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  1. This is how the Republicans on the House Committe for Oversight and Reform are justifying their investigation of the Biden family: “Republicans’ inquiry quickly established that few in the President’s extended family have failed to capitalize on their relationship with Joe Biden.” “From Valerie Biden Owens, the President’s ‘sister, confidante, and longtime political strategist,’ penning a book about the Biden family shortly after the inauguration to Francis ‘Frank’ Biden ‘promot[ing] his relationship to the commander-in-chief in an Inauguration Day advertisement for the law firm he advises[,]’ the Biden family’s monetization of the President’s time in Washington is well documented.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/18/fox-news-republicans-house-hunter-biden/ This is ridiculous.
  2. ,Pretty simple. Russia was violating its contract by not sending gas. It could have been subject to enormous fines. But the sabotage of the pipeline means it can claim force majeur and so be absolved of liability.
  3. Remember that earlier case in Ohio? Where an 11 year old had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion. In the wake of the incident the Ohio governor asserted that the law clearly allowed for an 11 year old to get an abortion. When asked what about a 12 year old, no answer. As long as doctors face severe criminal penalties, these kinds of incidents will occur. In fact, as some state increase the severity of their anti-abortion laws, more women will pay a terrible price.
  4. James105's posts just provide more confirmation of Pavlov's great theory.
  5. Because of Obamacare, the percentage of uninsured Americans is the lowest it's ever been. And if certain Republican states had authorized the Medicaid part of its program to function, there would be a lot more rural hospitals still open in those States. In every Republican state that had a referendum on whether or not to accept expanded medicaid, the measure passed. In some states Republicans try to support the decision of citizens either by raising the percentage threshold for approval or fighting the decision in the courts. They failed.
  6. The article said that Murkowski is less supportive of Trump then her main opponent. That is putting it mildly. Trump targeted her for defeat in his usual nasty way. But it certainly looks like she's going to win. Which is good news for Joe Biden and the Democrats since she will almost certainly vote to approve judges who are not supporters of the Dobbs decision. And also not shills for corporate interests unlike members of the present right wing majority.
  7. Thank you for your knowledgeable expedition of what it takes to maintain a website that serves tens of millions of people. Your clear technical explanation uncontaminated by biases is an inspiration to us all.
  8. Since you seem bent on making personal comments here's one for you: You do need to learn what "literally" means.
  9. If the info had been supplied without editorial comment, my comment would have been quite different.
  10. Calling something dribble without backing it up with facts is just dribble.
  11. Australian EV market share grows 65% in 2022 https://www.pv-magazine-australia.com/2022/10/18/australian-ev-market-share-grows-65-in-2022/ Electric car waiting list in Australia (July 2022) https://zecar.com/resources/electric-car-waiting-list-in-australia
  12. In a deep red district she barely won. Does that tell you anything?
  13. Another arithmetically challenged comment. The EU economy is about 5 times the size of the UK. As a percentage of the various economies in the EU, each of them did far less trade with the UK than the UK did with the EU.
  14. I think the rule barring former govt officials from lobbying for foreign govts was the first executive order he signed. And possiblyit was the last one he negated. Maybe out of sympathy for his fellow grifters?
  15. William Barr appointed John Durham as special prosecutor to prove that the FBI was corrupt. Guess what? Durham failed. And it only took him 3 years to get there.
  16. It's funny. In answer to SunnyinBangrak's claims one of the links I posted was to a Fox News report that said before the 2022 elections CNN produced a flurry of fact checks calling out misinformation Biden. Oddly enough, he didn't thank me for locating that.
  17. Your swamp cleaner negated the rule that former govt officials can't lobby for foreign governments for 5 years after leaving govt. More aid to bottom feeders living in the swampt.
  18. Here's something from MIT Technology Review Here’s how a Twitter engineer says it will break in the coming weeks One insider says the company’s current staffing isn’t able to sustain the platform. https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/11/08/1062886/heres-how-a-twitter-engineer-says-it-will-break-in-the-coming-weeks/
  19. With whose armed forces are they going to win the war?
  20. And the US did take further steps after the Nordstream 2 was stopped. Steps that did not consist of sabotage of the pipelines. Nothing in what Biden said that in any way proves US responsibility for the sabotage.
  21. I see you have no answer to the blatant lies told by Russia What Zelensky actuall said was he didn't think Russia would launch a war. You think that makes Zelensky dishonest? As for the Minsk accords, Russia maintained that it wasn't bound by them since it didn't have any troops in the Donbas. It is to laugh Got any more falsehoods to share with us?
  22. Silly me. I'll go with what the expert says and not withsome unbacked aspersions cast by an anonymous party on asean.com.
  23. Another argument against Biden's participation in his son's ventures is that why wouldn't China use that as blackmail to keep him in check? Biden has been far harder on China than Trump ever was. Keeping advanced chips out of China's hands is a major blow to China's economic development.
  24. I think the strongest case against Trump is the illegal possession of documents. That seems very cut-and-dried. Also obstruction of justice charges in denying possession of many documents. There's not much if any room for semantics in this case.
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