her newspaper career began, writing political opinion columns for The Bellingham Herald. " Why would you believe that the views of a person with her lack of qualifications would carry even a scintilla of scientific weight?
  6. Why? What problems are their with current currencies that bitcoin can solve?
  7. Really. So school mandates for children to be vaccinated are violations of the Nuremberg code? Such nonsense.
  8. Once 21 million bitcoins are mined, the mining stops. If the supply can't expand along with an economy, then it's not a currency.
  9. The neglect of regions outside London is down to the Conservatives. London still votes largely Labour. North hit by spending cuts since Tory austerity while South sees increase in government money, study finds The North has been hit hardest by public spending cuts since the coalition government launched its austerity programme, while the South has seen an increase in funds, according to an in-depth study. Total public spending in the North has fallen £6.3bn since 2009/10, more than any other region, think tank IPPR North concluded. The South East and South West, meanwhile, has seen a £3.2bn rise. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/north-south-divide-tory-austerity-conservatives-government-cameron-recession-a8667666.html
  10. The national mandate included many measures. What Phelps makes clear is that she was opposed to measures that suppressed information about adverse reactions to the vaccine. She took pains to say that she is not against the vaccinations.. in fact she supports very strict anti-covid measures.
  11. Well, unless the Biden Administration gives the Ukrainians the weaponry that allows them to go after the Russian power grid and military targets, the Ukrainians will be at a disadvantage in this regard. Unless they can come up with weaponry of their own to begin to make the Russian civilian population experience the loss of power and the Russian military to realize that being inside Russian borders no longer provides protection.
  12. Nowhere in this does she question mandates or the advisability of getting vaccinated. What she has questioned is the government not doing more to acknowledge the issue of adverse consequences of vaccination and not doing more research into it.
  13. Just taking a wild guess. suppse they noted what areas of the country were affected by the storm and then used the resources of an arcane and little known entity called the Census Bureau to tally what the population of those area was. I know, I know, I'm just spinning science fiction here. No way that could happen in the real world.
  14. Where did i mention gigawatt scale? Or any scale? Scale never entered into anything I asserted. Well, now you're introducing a different piece of evidence. It may well be valid. But it's not what you originally were objecting to. And as stevenl pointed out, is it significant? But since you want to nitpick, here's the last paragraph of the article you linked to: "Of course, the wind doesn't always blow in Rock Port, and on days when it's still, residents buy power off the grid. But on most days, the wind generates enough power for the city to export energy. Residents hope their status as the nation's first wind-powered city will help them stop exporting another valuable commodity: its people." Most isn't all. And most can any number greater than 50% and less than 100%. Nothing at all about consecutive days in this article.
  15. Read the first sentence again. Boldface is mine. South Australia has just chalked up what is undoubtedly a world first – a run of more than 10 consecutive days over which the average production of wind and solar accounted for 100 per cent of local demand.
  16. Trump's Culpability Revealed by 'One Smoking Gun' in Jan. 6 Report: Lawyer "One smoking gun so far is a call that Trump makes to the head of the RNC, Ronna McDaniel, at the time, and he hands over the call to [legal adviser] John Eastman to say, 'We want you to organize the false slate of electors.' That's all we had in the past. We now know she calls Donald Trump back soon after the call and says, 'I accept your request,' which it's about him, it's not about Eastman." https://www.newsweek.com/trumps-culpability-revealed-one-smoking-gun-jan-6-report-lawyer-1769514
  17. I think this is the basis of the claim: "No other gigawatt scale grid in the world has come close to this amount of “variable renewable energy”, or for such a long time." Variable renewable energy. So hydropower doesn't count.
  18. What planet are you on? Electricity got expensive because the price of natural gas and coal skyrocketed.
  19. That's not all there is to it. Demand for Tesla has declined sharply. Almost no wait and steep discounts are being ordered. Polls show his Tesla's favorability ratings have declined sharply since Musk amped up his trolling.
  20. So you are claiming he will hold some elected office or be appointed to some official post. Any idea what that office or post will be?
  21. Really?. She isn't protesting that their professions require vaccination. She's just noting the fact.
  22. First Desantis appoints a loon as his surgeon general who releases a substandard report about the dangers of vaccination. He's done other nutty stuff as well. Then he acts to convene a grand jury to look into criminally prosecuting God knows who for supposed offenses committed in the name of vaccination. Finally he appointed to a state court a judge who lost an election because of an unpopular abortion decision. Well, unpopular among the pro-choice crowd. Among the hard line proponents of forced birth, I'm sure it was very popular.
  23. Wrong. She isn't saying vaccination isn't the only way. She's saying that vaccination is not enough. That additional measures are necessary. She sure as shootin' wouldn't say it's okay for unvaccinated people to be working in hospitals. Here's the conclusion cited in the abstract: .Conclusion: The general consensus among all the assays, was either inconclusive or in support of the idea that the presence of HCQ mitigates the cytotoxic effect of SARS-S-2; With the added caveat that HCQ on it’s own was cytotoxic in it’s own right. In the future one could follow up on this study with alternate combinations of drugs like Remdesivir or Camostat Mesylate. It seems the author of the piece starts with the assumption that the spike protein is cytotoxic. Not that he's establishing that.
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