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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I don't think the Democrats are going to hold aid as hostage. As I've remarked elsewhere, this is an opportunity to expose what a lowlife Desantis is by comparing his denial of aid in the wake of Hurricane Sandy to what the Democrats' response will be to this disaster.
  2. And so was the Northeast after Hurricane Sandy. Desantis voted against that. As did most Republican members of the House and Senate.. What a bunch of lowlifes.
  3. It's heading to South Carolina. It's expected to land shortly as a Category 1 Hurricane.
  4. I've read your posts. They're not about entertainment value. If that were the case, you wouldn't so clearly have picked a side.
  5. It's because many people have died and many are in distress that this is exactly the right time to raise the issue. There's a vote coming soon and it's important for voteers to know the kind of people they'll have to choose from. Those who turn their backs on their fellow Americans when they're down or those who turn towards them to help. As I noted before: a teachable moment. Prissiness about unpleasantess is just an excuse for not facing facts about the debased nature of the Republcan party.
  6. Please. You managed to contribute extensively to threads about American politic The fact is, what the Republicans did is morally indefensible and you've just go no way to defend it.
  7. It's going to be a pretty weak argument unless they've got some evidence that so far hasn't been revealed. I personaly have no doubt that Trump was delighted by the insurrection and intended to incite it, but there just isn't enough there to support the Oath Keepers claims. Trump played them as he has played the entire MAGA movement.
  8. Why? Aid will flow to the people who need it whether Democrats point out how vile the Republicans have been or not. This is what's called a teachable moment. Do you think the Republicans deserve some sort of amnesty for what they did? Or maybe you believe that they did nothing wrong at all?
  9. Whereas the hard right is suffused with love for those who disagree with them?
  10. I don't think so. Do you think it's insignificant that the Democrats will behave oppositely to the Republicans when their fellow citizens are in distress? I think the Republicans should be called to account for their vile actions. And before an election is a great time to do it. That will outline a huge difference between the 2 parties.
  11. And Governor DeSantis is asking the Federal government for emergency aid. This is the same guy who voted against emergency aid for the Northeast when Hurricane Sandy wreaked terrible damage there. As did 178 other Republicans in the House.. I hope Biden and other Democrats remind Floridians of this when they push for assisting Florida as most, if not all, surely will.
  12. If this is a recession, it's an awfully strange one. Workers who get laid off are quickly rehired Laid-Off Workers Hired Quickly by Other Companies: This Labor Market Is Astonishingly Strong, Fuel for Fed Inflation Worries https://wolfstreet.com/2022/09/29/laid-off-workers-hired-quickly-by-other-companies-this-labor-market-is-still-astonishingly-strong-fuel-for-more-inflation-worries-at-the-fed/
  13. I didn't ask for an example. I asked for proof that the Guardian was Communist. That would entail supporting the abolition of private property and a government takeover of the means of production. What in their editorial stance supports your allegation? To claim that 1 Communist columnist out of so many means a publication is communist says a lot about the politics of a person making such an allegation and nothing at all about the target of them. You've got nothing.
  14. So a single columnist speaks for the Guardian? Isn't the point of having columnists to provide a range of opinions? Are all the Guardian columnists Communists? Half? One quarter? A few?
  15. Thank you for letting us know that the Guardian is a communitst publication. I haven't seen where they have advocated for the abolition of private property and a government takeover of the means of production. We can agree that sources are crucial. Therefore, could you please direct me to your source for this allegation?
  16. Why not? Russians have an abundance of highly skilled IT workers.
  17. You would thinks so. Rising sea levels now make flooding a regular occurence along much of the coast even in balmy weather when the moon is full. But that hasn't stopped people from moving there. Sooner or later, Florida will be mostly Everglades again. And even then I bet Floridians rather than leave will choose to live on rafts.
  18. One would think that such a ridiculous statement would be a joke. But the dismal history of the Brexit threads shows otherwise.
  19. So, how strong is the government's case against Danchenko, the third and final defendant? Maybe not very: Durham target heading to trial as probe winds down A federal judge on Thursday rejected Trump-Russia dossier source Igor Danchenko’s motion to dismiss the charges that Durham indicted him on in November 2021, which include five counts of lying to the FBI... Judge Anthony Trenga for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia said that while the decision was an “extremely close call,” he would not wipe out the charges against Danchenko because the government overcame the motion to dismiss. It will now be up to a jury to decide whether a crime was committed beyond a reasonable doubt when Danchenko’s trial begins on Oct. 11. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/29/durham-trial-probe-trump-00059552
  20. My comment was part of a mini thread that began with this: Oddly enough, you didn't object to this post. Double standard much?
  21. And the older a voter in the UK is, the more likely they are to support Brexit.
  22. The difference is I'm not denying that the United States committed human rights abuses at Guantanamo Bay. But you are denying that China committed massive human rights abuses against the uyghurs.
  23. If something hurts your opponent then it benefits you. Europe and Russia are opponents. The rise in gas prices hurts Europe. Therefore Europe's opponent, Russia, is helped. If I were to make this any simpler, I'd have to use a Ouija board to solicit Dr. Seuss' help.
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