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  1. Richest Americans fail to pay $163 billion in taxes, Treasury estimates The top 1% of Americans are avoiding paying an estimated $163 billion in taxes a year, according to the Treasury Department. That is pushing the estimated tax gap, the amount of money owed by taxpayers that isn't collected, to nearly around $600 billion annually, and to approximately $7 trillion in lost revenue over the next decade, the Treasury Department finds. Tax evasion is concentrated among the wealthy in part because high-income taxpayers are able to employ experts who can better shield them from reporting their true incomes, the Treasury Department argued in a blog post. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tax-avoidance-richest-americans-163-billion/ https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/the-case-for-a-robust-attack-on-the-tax-gap
  2. You tried to pass yourself off as non-partisan but you have doubts about the 2020 election. The difference between you and CBPP is that they cite objectively confirmable facts.
  3. I remember from Through the Looking Glass the White Queen says +Jam yesterday and jam tomorrow but never jam today." You claim that "young single British people can and will travel and live where the work is. But are they?
  4. I almost feel sorry for all those people celebrating Judge Aileen Cannon's rulings. But maybe they thrive on disappointment? I remember that Jerry Seinfeld once had a joke about people boasting that their doctor was #1 in their class at Medical School.. But somewhere someone is being seen to by the person who graduated last in the class and no one celebrates that. I think Aileen Cannon is the judicial equivalent to that graduate. Yet there are people who celebrate her judicial chops.
  5. It's funny. On some other thread, a poster said "even Marjorie Taylor Green" in a way that was meant to imply that she was reasonable. Now it's "even Medicare for all" which is meant to imply that it's a lousy choice but better than Obamacare. Anyway, I have no use for opinions that cite alleged individual cases. Chart Book: Accomplishments of Affordable Care Act https://www.cbpp.org/research/health/chart-book-accomplishments-of-affordable-care-act
  6. And if you were born in Hawaii and your "Certification of Live Birth" gets rejected by them, you would have every reason to tell "you birther" at them.
  7. Nancy Pelosi was really, really good at her job Pelosi’s legacy as speaker is defined by formidable wins on policy including the Affordable Care Act. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/11/20/23467057/nancy-pelosi-speaker-legacy-molly-ball-biography
  8. Don't think so. Not even according to the Trump-apponted judge who managed not to issue a decision for over 2 years "But Judge McFadden also declared that he believed it would be unwise for the committee to use its authority to publish Mr. Trump’s tax returns in the Congressional Record, as it is permitted to to do under the same law that empowered Mr. Neal to request them.... “Anyone can see that publishing confidential tax information of a political rival is the type of move that will return to plague the inventor,” the judge wrote. But he added, “It might not be right or wise to publish the returns, but it is the chairman’s right to do so.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/22/us/supreme-court-trump-taxes-house-democrats.html
  9. The Constitution sets the requirements for who can run for President.
  10. Ladies and Gentlemen, a possible Birther has entered the room!
  11. On the 23 of November, 2022 it is astonishing that someone would still believe that Donald Trump would take the honorable disinterested course in any sphere of life. Did Trump keep his 19 promises to insulate himself from his business? Only he knows. https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/politics/2019/03/18/president-donald-trumps-promises-didnt-end-business-entanglements/3030377002/
  12. That's irrelevant. What is relevant is if Donald Trump has an interest in the company on behalf of which the contract was signed.
  13. Your claim that you are acquainted with a rumor is a sneaky way to make insinuations without being accountable.
  14. You believe that the huge sacrifice the UK made during WW2 didn't warrant forgiveness of the loan? This is just as bad as when the allies ini WW1 demanded reparations from Germany. The UK economy was in a terrible state after the war. The US could easily have afforded forgiveness of the loan.
  15. Is it true that virtually every time you discuss Pelosi you claim that her bad behavior disqualifies her for her office and don't acknowledgie her achievements. If you can say that it's the same for the way you comment about Trump, that you always mention his vile behavior without citing his achievements, then you have a point.
  16. This is just another way of spreading disinformation by attributing allegations to "rumours". Other ways of doing that are "some people say" or "it is said" or " I heard that". Give it up.
  17. It's so weird that someone would cite Nancy Pelosi for childish behavior but give the world biggest political baby a pass. Anyway, what you neglect to note is how effective she was. In the about to expire latest session of Congress, she helped to pass some very major bills despite the small Democratic majority. And that's what counts.
  18. Murkowski, Peltola and Dunleavy projected to win Alaska elections All three incumbents likely clinched final victory in Alaska’s statewide elections Friday, as the Alaska Division of Elections updated results with thousands of additional absentee, questioned and early ballots from this fall’s general election. Final unofficial results will not be available until 4 p.m. Wednesday, when the division implements the state’s new ranked choice sorting system, but voting trends have made the results clear in most races. https://www.ktoo.org/2022/11/19/murkowski-peltola-and-dunleavy-projected-to-win-alaska-elections/ Not so long ago the headline would have read "Palin projected to lose Alaska election" Clearly, she has become irrelevant. And Alaska looks like it will have a Democratic congresswoman.
  19. No suits were brought because still only a short time had elapsed. So Russia at least had semi-plausible reasons. But had it gone on much longer, the excuses would have seen as transparently fake.
  20. About 30 years ago I used to babysit for a couple of kids who were major fans. I just can't bring myself to break the news to them.
  21. This was composed via dictation to my phone and I failed to check it before sending. Here it is again in a form that's at least closer to what I mean. That's all well and good when in economy is doing well. But as we saw during the last economic crisis it's a terrible idea for nations to share a currency when they're fiscally separate. The fastest and least painful way to get out of a fiscal crisis is to let your currency float. Otherwise, the only route open is through deflation. And that is far slower and crueler.
  22. Actually, a good portion of the blame for that belongs to the US. After WW2, the United States refused to forgive any of the debt that the UK had incurred for financing their war effort. Instead the US gave the UK a loan. While the interest rates were favorable it still had to be paid back. For some reason, Harry Truman had acquired some sort of animus against Brits during his service in WW1.
  23. That's all well and good when in economy is doing well. But as we saw during the last economic crisis terrible idea 4 Nations to share a currency might be fiscally separate. The fastest and least painful way to get out of a fiscal crisis is to let your currency float. Otherwise, the only route open is through deflation. And that is far slower and crueler.
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