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  1. Now she Liz? She's a lowliife who was complicit in promoting the Iraq war and still defends it. And that's only one of a multitude of her sins.
  2. And if the GOP takes the house and the investigations don't go away, you can come back and say whatever you like.
  3. Because in the absence of demand the wealthy are going to invest and create businesses. What are they? Beavers? Time and time again supply side economics has failed. Brush up on history.
  4. It's hard to take seriously people who offer predictions like this as some sort of rebuttal. Especially when the evidence is so thin.
  5. Your prediction that Meloni's victory somehow signals that the EU is teetering on collapse is laughable. In fact, in 2019, Meloni dropped her opposition to the EU because it doesn't play well with Italians. 72% of Italians want to stay in the EU.
  6. But doctors say flying after the first trimester can be hazardous to the fetus...oh wait a minute...
  7. I've read the article. If what it reports is factually true, that counts as evidence. Whether it's enough evidence by itself to bring charges is a different question. But that's what investigations are for.
  8. Whereas it is easy to understand why he pardoned felons who could have implicated him in criminal acts.
  9. Are you taking your instructions from Mordor? You're comments are growing increasingly tendentious. JohnnyF dismissed the facts I offered by calling the Washington Post a rag like the Daily Mail. Now maybe to your way of thinking he was calling the Washington Post low quality because of the cheap newsprint it's still printed on?
  10. And yet you misapplied an arithmetical reckoning to the issue whyi?
  11. When someone challenges a source by writing this: "The Washington Post is a rag. It's the equivalent of quoting The Daily Star. " what other interpretation can be rationally offered?
  12. The notion that the Washington Post would sanction lying about something so easy to disprove is just nuts. Such a belief says a lot about its critics but very little about reality. Anyway, I took a wild crazy chance and googled "Italy gets access to almost $200 billion" Against all odds these turned up: "Meloni has repeatedly sought to calm fears she would challenge European Union rules designed to keep deficits in check, or jeopardize almost 200 billion euros ($196 billion) in recovery funds from the bloc by seeking to renegotiate some of the terms. Any change in Italy’s pro-EU stance could exacerbate fears about the country’s colossal debt burden." https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-25/far-right-leader-is-in-box-seat-to-succeed-mario-draghi-in-italy "Meloni has long been a Euroskeptic — and in the past has talked about taking Italy out of the common currency, the euro, and even of leaving the European Union. But she has repeatedly promised she'll work with the EU and can be trusted to manage the 200 billion euros ($194 billion) Italy has received in European pandemic recovery funds." https://www.npr.org/2022/09/24/1124685476/giorgia-meloni-italy-election "Italy’s next government cannot expect Brussels to renegotiate the fundamentals of a €200bn EU-funded Covid-19 recovery plan and must stick firmly to the reform pledges that Rome has made, the EU’s economic commissioner has warned. Paolo Gentiloni said it was in Italy’s interests to press ahead with reforms to reboot its underperforming economy, no matter who won snap elections in September after the collapse of prime minister Mario Draghi’s government. “You know the Latin pacta sunt servanda — agreements must be kept,” Gentiloni, a former Italian prime minister, said in an interview." https://www.ft.com/content/a0d78778-2d10-47e6-88a9-6fc70356fa9d "Italy has huge amounts of EU money on the line. It is awaiting nearly €200 billion in EU cash and loans as part of the country’s massive share of the bloc’s coronavirus recovery stimulus package. In order to secure each instalment, the government must deliver on a long list of commitments to reform and cut back spending made by previous administrations." https://www.euractiv.com/section/elections/news/eu-sees-trouble-but-no-breakdown-with-italy-far-right-in-power/ Enough?
  13. Italy's contributions are a fraction of the support they'll be getting from the EU. Do the math. And spare us the irrelevant slagging of the Washington Post. But I guess if you can't rebut the facts, that's the route you've got to take.
