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  1. Will you doubt his conclusions if he's not British?
  2. It may come as a surprsie to youo to learn that not all winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics are British.
  3. Explosions aren't proof? What kind of accident could make methane explode with no oxygen present?
  4. Really? Simultaneously in 2 different pipelines that differ a lot by age? And the Scandinavians are saying there was an explosion. As Rabas pointed out, methane won't explode underwater because there's no oxygen. I think the case for sabotage is proven. Who is responsible is a different matter.
  5. This failure to recover fully and exceed previous GDP can be explained by the decline in UK exports to the EU: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=United_Kingdom-EU_-_international_trade_in_goods_statistics#:~:text=Imports reached a minimum of,recovered to € 24.8 billion.
  6. Actually, sound bites, angry videos, and memes based on falsehoods are the hallmark of shills. That characterizes who exactly.?...Hmmm...
  7. Maybe not so interesting Hundreds of pounds of TNT were used to damage the Nord Stream pipelines, Sweden and Denmark tell the UN Leaks that have badly damaged the Nord Stream natural gas pipelines were caused by hundreds of pounds of TNT, Denmark and Sweden said in a joint report to the United Nations. The countries cited the latest development in a joint report to the UN Security Council on Friday, adding the explosions were a deliberate act, Denmark's TV2 first reported. The pipelines that carry gas from Russia to Europe began leaking on Monday, with the Swedish coast guard saying there were two leaks in the Swedish economic zone, and another two in the Danish zone. https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/world/hundreds-of-pounds-of-tnt-were-used-to-damage-the-nord-stream-pipelines-sweden-and-denmark-tell-the-un/ar-AA12t9D5
  8. Paul Krugman, the economist who was the pioneer in studying currency crises and has condemned the Truss economic policy, actually believes that the pound isn't in danger of collapsing. And he wrote this before the pound's recovery. Here is a link to his tweets on the subject
  9. Good thing that the Tories so admantly opposed the War in Iraq...oh wait a minute. In fact, wasn't it the case the Labour was less supportive? The Labour and Conservative parties were both committed to approving the invasion, but a quarter[6] of Labour MPs voted against the invasion. The Liberal Democrats, who had one in twelve of the MPs in parliament, also opposed the invasion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Parliamentary_approval_for_the_invasion_of_Iraq There was also an amendment proposed that said that the case for war had not yet been established. Conservates vote was 138 nay 15 aye. Labour was 245 to 138. Lib Dems 0 to 53 . And despite the fact that the Conservatives were the most supportive of the invasion, the Iraq war convinced you to switch to them? Based on the vote, it seems the Lib Dems would have been the natural home for you and the conservatives the most unnatural. Something about this decision of yours strikes me as being a bit odd.
  10. Did you actually read the article? The authors of that same 2013 study found a substantial regional and global increase in the proportion of the strongest hurricanes – category 4 and 5 storms. The authors attribute that increase to global heating of the climate: “We conclude that since 1975 there has been a substantial and observable regional and global increase in the proportion of Cat 4-5 hurricanes of 25-30 percent per °C of anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming.” https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2019/07/how-climate-change-is-making-hurricanes-more-dangerous/ And if course it would be bizarre if it weren't true. Hurricanes draw their power from the heat in the oceans. The oceans are getting warmer. Therefore.... The troposphere is getting warmer. Therefore the air can hold more water vapor. Water vapor is the precursor to rain. Therefore...
