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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Actually opinion polls were running very close on the question and well within the margin of error. It was just pundits who were opining mostly that the brexit vote would fail.
  2. You sure the war won't end soon? I think Ukrainians are Europeans. And the consequences of a Russian victory are far worse for them. I'm guessing your remark about your daughters' situation in the UK is some kind of joke.
  3. If you want to learn about the other cuts favoring the wealthy, here is the link from Chomper Higgot's post. https://fullfact.org/economy/kwasi-kwarteng-mini-budget/
  4. Well, as the Ukrainians might say, better to cut off your nose than to have your throat slit. UN investigators have reported on the atrocities committed by the Russians. Imagine what they could do if given free rein.
  5. Actually it would make sense for Russia to bomb their pipeline. That way they could claim that they want to restore natural gas supplies to Europe but can't because of the dastardly act committed by some western malefactor.
  6. Actually, the off ramps aren't being removed. Lately Russian troops have been retreating on them in Donbas and now in Kherson.
  7. You mean the Russians will stay in place and not take advantage of the situation and at the least occupy territory that they claim is now part of Russia? How about Russia withdraw from Ukraine and end its massvie violation of international law. Then let diplomacy take its course.
  8. Is it fair enough? If evidence is overwhelming that a decision is bad, is it unreasonable to criticize it? It's not like this is a close call.
  9. Who was driving the expansion of NATO? No need for you to answer. It was the countries that remember what it was like to be under the Russian/Soviet jackboot after WW2. The countries that heard Russia claim it has a legitimate right to intervene to protect ethnic Russians resident in other countries. That's who is driving the expansion.
  10. You may have a point. She can be left to trounce herself
  11. Anyway, it's not going to happen, Hungary certainly would stand in the way. Turkey most likely, too.
  12. And now my replies are endless rant? You raised 2 points I refuted them.
  13. Hww about the stamp duty? Wasn't that cut?
  14. "Just because Trump got mentioned once" And you accuse me of going on about him? Misleading much? As though mentioning him was some impersonal event devoid of human agency? He didn't just get mentioned. You brought him up. You mentioned him. Not me. You. But I guess yours is one way to wave a white flag.
  15. Not everything that happens in other parts of the world has reference to events in the United States. But if Trump's departure was crucial to the attack, why did Putin wait over a year before launching its invasion? There is nothing in the record that suggest Putin had any fear of Trump. But there's plenty in the record to suggest that he had no reason to fear Trump.
  16. Sure, if one thing Trump demonstrated during his term in office is how opposed he was to Russia in its attacks on Ukraine, That's why, after Congress had authorized a second round for the Ukrainians as they were under a stepped-up attack from the Russians, Trump ignored the please of the Ukrainian govt for months. Even though the transfer of weaponry has been authorized. Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal As the House impeachment inquiry continues to uncover substantial evidence of Trump’s abuses of power, one thing has become clear: President Donald Trump illegally withheld military aid to Ukraine. No one from the Trump administration has been able to point to any legal authority that allowed Trump to withhold the funding for the length of time and in the manner that he did. Even Trump’s defenders in the House, who have speciously claimed that the president had reasons for holding the aid other than pressuring Ukraine to investigate his political rivals, have not provided justifications that are legal. https://www.justsecurity.org/67489/trumps-hold-on-ukrainian-military-aid-was-illegal/
  17. And the news is getting better. Reports are that Ukrainian forces have advanced at least 40 kilometers and threaten to encircle Russian troops in Kherson. Lots of Russians, though far from all, seem to have gotten away in Lyman. But in Kherson, they've got the river at their backs and the bridges are destroyed or unsuitable for transport. If the shape of previous defears is anything to go by, the Russian forces in the South are at the point of collapse. But this time it may be a mass surrender instead of a rout. Here's hoping.' https://www.tbsnews.net/world/ukraine-makes-progress-kherson-region-russian-installed-official-confirms-507774
  18. You may remember what interest rates were back then, but you clearly have forgotten what homes cost back in the 80's. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MSPUS
  19. Not surprising that some disapprove of it: "The Conversation is a network of not-for-profit media outlets publishing news stories and research reports online, with accompanying expert opinion and analysis.[1][2] Articles are written by academics and researchers under a free Creative Commons license, allowing reuse without modification.[3][2] Its model has been described as explanatory journalism.[4][5][6] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Conversation_(website)
  20. This class of reflexive cynicism is really just a way of protecting one's beliefs. In other words, it's willful ignorance, choosing not to know the facts. Each case deserves to be investigated on its own merits.
  21. Well, in a way you're right. 4 or 5 days isn't relevant, but you're the one who raised that point in the first place. But the point I was making still stands: things have changed in an important way since that decision was announced. So BOE policy may change, too.
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