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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Once again you misunderstand the difference between a currency and crypto. Just because the value of a currency declines over 5 years that doesn't mean that the possessor of it is poorer. That demands on how much of that currency they hold. 100 years ago a dollar had far greater purchasing power than it does today. Does that mean that people in the USA are poorer than they were 100 years ago?
  2. What relevance does the use of blockchain in a business network have to do with the use of it in cryptocurrency?
  3. First off, it's telling that you set a low standard by choosing kip. Second the value of kip per dollar may be offset by the increasing number of kips held by people. For that reason, devaluation is not necessarily the same as a crash in the price of crypto.. And I'm pretty sure in Laos things are priced in kips. Is there any country where goods and services are routinely priced in crypto?
  4. Really? The same thing? So there's the equivalent of Federal Deposit Insurance for crypto? And you think the ration of banks that failed to those that don't is the same as the ratio of exchanges that have failed to those that haven't?
  5. Nobody rational prices goods or services in something whose value fluctuates wildly. Just because a few benighted countries adopt it as a currency, that doesn't make it a real one.
  6. Actually, that would be a really good thing. Republicans have proven themselves unable to resist the temptation of reducing access to Social Security and Medicare. The electorate needs to be reminded of what these people stand for. And should the issue of a Supreme replacement come up, Collins and Murkowski, although both are Republicans, know that it's good politics for them to support a pro-Roe justice.
  7. For whatever reason, Google is clearly wrong or not including some wins for obscure reasons of its own. There are only 3 outstanding races left. Which means a total of 97 races have been decided. Dems 49 Reps 49.And I can't understand why anyone would give this post a "like" except possibly that they are given to reflexive denialism.
  8. Not necessarily. Although this could be God's idea of a practical joke. She's such a kidder. US pastor, who believes floods are God's punishment, flees flooded home US pastor Tony Perkins, who believes natural disasters are sent by God to punish gay people, has fled his flooded home in Louisiana. In 2015 he caused controversy when he agreed with a statement that natural disasters are sent by God as punishment for abortion and gay marriage. Mr Perkins has revealed that he was forced to escape his property in a canoe with his family. https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-37116661
  9. Undoing loopholes and reversing massive tax breaks given to the rich is certainly long overdue.
  10. I sincerely join you in the hope that the Republicans in the House do just that. As the elections showed, candidates who adhere to conspiracy theories about the elections and other issues, managed to alienate much of the electorate and fared far worse than others. Bring the lunacy on!
  11. Given the sources you get your news from, you being stunned is hardly surprising.
  12. But I specifically cited evidence that shows the obvious unsoundness of your position. If less greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere than would otherwise be the case, that would lessen the rate of warming than if a greater amount was released. What is so difficult to understand about that?
  13. Sea walls aren't much good when a storm surge is higher than the walls. As in the case of Ian.
  14. Trivial, huh? How sea level rise contributes to billions in extra damage during hurricanes "A storm surge must rise to the base height of the city before it can flood large areas. But once the storm does cross that threshold, every inch of additional rise in water levels can flood large areas. And since just one inch of water in a 2,500-square-foot home can cause $27,000 in damage, and 12 inches can cause $72,000 in damage (according to FEMA), a few extra inches of storm surge can add up to a lot of damage in a hurry. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/10/how-sea-level-rise-contributes-to-billions-in-extra-damage-during-hurricanes/
  15. You believe wrongly. You may be thinking of a special type of fusion device popularly known as neutron bombs. Actually, they are designed to release more radiation in the form of neutrons and a much smaller explosion. Neutrons decay rapidly so less long lasting radiation is released.
  16. biden claimed to halve the deficit ifor 2022. As for the 5 trillion, that was your claim for 2020.
  17. That you asked that question shows that you don't know that petroleum prices are set in the global market. Less product in the market means higher prices.
  18. The difference between you and heybruce is he backed up his comment about fox news with reasoned argument. You backed up yours with....nothing. Because that's all you've got.
  19. I think the chart did all the explain I need. It certainly falsified your claim that Covid deficit was 5 trillion in 2020
  20. Anti-Trump vote and Dobbs abortion ruling boost Democrats in 2022 election Many Democrats and independents voted partly to show their disapproval of former President Donald Trump, exit polls show. They were also dismayed by the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and send the issue of abortion rights back to the states. These issues drove unusually strong Democratic turnout in a midterm election and, in a big surprise, gave Democrats a slight edge among independents. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/anti-trump-vote-and-dobbs-abortion-ruling-boost-democrats-in-2022-election-11668007073
  21. False. Google over 3 trillion of that was in in coffee 2020 about 2.75 trillion was for covid 2021.
  22. Clearly you have no acquaintance with the facts: "In April 1919 Fascists and nationalists burned down the offices of the national Socialist daily, L’Avanti!, in Milan." " Local Fascist groups were soon founded in Emilia, Tuscany, and Puglia and by autumn 1920 were busy not only breaking up strikes but also dismantling Socialist and Catholic labour unions and peasants’ cooperatives and—often with police collusion—overthrowing newly elected local councils. Fascist squads, dressed in black-shirted uniforms and often financed by landowners or industrialists, used systematic violence to destroy these organizations. " https://www.britannica.com/place/Italy/The-Fascist-era
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