  11. Someday, you're going to surprise me and actually offer some evidence to back up your assertions. But today is not that day. How climate change is making hurricanes more dangerous Stronger wind speeds, more rain, and worsened storm surge add up to more potential destruction https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2019/07/how-climate-change-is-making-hurricanes-more-dangerous/
  12. Why am I not shocked that you dismiss one of the world's leading news media sources? Your characterizations are laughable. 'Russia still invaded anyway'? Yes they did but because the Biden administration, against much of the world's "expert" consensus, repeatedly warned that it wasn't a question of if Russia was going to invade but when. Remember how Russia kept on denying that an invasion was planned and lots of people in important places kept on believing them? The Biden's administration's stance cemented its status as the leader in understanding what Russia was up to. And since you reflexively won't accept the NY Times report, what about those lefties at The Telegraph? US and Germany 'absolutely united' as Joe Biden promises to scrap Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades Olaf Scholz 'we will act together' after White House meeting with Joe Biden https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/02/07/us-working-prevent-europeans-dying-fears-grow-putin-could-cut/ Biden got Germany to agree to scrap Nordstream 2 in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Not only that, but Biden and Zelensky actually disagreed on the likelihood of a Russian invasion. You think Biden's correct take didn't cement his authority? Friendly arguments: Biden’s and Zelensky’s disagreement on the threat from Russia https://ecfr.eu/article/friendly-arguments-bidens-and-zelenskys-disagreement-on-the-threat-from-russia/
  13. Happy to help you cope with the Internet. In Standoff With Putin, Biden Makes Sure European Allies Are With Him In what amounts to a much-needed diplomatic reset, the U.S. is orchestrating the response to Russia’s threatening moves and making sure to include his European allies. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/28/world/europe/biden-putin-ukraine-europe.html
  14. Fossil fuel companies and their fellow travelers have managed to convince large numbers of Americans that there is some serious scientific doubt about the reality and consequences of human-caused climate change. So people keep on moving to places like Florida and the American southwest despite the increasingly dangerous climate situations in those regions.
  15. They "stormed" Mar a Lago? You must have lived a very sheltered life if you believe s knock on the door and presentation of a warrant constitutes storming. And you know for a fact that none of the documents Trump absconded with don't pose a threat to national security were the information contained within to fall into the wrong hands? You've read the documents?
  16. An allegedly fragile leader who managed to unify the EU against Trump's "genius" friend.
  17. Right. A big majority of Republicans voted against disaster aid for their fellow Americans and it's the Democrats who are uncaring? Get back to me after the vote and we'll see how uncaring the Democrats are
  18. Actually, Trump made his first warning in 2018. Obama and Biden told the Europeans they were making a mistake years before that.
  19. Well there is this: A senior Ukrainian military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that Lyman was “already liberated.” “A mop-up is ongoing,” the official said. “The Russians have nowhere to run.” https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/10/01/world/russia-ukraine-war-news
  20. The Russians have pulled out of Lyman. Russian troops forced to withdraw from Lyman as Ukrainian troops gain ground Ukrainian soldiers were later seen raising the nation’s flag before the entrance sign to the strategic city. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/europe/article/2022/10/01/russian-troops-forced-to-withdraw-from-lyman-as-ukrainian-troops-gain-ground_5998778_143.html
  21. Just replying to an enthusiastic Trump fan with something he's probably unfamilar with called evidence.
  22. Exclusive poll: Anti-Trump voters would pay over $5,000 to guarantee he doesn’t run A strong majority of voters don’t want to see either Joe Biden or Donald Trump run for president again in 2024, but they’re willing to pay more to keep Trump off the ballot, according to a new Deseret News/HarrisX national poll. When asked whether they want Biden to run for president again, 66% of voters said he should not run, compared to only 58% of voters who don’t want Trump on the ballot. But the voters who don’t want Trump to run are willing to pay more to keep him off the ballot — a measure of how strong voters’ feelings are about the former president. https://www.deseret.com/2022/9/26/23363500/exclusive-poll-anti-trump-voters-would-pay-over-5000-to-guarantee-he-doesnt-run Only 35% of Voters Believe Donald Trump Should Be Eligible to Serve as President Again: Poll A new poll seems to show waning support for former President Donald Trump's political future, with more than 50% of respondents saying he should be barred from serving as president again down the road. The poll — conducted by Yahoo News/YouGov shortly after New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a new lawsuit against the Trump family — asked nearly 1,600 registered voters whether the former president should "be allowed to serve as president again in the future," given "what we know about the ongoing investigations." Fifty-one percent of respondents said that in light of his legal troubles, he should not be allowed to serve as president again. https://people.com/politics/majority-voters-think-trump-should-be-ineligible-to-serve-as-president/ On the other hand 35% think he should be eligible Two-thirds of independents say they don't want Trump to run for president Former President Donald Trump continues to heavily suggest he will run for president in 2024, but a new poll out from NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist shows voters in the middle overwhelmingly don't want him to give it another go. Sixty-seven percent of independents said they do not want Trump to run again, while just 28% said they do. In 2020, Trump lost independents and lost the election. https://www.npr.org/2022/09/07/1121307491/poll-trump-fbi-search-run-2024
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