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  1. Read the fine print: https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/bank-england-buy-long-dated-bonds-suspends-gilt-sales-2022-09-28/
  2. As that 5 day old article notes, that happened because of the tax cuts. Maybe now that things have changed, so have the plans of the BOE.
  3. I'd like to think that there would be celebrations about my departure sooner than that.
  4. Actually, she shared it with the world. It's called solar power and wind power.
  5. And you are offering absolutely nothing in the way of evidence.
  6. Biden has released his IRS records for public perusal. Don't you think that all Presidents should do the same? After all, it's required of their subordinates.
  7. You forget that Russian war profiteers are also making out quite handsomely.
  8. "In an article published on Sunday in a major Russian newspaper, Komsomolskaya Pravda, a prominent war correspondent traveling with fleeing Russian forces described demoralized troops with “empty eyes” who barely escaped Lyman with their lives. In an unusually candid assessment, the account, written by Aleksandr Kots, said that in the last few days of their occupation, Russian forces in Lyman were plagued by desertion, poor planning and the late arrival of reserves. “The risk of encirclement or shameful imprisonment became too great, and the Russian command made a decision to fall back,” he wrote." https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/10/02/world/russia-ukraine-war-news
  9. What could Labor do given that they are very much a mnority party in Parliament?
  10. Actually, it would take a kind of amazing memory not to recall it.
  11. As for "butting in"... if you want to offer private counseling, a forum open to all members of aseannow.com is not exactly a sensible place to do it.
  12. Well, unless you made that suggestion in bad faith, why wouldn't you follow it when the time comes? Anyone who claims to suspend judgement on such lunatic policies as Truss is pursuing must be at least secret admirer.
  13. I dictated this early in the morning without checking it for errors. Here's the revised version: They "stormed" Mar a Lago? You must have lived a very sheltered life if you believe a knock on the door and presentation of a warrant constitute storming. And you know for a fact that none of the documents Trump absconded with pose a threat to national security were the information contained within to fall into the wrong hands? You've read the documents?
  14. Not even if he had told these hedge fund people what his plans were? Would it be illegal for his audience to profit from their advance knowledge?
  15. Yet you suggested it for someone else. I guess you're saving for the future when there's a PM you don't admire.
  16. Actually, thinking that one could contact the PM directly or suggesting to someone that they try would be a mark of delusional thinking or su. So tell us, have you thought of contacting the Prime Minister?
  17. Superstitious behavior often springs from the logical fallacy known as Post hoc ergo propter hoc (Latin: 'after this, therefore because of this') is an informal fallacy that states: "Since event Y followed event X, event Y must have been caused by event X." It is often shortened simply to post hoc fallacy. So it's not surprising that you would seriously invoke this since so many of Trump's admirers think he's magic.
  18. SO you have a problem with my post but not the post that it was in response to. I think we know why that is. In the bag for Trump much? Here's that bizarre over-the-top post again:
  19. But services are produced. And people are willing to pay for them.
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