  14. Actually, if you have been following the elections in Italy you would know that it's extremely unlikely that the right wing government of Italy will leave the EU, In fact, thanks to an approximately 200 billiion euro fund, Italy is actually in better shape financially now than the EU. Britain has replaced Italy as Europe’s problem economy By Sebastian Mallaby However loudly the populists used to denounce Europe’s Germanic orthodoxy, they now promise to implement the economic plan drawn up by Draghi and approved by the E.U. — not least because it comes with almost $200 billion of post-pandemic recovery aid from Brussels. Over the summer, fearing another euro-zone crisis triggered by the price shocks from the Ukraine war, the central bank created a bond-buying program to protect wobbly countries from short-selling hedge funds. To retain access to this support, Italy has to avoid crazy policies. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/09/26/britain-europe-weak-economy/ So, your claim that Italy doesn't need EU "grants" is irrelevant. More than ever it needs EU support. Within nations, some regions are net contributors and some are net beneficiaries. Why should it be different in the EU? Especially, when the quantities, viewed in relation to a country's GDP are so small. Do you know how relatively small the net contributions of the UK were to the EU? About 0.35% of total GDP.
  15. .Except you can't stop murder by passing a law whereas the prohibition on providing abortions in cases of rape or incest can be retracted in precisely that way.
  16. So you're focusing on ranking rather than the net contribution? Really? So apparently, to your way of thinking the rank is more important than the actual net contribution? Also, this ranking is by nation and takes no account of population. Naturally the UK will have contributed more than the Netherland on a gross basis. It was the 2nd most populous country in the EU. But on a per capita basis?
  17. You keep on banging that drum about the Justice Dept being reluctant to indict him. Your idea of how the justice system in the USA works must come from TV shows. It bears very little relation to reality. The Dept is now being run by serious by-the-book investigators. That means that they are being careful and cautious in the event that their investigations result in an indictment.Let's leave the errors and the amateurism to Trump's legal team. Which clearly includes Judge Cannon.
  18. According to this expert, the last time the UK fed itself was probably in the early 19th century. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/dec/03/could-britain-feed-itself-we-ask-the-expert And the diet would be very dull. Although given the pace of global warming maybe in 20 years there could be banana plantations in Devonshire.
  19. These figures are, of course, incomplete, since they take no account of how much each nation receives from the EU. In other words, is it a net contributor or net beneficiary. The net contributions would be much much lower than the numbesr you cite.. So why cite them? Also, it doesn't take into account contributions on a per capita basis. The UK has roughly 13 times the population of Finland. Did it contribute on 13 times as much on a net per capita basis?
  20. Trump SPAC Digital World changes address to a PO box at a UPS store https://seekingalpha.com/news/3886117-trump-spac-digital-world-changes-address-to-a-po-box-at-a-ups-store That doesn't look good but the new address is still relatively prestigious compared to moving to, say, Trump Tower.
  21. Well, Snowden did a great public service by releasing info on NSA illegal wiretapping of U.S. Citizens. He also released data on a lot of stuff that wasn't illegal. It was open for Obama's successor to pardon Snowden. I haven't seen any criticism of him on that account. Instead he used that power to pardon criminal lowlifes who could have implicated him in illegal activities.
  22. As I pointed out repeatedly, sometimes a doctor judges a late term abortion to be necessary. The doctor should not have to run the risk of losing their license or even facing imprisonment. because of being second guessed by the government. It's especially a creepy situation in a state like Texas (others have followed) where private citizens have now been empowered to bring lawsuits against doctors doing abortions based on these private citizens' understanding of medical necessity.
  23. My mistake. But if you think that's rare, what about 3rd trimester abortions? "The majority of abortions in 2019 took place early in gestation: 92.7% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (6.2%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (<1.0%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/abortion.htm And that figure of less than 1% is for pregnancies terminated after 21 weeks. That still leaves another 5 weeks for a second trimester abortion. So the figure is a lot lower than those for rape and incest.
  24. It' says a lot about your way of thinking and nothing at all about economic reality that you think this is relevant or significant. It's a market that 5.5 times the size of the UK's. The whole point of the EU is that it doesn't matter how many countries are in it when it comes to buying and selling, because, to coin a phrase, it's a Common Market.
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