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  1. I was referring to what Musk said. I wasn't aware that he is a member of this forum. What's his avatar?
  2. First off, thanks for the fake statistic. Second, what's that got to do with whether or not someone who makes a prediction that runs counter to what the experts say, should experience some discredit?
  3. It's not about him changing his opinion, it's about him lying.
  4. Then why bother saying it all all? What does saying something may or may not happen contribute to a discussion? What can't that be said of that doesn't defy the laws of nature? And, of course, as I pointed out, if there shouldn't be any onus for getting it wrong, then certainly there shouldn't be any credit for getting it right. And your take ignores that probably means that the odds are in favor of it happening. And when you've got the epidemiological community overwhelmingly against you, and you say something probably will happen despite that, it's clear that you should incur some disfavor.
  5. So, it turns out once again that the most serious assaults on balloting systems are perpetrated by Trump supporters.
  6. Apparently, to you it's a get-out-jail-free card that allows you to escape any onus for calling it wrong. And what if his prediction had turned out to be correct? Would it be okay to point out that he only said "probably" so shouldn't get much credit for his prediction?
  7. Pretty bizarre. She was promising to create more jobs in British agriculture when produce is actually being left to rot because they can't find enough harvesters? She seemed especially concerned about British apples UK Worker Shortage Leaves £60 Million of Food to Rot in Fields An NFU survey shows that a third of growers have been forced to leave 100 tons of fruit - around 16m apples - unpicked because of a lack of labour. The UK apple harvest, worth £400 million a year, has been hit the hardest by the worker shortfall, in part fuelled by Brexit and ongoing political uncertainty. Growers of Brussells sprouts, cabbages and cauliflowers are also affected by the migrant drain as the busy Christmas period looms. https://www.farminguk.com/news/uk-labour-shortage-leaves-tons-of-fruit-to-rot_54184.html
  8. The courts ruled that for obvious reason what Graham was doing had nothing to do with his legislative duties. He was assisting a Presidential candidate. What has that got do do with actually legislating?
  9. Not just the media. But what about the lying corrupt Republicans in states like Georgia and Arizona?
  10. These globalists? "the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches and that, while they dine on the blood of children?" https://www.thedailybeast.com/lara-logan-goes-full-qanon-spews-blood-libel-on-newsmax?ref=scroll
  11. Even if you don't accept that "illegitimate" is referring to acts Trump committed while in office, there's a huge difference between the number of Trump supporters and Biden supporters who subscribe to such a counterfactual belief. Basically, those who try to defend Trump supporters are cherry-picking while those who defend Biden or Hillary Clinton can point both to polls and the statements of elected officials.
  12. In other words people who hold views like hers have all suffered some sort of trauma in their past that led to their holding of certain deranged viewpoints?
  13. I'm mocking your assertion of causality. She shares those opinions with lots of others. Are they all rape survivors? Did something terrible happen to Michael Flynn that explains his current views? Was it abuse of Donald Trump that explains why he retweets QAnon posts? Your assertion is ridiculous.
  14. I wasn't trying to get at causation, why Mike Flynn says what he says, which is what qualified psychologists and psychiastrists are trained for. Nor is lunatic a psychiatric phrase. But someone who espouses lunacy repeatedly has earned the designation.
  15. One partial fix for the problem is to forget about teaching phys ed in school and just make kids walk unattached to electronic devices. Well, except maybe a Fitbit. Every day for say 45 minutes to an hour. More and more, research is revealing the crucial role that just walking plays in promoting health.
  16. I doubt the Iranians would now be assisting Russia if the Trump administration hadn't withdrawn from the nuclear agreement and made it virtually impossible for other nations to continue trading with the Iranians. Whatever they're earning from selling weapons to Russia has got to be chump change compared what unrestricted sales of oil and gas would be earning them.
  17. I think the difference can be boiled down to 2 little words: "my" and "the". People who didn't vote for Trump often assert he's not my President. In other words, it's a way of saying they didn't vote for him and denying responsibility for his election. Especially to avoid being reproached for what "your President" did. It's a personal statement But what most Trump supporters claim is that Biden is not the President. It's not about disclaiming individual responsibility for Biden's victory, but rather an assertion that Biden actually lost the election. And that it was only through fraud and conspiracy that he now holds office. So, it's not about Biden not being "my" President only, but rather that he's not anybody's President.
  18. I think when a defendant loses a case and not only expresses no remorse, but doesn't indicate he will obey the law in the future, anything less than the max is merciful. "Nichols said that Bannon had failed to show responsibility for his conduct, a factor that ultimately led the judge to a heavier punishment. “He has expressed no remorse for his actions,” Nichols said during the proceedings, and the judge stressed that Bannon had not demonstrated that he would comply with the subpoenas... There were “problems,” the judge said, with Bannon’s position that Trump made an assertion of executive privilege that prevented Bannon testifying or turning over any documents." https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/21/politics/steve-bannon-sentencing-contempt-congress/index.html Judge Nichol was nominated for the position by Donald Trump.
  19. "Illegitimate" has lots of different uses. Democrats weren't using it to claim mass voter voter fraud and that Hillary Clinton actually won the election.
  20. Thanks for the expert diagnosis, Dr. Hanaguma. Maybe Mike Flynn and the rest of the lunatic conspiracists also were sexually assaulted by the mob in Egypt?
  21. One of the big lies floating out there is that oil companies production or exploration has been suppressed somehow by the Biden administration. It's true that there was a big reduction in oil exploration. But this stsarted during the Trump administration because of finances. Oil and gas prices were low so banks insisted that oil companies stop chasing after oil that would cost too much to extract and start improving returns to shareholders. In addition, the most productive oil producing areas with oil and gas that is cheap to extract like the Permian BAsis are in private hands Also, as noted above, oil and gas companies have stored up huge supplies of permits thanks to the Trump administration policy of selling them off cheaply. Finally, oil and as companies have been constrained by the same supply shortages as other industries.
  22. Russia-Ukraine War Zelensky Calls for Observer Mission at Key Hydroelectric Dam President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine warned on Thursday that Russia was preparing a “false flag” operation to blow up a large hydroelectric dam in the south of the country, potentially flooding 80 towns, villages and cities, including the strategically important city of Kherson. He said that the plot to attack the dam at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant in the city of Nova Kakhovka was aimed at framing Ukraine for the devastating humanitarian and ecological disaster that would ensue. He called for the creation of an international observation mission at the plant, saying it was imperative to prevent a potential catastrophe. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/10/21/world/russia-ukraine-war-news
  23. It may be a trivial point, but it's true. But you make the point based on the trivial fact that one columnist at the Guardian was a communist. You acknowledged the inadequacy of that datum by further claiming when you were challenged that many columnists at the Guardian are communists. But wouldn't back that up.
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