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  1. A "limited number of hopefuls"? Really? You've got to be kidding. Please tell me which leaders of the Brexit movement didn't claim that the UK would make great trade agreements outside the EU which would at least make up for whatever loss might be incurred (if they ever did acknowledge such losses) if not more. As for "bloc", I should have used the word "entity" or "area" or some other such term, since the 2 biggest entities are the USA and China.
  2. That's just B.S. The Brexiters not only claimed that, they also claimed that the new trade opportunities that would open up after Brexit, would more than compensate for being outside of the EU. Which as any rational economist would point out, proximity is hugely important in trade. And being outside of the adjacent 3rd biggest trading bloc in the world is something that's virtually impossible to overcome.
  3. Maybe they are planning for these fighter jets to not hold human pilots. It takes a fair amount of weight to host a life support system. And maneuverability is limited by what the human body can endure.. It seems that AI would be a natural fit for piloting purposes. (Cue the horror scenarios about AI controlled weapons)
  4. It's a pity you couldn't share your view nationally.
  5. I'm sure there's a law about that somewhere you can produce. And the UK doesn't have to rejoin. It could do something on the same basis as Norway or Switzerland
  6. Actually, the Financial Times reports that the UK trails 41 out of 43 countries in terms of increase or decline in household spending UK household spending trails industrialised world as cost of living bites British consumers have cut back on spending more than almost any other industrialised country as the cost of living crisis takes hold with the latest data and economists’ forecasts pointing to the trend continuing in to next year. Household spending in the three months to September was 3.2 per cent below pre-pandemic levels — by far the biggest fall among the G7 economies and the third worst performance across the 43 countries that have published detailed national accounts data for the third quarter, according to an FT analysis. In contrast, household expenditure was up 7 per cent in the US, 2.7 per cent in Canada, 1.6 per cent in Japan and 0.3 per cent in France compared with the final three months of 2019, the last full quarter before coronavirus hit. https://www.ft.com/content/a4efae63-8319-4a61-9547-bfda592bbbbb
  7. I guess it's uncomfortable for you and other Brexit supporters to accept that it was partially based on a lie. I wonder what the vote outcome would have been if Brexiters had frankly acknowledged the harm it would do. What would have been the slogan? "Brexit. We'll be poorer but Freedom is worth it!"
  8. You're confused, It was Trump's lawyers who went shopping for a judge. It's how that found the extraordinarily incompetent Aileen Cannon. As for the current judge, he didn't rule out contempt in the future. He just told them to keep trying. And, it's obvious why no lawyer wants to be the one responsible for certifying that no more government documents are in Trump's possession. One claimed that previously and got badly burned after the FBI found a plethora of documents at Mar a Lago. I wonder who told her that there was nothing left to find.
  9. Well, whatever the motive or motives, the claim was that the UK wouldn't suffer economically because the EU had more to lose than did the UK. A claim which was obviously nuts.
  10. Even if your assessment is true, the point is that Brexiters claimed that the EU needed the UK more than the UK needed the EU. Now their excuse for its deleterious effect on the economy is that the EU is being vindictive. Brexiters repeatedly ignored the basic arithmetic that showed, vindictive or not, EU members would suffer far less than the UK.
  11. The Trump organization lied about the professional qualifications of its instructors. Were a university to do that, they could also be sued. Your nonsense about university degrees being worthless in respect to gaining employment has nothing to do whether or not promises were fulfilled.
  12. Of course they knew what they were voting for. As Brexiters repeatedly say, "Brexit means Brexit."
  13. Because America is suffering a shortfall in practitioners of larceny?
  14. Actually, what's humorous is the obliviousness of Trump supporters to the fact that the reasons for the slow pace in getting Trump tried is that his lawyers have managed very successfully to slow down the various investigations. But the delaying tactics are coming to an end.
  15. Actually, it's the Senate, not the House. And membership in the party is irrelevant when it comes to a vote on a bill. All the matters for Harris to cast a deciding vote is that the vote total is tied in the Senate.
  16. Right. Whalen's service in the Marines, was, in a very special way, quite distinguished. "After a court-martial conviction in January 2008 on multiple counts "related to larceny", he was sentenced to 60 days restriction, reduction to pay grade E-4, and a bad conduct discharge.[9][10] The specific charges against him included "attempted larceny, three specifications of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using another’s social security number, and ten specifications of making and uttering checks without having sufficient funds in his account for payment."[11] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Whelan_(security_director)
  17. It's funny. When the Trump Organization was found guilty on all 17 counts and fined 1.6 million, it was portrayed by Trump supporters as at worst a nothingburger and at best some kind of victory. But when a motion before a judge is denied, it is treated as some kind of important defeat.
  18. Sinema will be keeping her positions on committees. That means functionally she is still a Democrat.
  19. She also voted against raising the minimum wage! She wouldn't have a chance in the Democratic primary.
  20. Well, of course it's from almost 7 years ago. You know, before Brexit actually was voted for. Of course, no one is saying it now. The consequences of Brexit are way too apparent. Instead, Brexiters accuse the EU of being vindictive.
  21. "Mobileinski" is why one should check the accuracy of "text-to-speech" before posting. It should have been "Bobulinski". In a perfect world, everyone's surname would be composed of just one syllable. It does say something about the creativity of the software, though, that not even google could find a good match for "Mobileinski".
  22. EU needs us more than we need it, says Vote Leave "We are the fifth largest economy in the world. We will be able to have a decent deal with the EU", said John Moynihan, speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme. "The EU needs a trade deal with us more than we need a trade deal with them". https://www.bbc.com/news/business-35409274
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