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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. It's just a matter of swings? Highs and lows? There is no trend at all apparent to you?
  2. How would that work? One morning citizens in the UK wake up and the currency is gone? Because the EU says so? It is to laugh.
  3. Here's some more from the OSCE: Ongoing Violations of International Law and Defiance of OSCE Principles and Commitments by the Russian Federation in Ukraine For the past four years, this Council has borne witness to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Four years into the fighting, Russia has failed to keep even the most basic of the agreements reached in Minsk. Russia has failed to respect the line of contact, leading incursions since 2014 that have claimed hundreds of square kilometers for its proxies in eastern Ukraine https://osce.usmission.gov/russias-ongoing-violations-in-ukraine-14/ On Russia’s Ongoing Violations in Ukraine: Statement to the PC As the Secretary General warned last week, the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine is being subjected to a “deliberate effort to blind it.” Within a single week, combined Russian-separatist forces shot down the SMM’s two long-range UAVs near Horlivka, and threatened to shoot down a mini-UAV sent by the SMM to search for wreckage of the downed UAVs. Combined Russian-separatist forces also sabotaged OSCE cameras outside of Donetsk, which are critical to monitoring volatile hot spots like the area between Avdiivka and Yasnyuvata, and they have refused to allow the SMM access to fix them. https://osce.usmission.gov/russias-ongoing-violations-ukraine-8-2/
  4. I think it depends on what you're voting for. But it's obvious in this case why it's being done. Well, and not just this case. Ohio voters passed a referendum imposing honest reapportionment of congressional districts. Republicans flagrantly violated that law for the 2022 elections. Supposedly, in 2024 the law will be observed.
  5. So, someone claimed that bots were used in what election?
  6. And in entirely unrelated news: Ohio Republicans Want to Make Ballot Measures Harder to Pass, Because Abortion Is Popular On Thursday, in allegedly unrelated news, Ohio Republicans announced that they want to make it harder to pass ballot initiatives. Currently, ballot measures need 50 percent of the vote to pass, but Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose and state Rep. Brian Stewart want to up that to 60 percent. In a press conference, LaRose said the proposed change would make it harder for “special interest groups” to influence changes to the state constitution. https://news.yahoo.com/ohio-republicans-want-ballot-measures-175900525.html The Republicans tried this in South Dakota, too. It failed.
  7. Why do you think these "tribulations" will be limited to a few years?
  8. The organizers of the twitter election? Musk himself has accused twitter of being riddled with bots.
  9. Really? And this is why they were so well treated by the Russians? Here's what the OSCE says Ongoing Violations of International Law and Defiance of OSCE Principles and Commitments by the Russian Federation in Ukraine Russian-led separatists’ unacceptable campaign of harassment and intimidation of OSCE monitors continues to escalate. On June 20, the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) reported an egregious security incident in which so-called “DPR” militants fired small arms in the air near an SMM patrol that had exited their vehicles. The militants then engaged the monitors in hostile, aggressive conversation, pointed their weapons at the patrol, attempted to smash the windows of the vehicle, and ultimately fired at least three shots at the patrol. https://osce.usmission.gov/ongoing-violations-international-law-russian-federation-ukraine-3/ Ongoing Violations of International Law and Defiance of OSCE Principles and Commitments by the Russian Federation in Ukraine Both Russia-led aggressors and Ukrainian defenders have an obligation to protect the Station and its employees from further harm. A return to the Joint Center for Coordination and Control (JCCC) by Russian forces would help reduce this risk. As the instigator of this conflict, the Russian Federation retains command and control over the forces that it arms, leads, trains and fights alongside, and has the power to prevent another strike on the Filtration Station and those who work there. https://osce.usmission.gov/russias-ongoing-violations-in-ukraine-16/
  10. What don't you understand about the fact the medical people can be prosecuted for performing an abortion in Ohio? Had this happened to her in a state without brutal restrictions on abortion, it likely wouldn't have occurred either.
  11. Actually sanctions are working very well. Russian economy has continued its sharp decline: Nine months after beginning its military offensive in Ukraine, Russia has entered a recession as a result of the economic pressure caused by Western sanctions, according to official figures released on Wednesday. In the third quarter, GDP decreased by four per cent, according to a preliminary estimate by the national statistics office Rosstat. With two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, which follows one of a similar size in the second quarter, Russia now satisfies the technical criteria for a recession. https://www.wionews.com/world/russia-enters-recession-gdp-shrinks-4-in-third-quarter-534877
  12. Do you actually think your post is a germane answer to the question you were asked, namely What has this Musk organized 'election' to do with Giuliani?
  13. What you don't note is that he tweeted that well after the violence had begun. And despite his denial that he was watching the insurrection on TV, plenty of witnesses who were there testified that he was.
  14. Not accused of cheating. Just pointing out that open polls like that are not a valid way to determine sentiment. If they were, all pollsters would do it. It's a lot easier. As an electoral poll, it's Musk himself who claimed widescale bot infiltration of twitter.
  15. Truthiness is what makes Trump's fans and supporters believe what he says. "Truthiness is the belief or assertion that a particular statement is true based on the intuition or perceptions of some individual or individuals, without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts.[1][2] Truthiness can range from ignorant assertions of falsehoods to deliberate duplicity or propaganda intended to sway opinions.[3][4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truthiness
  16. Nonsense. So long as the UK had its own currency, it couldn't be incorporated into a one nation EU. And if the unlikely day would come when the EU made such a demand, then the UK would be perfectly free to leave.
  17. What alternative universe do you live in? Inflation did not increase after QE much to the disappointment of those right wingers who predicted that it would.
  18. After 2010 inflation picked up pace? You think that's significant. The world economy starting taking a dive after the financial meltdown. Naturally depression era economics took over and inflation dipped. But even over the medium term inflation didn't accelerate.
  19. If the method is invalid, as it is in the case of a poll that is open to anyone, why would questioning it mean that conspiracy is alleged. It's blatantly obvious that such a method doesn't conform to basic polling standards. And how could a decision by Elon Musk be a conspiracy?
  20. Citizen United is not a piece of legislation but rather a decision by the Supreme Court that pretty much allowed monies both dark and public to flow without limits into political advocacy groups. So it can't be repealed.
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