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  1. He may be referring to Andy Ngo, a rightwing journalist or lunatic or both. Elon Musk appears to have outsourced decisions about who to ban from Twitter to the platform’s right-wing extremists. All four accounts had been singled out for criticism by Andy Ngo, a far-right writer whose conspiratorial, error-riddled reporting on left-wing protests and social movements fuels the mass delusion that a handful of small antifascist groups are part of an imaginary shadow army called “antifa.” In a public exchange on Twitter on Friday, Musk invited Ngo to report “Antifa accounts” that should be suspended directly to him. “Andy Ngo’s bizarre vision of ‘antifa’ seems to be the metric used to delete the accounts of journalists and publications, most of which engaged in verifiably good journalism and done so completely above board and TOS observant ways,” Shane Burley, editor of the anthology “¡No Pasarán!: Antifascist Dispatches From a World in Crisis,” observed on Twitter. https://theintercept.com/2022/11/29/elon-musk-twitter-andy-ngo-antifascist/
  2. Well, you really can't blame him for doubting the veracity of the story. After all Trump's comment was posted on a very unreliable source: Truth Social
  3. Apparently you believe soldiers' morale is an unimportant factor in fighting a war. That is laughable.
  4. Here's an excellent article about the decision. It shows what an awful audge Aileen Cannon is. Judge Aileen Cannon’s Reign of Error Is Over The Trump-appointed judge, who tried to do the former president a favor in the Mar-a-Lago affair, received a stern correction from the Eleventh Circuit. https://newrepublic.com/article/169290/trump-aileen-cannon-eleventh-circuit
  5. Thanks for the link. But I don't want to spend that much. And it would be a 2nd car. So just for local use with lots of stop and start driving. We wouldn't need to use much gasoline at all.
  6. You must have missed this: Trump Wants to Censor the Media The president’s call for a Senate investigation into news outlets for publishing unflattering stories about him is an attack on freedom of the press. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/10/trump-wants-to-censor-the-press/542142/ A Response to a Dumb Thing Donald Trump Said About the Internet Maybe in certain areas closing that Internet up in some way [audience member cheers]… Somebody will say, ‘oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.’ These are foolish people. https://www.aei.org/technology-and-innovation/response-dumb-thing-donald-trump-said-internet/
  7. You don't get immunity from debts just because you declare bankruptcy.
  8. Are there any HEVs or PHEVs available in Thailand that resemble a Toyota Avanza? We use ours mainly as a cargo carrier. We removed the 3rd row of seats. So maybe there's something with only 2 rows of seats that can also carry a fair amount of cargo?
  9. It's clear now that in no way does Donald Trump resemble a fascist wannabe dictator! MAGA!!!
  10. Well, if you want to call economy reality the text of a Marxist book, go right ahead if that makes you feel better. For example, most Americans want to extend Obamacare Medicaid benefits to people who can't afford health insurance. In 7 states governed by Republicans, its citizens voted it in via referendum. In Texas, 66% support it, but the government has refused to enact it. The Republicans opposed increased funding of the IRS after years of starving it for funds. Starving it to protect the wealthy from having their tax shenanigans investigated.
  11. What is the percentage of employees being laid off by these companies?. Do ya think it's anywhere near the neighborhood of Twitter's 50% or more? Also, Amazon is laying people off because following the huge increase in business during the pandemic., there's been a huge decline now that people are going out to shop.. Facebook is laying off people because of the failure of its multiverse ridiculousness and the fact that Apple's change in privacy policy damaged its advertising access to users. The fact remains that Amazon is still profitable and so is Facebook. No major internet company is hemorrhaging cash like Twitter.
  12. Your claims about what benefits workers are entitled to are utterly irrelevant to figuring out the state of the economy in Thailand. What is relevant is how badly workers in the informal economy were affected by the pandemic. According to the experts it went worse for them. As for one hour per week, the problem with having such minimal hourly requirements for what it means to be employed is that it takes no account of total worker hours. If worker hours collapsed during covid so that instead of 1 million people working 1 hour per week, now 10 million are working 1 hour per week, how useful a statistic is that in determining the state of the economy? I'd day, not very, you'd say it makes no difference "thems the rules". I'm interested in what statistics tell us about economic reality , you're interested in statistics as a kind of formalist exercise and reality be damned.
  13. What's clear is that I need to proofread what I write. I meant to write "Also, it's clear you don't understand...."
  14. You are criticizing her because of her unfamiliarity with the English phrase "off ramp"?
  15. What makes you think that they would have got some money if the judgment was for less?
  16. Gasoline prices in the USA are determined by the world market price of petroleum
  17. I sincerely hope that you are not an American. Attorneys General are not elected. They are nominated by the President and approved of (or not) by the Senate. Also, it's clear you understand what impeachment means. It's analogous to "indicted". The House impeaches and the Senate gets to convict or acquit. The Senate is where the trial takes place. It takes at least 2/3 of the Senate to vote in favor of conviction for a cabinet officer to be convicted.
  18. And by what authority can the Congress order the justice department to stop an investigation?
  19. The point being, of course, that in Saudi Arabia the price of gasoline is less than $3 per gallon.
  20. Nonsense. The meaning is clear enough. The price of gasoline in most of the world has spiked sharply. You focus on that instead of the good news about the strength of the American economy. Clearly, if anyone is doing deflecting, it's you.
  21. As pointed out above, the informal economy, which constitutes half the workforce is not represented in these figures. And the workers in this sector are reckoned to be hit far worse. Informal workers most affected by COVID-19: UN Thailand 23 June 2020 Workers in the informal economy are most affected by the COVID-19 crisis, while the number of working poor is expected to rise to at least 11 per cent, according to the research by International Labour Organization (ILO), a member of the United Nations in Thailand. https://thailand.un.org/en/50833-informal-workers-most-affected-covid-19-un-thailand what's more, how useful can Thai unemployment figures be when even 1 hour of work a week means someone is not employed? Unless the ratio of underemployed workers to employed workers remains the same, which seems unlikely, not very.
  22. If the price of gasoline is so important to you, you should consider visiting Saudi Arabia instead.
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