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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. the justice department during the Trump administration had plenty of time to investigate Joe Biden. Apparently, they came up with nothing.
  2. First off, saying something is an action. And claiming that words have no effect on the action of others is ridiculous.
  3. They probably did expect something in return for Hunter being the son of Joe Biden. The issue is whether they got anything. The attempt to tie Biden to a quid pro quo in the Burisma case has long since been exploded. Except possibly for those who trust Rudolph Giuliani's 2 criminal witnesses who were working for Oleg Deripaska, who was the middleman between Paul Manafort and the Russian govt. He is currently fighting extradition to the United States. Their relationship recovered, however, and Deripaska has been described as "Putin's favorite industrialist".[119] Leaked U.S. diplomatic cables from 2006 described Deripaska as "among the 2–3 oligarchs Putin turns to on a regular basis" and "a more-or-less permanent fixture on Putin's trips abroad".[120] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleg_Deripaska
  4. Retaliation by China is certainly a possibility. However the Chinese economy is already doing a lot worse than it should be thanks to the misrule of Xi.
  5. Whoever those "some" are, precious few of them seem to be Ukrainians.
  6. So, you agree that saying nothing and saying that he wants to lead the protest are different. Just as words or different in effect?
  7. First off, you would have to know what percentage of people below the top 10% is held in some way in stocks. Also, as I believe I've pointed out to you before, and as I noted in this thread as well, right now stocks are where they were 2 years ago. They're still way up from where they were for most of the investing lifetime of those who hold stocks. You don't seem to want to acknowledge that stark fact.
  8. First off, just because Eberstadt claims that handouts keep workers from returning to work, that doesn't make it so. There are lots of disputes about that. More importantly, there are still a huge number of job openings going unfilled. Finally, there is the effect of long covid. Several states in the US cut short Covid benefits in the belief that it would encourage workers to return to work. It didn't work.
  9. Actually, once NARA realized that documents were missing they went out of their way not to make a Federal case out of it so to speak. It was only after learning that highly sensitive documents could still be in Trump's possession that a search warrant was obtained and the search conducted. Please find me the evidence that shows Merrick Garland is actually a member of the Democratic Party or has made donations to Democratic candidates. I can't find any. Christopher Wray, the head of the FBI, was appointed by Trump and has made donations to Republican candidates. He is a member of the Federalist Society which is very very conservative. Wray is a Republican and a member of the Federalist Society.55][ https://aseannow.com/topic/1274633-employee-told-fbi-that-trump-personally-directed-moving-of-mar-a-lago-records-report/page/2/#comment-17670979
  10. https://usafacts.org/articles/what-percentage-of-americans-own-stock/
  11. LOL. You overlook the fact that saying something and saying nothing are different.
  12. I don't know what you mean by a "pre-fabricated doc and records tangle with NARA". He was repeatedly asked to return all the documents he had taken from the White House. NARA was actually very patient with him.There is plenty of evidence that his lawyers advised him to comply with NARA's requests. He not only refused their advice, he apparently lied about the content of the boxes containing those documents. It was only after Trump's incomplete compliance that NARA called in the Justice Dept. At some point, apparently through an informant, the DOJ found out that there were some seriously sensitive documents in Trump's possession. Hence the search warrant and search of the premises. Documents marked classified were found. Some of the documents contained in the boxes allegedly hold very sensitive information. Some of those documents found their way to his bedroom! Not exactly the storage area where he had promised to keep them. Even though that area doesn't comply with security requirements, at least it was superior to his bedroom. Mar a Lago is not a secure place to be storing such documents. There is a huge amount of evidence against Trump. But apparently you would be honored by someone who blatantly breaks the law against his own attorneys' counsel. Remind me not to bet on your team.
  13. As has been previously pointed out to you, one potential violation of the law in relation to Jan 6 is pressuring pence to obstruct the counting of the electoral votes. Pence's top lawyer testified he heard John Eastman tell Trump that such an attempt would be illegal.
  14. The thrust of the Justice Depts investigation clearly has to do with Trump's alleged illegal possession of documents. It also looks like there is strong evidence of obstruction of justice. Not only have I never accused Trump of espionage, I'have in this forum frequently disputed those allegations. My take on it has always been that it was just his way of assauaging his hurt feelings and trolling the incoming administration. That and his inability to distinguish what belongs to him and what belongs to the government.
  15. Not to TSMC. The limitations also prohibit the export of chip manufacturing tools and design software and forbid the top silicon fabs in the world, such as Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg. Co. Ltd. and Samsung, from producing cutting-edge chips for Chinese businesses.
  16. The Espionage Act. The one about illegal possession of govt documents.
  17. Anyway, Xi must be really upset with Biden & Son. After paying them off with all those alleged yuan, this is how the Bidens show their gratitude? By imposing a crippling blow on China's economy?
  18. I was wondering about that, too. I think you're right. Unless there is an issue of dual citizenship, I don't think that the American govt. can do that.
  19. I agree with you. I actually find out about the article from some supporter of Trump here at aseanow.com who put up a link to it in a thread.
  20. I know they're not. But some former right wing clerk to some supreme court justice wrote an essay in which he claimed that the Presidential Records Act means that the Patriot Act doesn't apply to the President. It gained some currency with the right wing before expiring somewhere or other.
  21. You raised the issue of what crimes Trump is accused of committing on Jan 6, I replied quite specifically about one. Apparently, you want to ignore that which is certainly your right.
  22. Really? Am I about to be told why Trump's possession of government documents isn't a violation of the law because of the Presidential Records Act?
  23. Also, I guess you didn't get it that Katyal is mocking Trump. Trump's response, while it's nuts, doesn't indicate the kind of insanity that will get him time in a psychiatric facility instead of a prison.
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