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  1. Finally, a sensible explanation for the covid shutdowns: It was the Grinch that did it.
  2. Thai unemployment data are obviously untrustworthy. As any economist will tell you, if the unemployment rate was really that low, there would be massive wage inflation in Thailand. The thing is the Thai govt doesn't count as unemployed anyone who works at least one hour per week. Nor does it count workers in the informal sector which constitutes about half of the Thai labor force. https://www.ft.com/content/a52db26d-460b-4000-946f-b30d66afbee6 Thailand’s Covid crisis exposes the reality of ‘2% unemployment’ "Jimmy is part of Thailand’s growing ranks of unemployed or barely employed, though he wouldn’t be counted in the official statistics on the jobless total because Thailand — using International Labour Organization guidelines — doesn’t consider as unemployed a person who works at least one hour a week. Also, more than half of the roughly 38m in the Thai workforce are in the informal sector and aren’t included in jobless data. These factors help keep Thailand’s official unemployment rate low — seemingly unproblematic — compared with regional peers and developed countries." https://www.ft.com/content/a52db26d-460b-4000-946f-b30d66afbee6
  3. That was the link to the homepage where the story was way down the list. Had you bothered to click on the 2nd link, that would have taken you directly to the story. I don't u;nderstand why you quoted only the first part of my post. Maybe you failed to do that because you'd rather live in denial? Here it is again: "Yet when you click on the link, here's the headline: US economy adds 263,000 jobs in November, better than expected as hiring remains solid https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/us-economy-adds-jobs-november-better-expected-hiring-remains-solid" The story has since vanished from the Fox homepage because, it's not like news of the condition of the US economy is of any importance. Not something a news organization would want its readers to know about. Oddly enough, as I write this, it's still the number one story on the home page of the Wall St. Journal.
  4. I did contact Med Park. Filled out the form. They replied that they are no longer offering covid vaccinations.
  5. Fox News is covering this story. But unlike other major media, it's way way down the list. And here's the headline: Job market resilient despite scorching-hot inflation, skyrocketing interest rates https://www.foxnews.com/ Yet when you click on the link, here's the headline: US economy adds 263,000 jobs in November, better than expected as hiring remains solid https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/us-economy-adds-jobs-november-better-expected-hiring-remains-solid
  6. I think my analogy of keeping money in a bank vs keeping them at home applies to the difference between hot wallets (custodial service) and cold wallets. Except, as we know, banks are a much safer way to store money than are hot wallets in storing crypto.
  7. Oh no. Declining gasoline prices. Inflation decreasing. Hiring remaining strong. Please make it stop!!!
  8. It is an interesting question whether states' rights would trump a federal law in this case. I would think, based purely on principles that the conservate majority claims to adhere to, they would not support such a law. On the other hand, when it came to voting rights, the conservatives openly admitted that they were takiing matters into their own hands and overriding the law because for political reasons Congress was unable to do so. This from justices who complained that courts were usurping legislative functions.
  9. I just saw a comedy sketch from With Bob & David about someone who does a documentary on slavery except he refuses to use the word "slaves". He calls them "helpers". I got a feeling that you would view such a documentary as an earnest attempt to faithfully document slav....helperism.
  10. It's worse than that. Slaves who ran away from their masters were also breaking the law. And thereby encouraging other slaves to do the same. That is so wrong!
  11. Actually if you had dug a little deeper you'll discover that she became pregnant after the incident. And you seem remarkably unaware of what it meant at the time for an unmarried teenager to be pregnant. That would obviously have been used to slur her and the cause.
  12. What happens in Congress is irrelevant to what happens in the Justice Dept and in the Court system.
  13. So where do you store your bitcoin if not in an exchange or wallet? How are your bitcoins protected against default?
  14. To spend your bitcoins you don't need an exchange. But to store them? This is like asking why do I need a bank to spend my money? You don't. And you can keep all your cash at home, too. You clearly don't understand money if you liken it to a stock.
  15. Utter B.S. If Jews were just being attacked for clannishness you might have half a point. But that's not the case and unless you've been living on Mars, there's no way you can't know that.
  16. But you do need an exchange or something similar to store bitcoin. And what protects the money of depositors who use those services when they go bankrupt? And what's your point about the line of credit? Banks in the US actually have gone bankrupt and depositors were protected.
  17. And if your bitcoin exchange goes bust, you can kiss your bitcoins goodbye. If a bank in the US goes bust, your money is protected by the FDIC up to I think $500,000 for each account. And the USA's fiat money is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. Fiat money is backed by ???
  18. I don't know that it would be unconstitutional according to the right wing extremists on the Supreme Court.. As I understand it, they claimed that since abortion wasn't recognized as a right at the time the 14th Amendment was written, it doesn't qualify. for Constitutional protection. It says nothing about whether the Feds can regulate it. I think that Constitutionally it probably can be prohibited or limits placed on it at the national level.
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