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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Because the proportion of the old to everyone else was much lower. As the birth rates decline, that ratio has been getting bigger i.e. the numerator is growing faster than the denominator.
  2. You have to understand that no matter how many times James105 posts information that proves to be distorted, he's going to go back to the same sources for more. It's significant that he offered no link to the image he posted.
  3. No, he didn't ban people from making fake accounts. Fake accounts, parodies or not, were always forbidden. He banned parodists them from using fake handles. What's the significant difference between one kind of deception and the other? And the thing is, given the propensity of those on the right for believing falsehoods,such as birtherism, qanon, election fraud, etc I don't think most of those on the right would have understood it was a parody. And calling it "well known" doesn't make it so. Likely as a test huh? The owner of the company is putting out fakes under his own name to conduct tests? Give it a rest. Either that or Twitter has one very dim owner.
  4. Maybe the version I support is more likely because Russia is a country where stuff like this happens: Where did they disappear to?’: Russian MP says 1.5 mln military uniforms are missing “I still don’t understand where 1.5 million sets [of uniform], which had been kept at personnel reception points, ended up... All of these things were there, where did they disappear to? No one can explain this to me in any way at all anywhere!” he said." https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2022/10/02/where-did-they-disappear-to-russian-local-pm-says-1-5-mln-military-uniforms-are-missing-news
  5. This is your idea of evidence? Just because football players make passing a ball with their feet to each other look easy, that doesn't make it so. Ya think athletes who have done little or none of this in their life can quickly acquire that skill? This is laughable.
  6. I believe you voiced similar sentiments before the 2020 election. How did that work out for you? I'm sure you wouldn't take the route of election denialism to justify the failure of your predictions in that case. I do wonder if Trump is so popular why is he avoiding campaigning in Georgia for Walker?
  7. Actually, There's a country that is a far more important ally to Putin than Venezuela. It's called Saudi Arabia. What do you suggest be done about that? How about encouraging more oil to be produced elsewhere to depress the price of oil? Like maybe encouraging production in Venezuela?
  8. And what strategic significance is there in the fact that "Nicolás Maduro, is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s top ally in Latin America"?.
  9. 5 states that had governments that were entirely republican engaged in massive investigations of possible voter fraud. They turned up virtually nothing.
  10. It seems to me that if hypothermia really is widespread among Russian troops, , it should be a lot less difficult to defeat to send them packing or capture them. I wouldn't be surprised if there are large scale surrenders as a consequence of the weather conditions.
  11. I guess you've forgotten that when comedians posted parodies of Musk, he banned parodies. Then he made it a rule that parodies must be labelled as such when they are posted. Apparently, the rules don't apply to him. But of course, even if he did post it with a warning, it just shows how badly he misunderstands what his role as CEO should be. ANd it was especially stupid given that it's media companies that drive Twitter. You would think that after trying he's incapable of it.
  12. More nonsense. In general scientiists and IT workers have a politically liberal take. Probably because they have respect for evidence. It goes with the job. But someone who claims that because their politics are liberal, therefore they are biased in their work, is someone who has misunderstood the nature of the evidence he presents. Probably not a scientist or IT worker.
  13. It doesn't have to be a case of either/or. It could be both. And, in fact, it is. And CO2 and other greenhouse gases aren't only coming from China, are they?
  14. Death wish for Twitter? CNN blasts Elon Musk for sharing fake image on Twitter On Monday, the billionaire businessman posted an image of CNN anchor Don Lemon alongside a caption reading “Elon Musk could threaten free speech on Twitter by allowing people to speak freely.” The image appears to suggest that quote came from either Lemon or CNN, but the cable news channel said that was not the case. “This headline never appeared on CNN,” CNN tweeted at Musk. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-elon-musk-cnn-tweet-20221129-dumlsyrqrzfihold7fmy4thvx4-story.html
  15. I did fail to note Bob Hayes and Cornel Green. But these guys are ancient history. Football players were a lot smaller back then and a lot less specialized. Apart from kickers, are there any recent successful crossover athletes in football?
  16. We know that because about 3/4 of them voted against certifying the election.. oh wait a minute...
  17. Extremely foolish argument. All these crossover athletes played both sports while they were growing up and going to school. And by the way, Michael Jordan, never did make it to the Major League in baseball, did he?
  18. From where did you come up with this nonsense about above freezing temperature means very few cases of hypothermia? While hypothermia is most likely at very cold temperatures, it can occur even at cool temperatures (above 40°F) if a person becomes chilled from rain, sweat, or submersion in cold water. Who’s most at risk? Victims of hypothermia are often: Older adults with inadequate food, clothing, or heating Babies sleeping in cold bedrooms People who remain outdoors for long periods—the homeless, hikers, hunters, etc. People who drink alcohol or use illicit drugs. https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/winter/staysafe/hypothermia.html
  19. And maybe chronic encephalopathy too! Some sports are for the mentally defective and other sports create them.
  20. Which is why "snaggletooth" in the UK, is actually a term of endearment.
  21. Patients with nasopharyngeal cancer are often treated with drugs that activate their immune system against the tumor. Scientists feared that vaccination against COVID-19 could reduce the success of cancer treatment or cause severe side effects—until now. A recent study now gives the all-clear in this regard. According to the study, the cancer drugs actually worked better after vaccination with the Chinese vaccine SinoVac than in unvaccinated patients. https://scitechdaily.com/unexpected-result-covid-19-vaccination-improves-effectiveness-of-cancer-treatment/
  22. You may have missed this part of the article: "But the National Audit Office, a public spending watchdog, found in November 2020 that companies recommended by MPs, peers and ministerial offices were given priority."
  23. Really in the report it said that twitter had too many employees contributing little or nothing? and that's why they lost money? Did they mention anything in that report about them being liberal latte drinkers, too? Is that where you got that choice bit of data from?
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